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从《飘》看南北战争   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《飘》通过对主人公郝思嘉的刻画,从侧面展现了美国南北战争始末以及南方人民在这场战争的命运与遭际。与北方的蓬勃发展相比,战前的南方表面华丽宁静,其社会制度却极其腐朽,经济落后,安于现状,注定在战争中失败,落后的奴隶制注定被新文明取代。可贵的是,作者是站在“反方”南方人的角度上,以人道主义的眼光展现了战争的残酷和社会制度艰难的裂变,值得人们思考。  相似文献   
民间高等教育协会组织在美国高等教育的发展历程中作出了不可替代的重要贡献,其基本类型包括:全国性协会、专业性协会、卫星协会、地区性协会等,它们通过召开会议、开展学术研究、出版、发行刊物、游说政府部门或发表咨询报告等多种途径,积极参与和融入美国高等教育事业的发展,在协调美国高校与政府和市场的关系、促进高校之间的交流、维护教师合法权益、帮助毕业生就业、影响联邦政府高等教育决策等方面起了积极的作用,成为美国不同类型高校利益的维护者和代言人。  相似文献   
公民的受教育平等权是我国法律保护的公民权的重要内容。封堵“高考移民”政策侵犯了公民依法享有的受教育平等权,存在着一系列的法律问题。解决高考移民问题的关键除了要缩小不同地域教育水平的落差,还要修订和完善现行的政策法规,规范政府的行政行为,建立公民受教育权司法救济制度,以保障公民平等接受高等教育权利的实现。  相似文献   
保护农民的金融权益对于实现农民平等的生存和发展具有重大意义,农民金融权是保护农民金融利益的基础。给予农民正当的金融权利,制定保护农民金融权利的法律制度,是进一步实现社会正义的关键。保护农民的金融权利,必须要以公平为价值准则来配置金融资源,同时要完善相关金融立法,平衡执法利益。提高农民的法律意识,建立有效的农民利益表达机制也是保护农民金融权利的必要措施。  相似文献   
我国公务员制度的特色与创新——从比较法的视角   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
公务员的任用,关系到国家的兴衰和民族的强弱,中国是世界文官制度的发祥地,经过几百年的发展,西方发达国家不断丰富和完善了公务员管理制度。比较借鉴西方现代公务员范围、分类、录用、任免及救济制度,创立中国特色的公务员制度是推进中国法治建设的必由之路。  相似文献   
We are heading into an era of uncontrolled and uncontrollable information flow. In the past, the tools of information flow required large investments, and the persons controlling them were easily identifiable. Now, effective long-range communication with large numbers of people can be done using tools that are easily affordable to the average citizen. Moreover, it can be done in ways that make monitoring and control virtually impossible. This is not a worrisome future change that can be averted by prompt action; it is a fait accompli and there is no reversing it. However, this is not necessarily clear to those interested in monitoring and control. Unfortunately, the bulk of electronic communication is still relatively exposed to monitoring and control, and is likely to remain so for a while. The danger is that the authorities, trying to retain a grip on a situation that is irretrievably slipping away, will react to the extremes of the problem in ways that leave ordinary users' privacy unprotected. The best approach is to adapt traditional solutions rather than inventing new ones. The safeguards built into the traditional solutions may not be precisely appropriate, but they are far better than nothing.  相似文献   
《知识产权法新论》成书于我国政府提出建设创新型国家战略目标、国际知识产权理论和各国法制实践的许多问题均需重新审视之际。该书打破传统法学研究中仅注重知识产权实体权利建构的逻辑思维方式,在体系、内容和思路等方面都新意迭出,具有一定的理论价值与实践意义。  相似文献   
The purpose of the article is to demonstrate how the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) Rights Respecting Schools Award makes positive contributions to children’s lives and experiences at school. Within the overall context of education as a right, the Award supports children to learn about their rights and the rights of others. By learning through a rights-based framework, children experience a rights-based approach to education and start to become active rights thinkers and rights holders. This article presents findings regarding the lived experiences of children participating in a rights education programme from a primary school in England. The results are consistent with previous rights education research and confirm that teaching and supporting the human rights of children to children, through a rights education programme, encourages children to practice, protect and promote the rights of others within their school.  相似文献   
诚实信用原则对诉讼权利滥用之制衡   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
诚实信用原则在民事诉讼中要求法院、当事人及其他诉讼参与人在进行民事诉讼时必须公正和诚实、善意:滥用诉讼权利是违背权利设置目的,专门以损害对方当事人或国家利益为目的行使权利的行为.为诚实信用原则所禁止。各国均立法规制当事人滥用诉讼权利。我国民事诉讼法也规定了滥用诉讼权利的程序性惩罚措施,但并未规定相应的损害赔偿责任。为有效遏制当事人滥用诉讼权利,切实落实诚实信用原则。我国民事诉讼法应当确立当事人滥用诉讼权利的损害赔偿制度。  相似文献   
高等学校是我国事业单位法人,属于法律法规授权行使部分行政职能的授权组织,具有行政主体、行政相对人、民事主体三重身份。正确界定高等学校的法律性质和法律地位,有助于加强对高等学校的管理和监督,规范高等学校的管理行为和服务行为,为行政相对人提供法律救济,构建和谐校园,促进校园管理法治化。  相似文献   
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