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公正是国际普遍公认的一项司法原则,效率也是各国所追求的诉讼价值。民事诉讼公正与效率存在着矛盾,即它们之间是对立统一的关系。我们在协调两者关系时应该做到公正优先兼顾效率。笔者探索了我国民事诉讼价值协调机制的构建。  相似文献   
美国内战不仅在政治和经济生活中具有重要历史意义 ,它在美国文学史上也是一个分水岭。内战带来了浪漫主义时期的结束和现实主义时期的形成。而且 ,它对美国南方文学的影响更是非同小可。因为内战是以南方的失败告终的 ,从此北方的工业化代替了南方的种植园主经济 ,工厂代替了农场 ,南方原来的贵族子孙变成了为生存而挣扎的普通人。人们开始对原来的价值观表示怀疑。尤其是南方人在经历了战败和经济复苏以及资本主义的盛行之后 ,表现出的精神沦丧和失落感使许多南方作家写出了大量作品 ,带来了现实主义和乡土文学的繁荣  相似文献   
光绪三十二年,清政府进行大规模中央官制改革,民政部的设立就是其中的重要内容。民政部是清政府首次设立的专门统筹管理民政事务的机构,其职掌包括全国古迹的保存,具体由营缮司存古科负责。民政部主事尚秉和是存古科掌稿,是相关规章制度的拟定者。在民政部的推动下,清廷先后颁布了城镇乡地方自治章程、民政统计表等,其中都有保存古迹的内容。宣统元年,民政部更是制定了专门的保存古迹推广办法章程,包括调查事项6条和保存事项5条,成为各省保护古迹工作的指导。此时,各地开始执行古迹保护政策,取得了一些成绩,尤其是东南江浙一带。清末民政部制定的保护古迹规章制度在近代文物保护事业中有着重要地位,尤其对民国时期文物保护事业产生了积极影响。  相似文献   
图书馆与读者之间服务关系的法律性质及相关问题   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
图书馆与读者间服务关系的法律性质 ,表现为二者之间的服务关系是民事法律关系。图书馆与读者间法律关系的内容 ,包括图书馆和读者各自享有的权利和义务。二者之间服务关系要依靠法律、法规进行调整。参考文献 14。  相似文献   
Research documents politicians’ use of religious rhetoric and its effects on the public, but little work has investigated the considerations influencing the decision to use religious rhetoric in the first place. We theorize that politicians’ use of religious rhetoric is determined by four considerations: the alignment between the speaker’s and audience’s religiosity, the acceptability of the speaker’s denomination to the audience, the speaker’s religious history, and the speaker’s party. Using the 2012 presidential election as a test case, we pair county-level religion data with a content analysis of 264 stump speeches to examine how the religious aspects of candidate rhetoric changed depending on the religious contours of a community. The evidence provides insight into how and why candidates “narrowcast” faith.  相似文献   
In this short article, Henry Rosenbloom, the founder of Australian independent publisher Scribe, complains about the tactic of UK-based publishers buying ‘Commonwealth’ rights and preventing Australian publishers from acquiring separate Australian rights. ‘UK publishers are not entitled to Australia as a territory. It is our country, our market, and our industry,’ he writes. This article was originally published in The Age newspaper in early 2008, then on Rosenbloom’s blog, and it was the catalyst for a spirited debate at this year’s London Book Fair.  相似文献   
This case study examines patron record privacy and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) within a consortial environment. FERPA requirements were examined, as well as college and library policy and procedure. It was determined that information in library patron records is directory information and, under most circumstances, does not need FERPA protections. However, the needs of the confidential student, who requests confidentiality of all information, including directory information, were identified as not having been addressed. Reed Library adjusted policy and procedures to meet the needs of the confidential student and fulfill FERPA requirements.  相似文献   
受我国集权的高等教育管理体制和管理本位的教育管理观等传统因素的影响和制约,我国现行公立高校学生管理制度从设计、制定到执行,都表现出浓厚的“管理本位”色彩,制度应有的平等性、维极性与合法性体现不足。伴随我国经济社会的转型,高等教育的外部环境和内部状况都发生了历史性的变化,坚持依法治枝。建立以雏护学生的自然权利为核心内容的高校学生管理制度,已是势在必行。  相似文献   
诚实信用原则原是伦理道德范畴上的一项基本准则,随着社会和经济突飞猛进的发展。又因其固有的本质特征,被世界各国法学界普遍重视,现已发展为法律领域的一项基本原则。其价值功能在立法、司法领域得到了充分体现。  相似文献   
加入WTO是利大于弊还是弊大于利,这是我国各界讨论思考比较多的问题之一。我国民商法学如何在WTO体制下得到进一步发展,在其发展过程中会有哪些机遇.会面对哪些挑战,这是本文的研究目的。  相似文献   
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