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长期作为中国古代官方哲学的儒家思想以原始周文化的"以文为治"为核心而建构,其经过孔子推崇与张扬而升华为儒家的意识形态与信仰,进而构建中国古代以文为治的基本文化传统,而这种文治思想具有极大的政治与守旧色彩,当这种文治思想渗透浸透进文学领域,使得中国文学中充满了浓浓的政教保守色彩,这种政教保守色彩在中国古典散文中表现的尤为明显,给中国散文的发展造成极大的负面影响。  相似文献   
佛教在唐代走向鼎盛,在理论上得到空前发展,而作为中国正统思想代表的儒学虽然表面兴盛,但实际上处于一种衰落状态。面对儒学衰微,韩愈、李翱挺身而出,举起重振儒学的大旗,直面佛老挑战。韩愈与李翱关系介于师友之间,李翱继承了韩愈排佛精神,但与韩愈的排佛思想特别是心性论思想相比较而言,却存在很大不同。因此对两者的排佛思想进行分析比较,有利于加深对唐代儒家排佛的认识。  相似文献   
儒家文化自孔子创立以后,经过孟子、荀子、董仲舒等人继承和发展,它成为中华民族文化重要组成部分,儒家文化在一定程度上铸造了中华民族的灵魂与精神。本文从儒家文化实质入手,剖析了在语文学习中注意儒家文化对弘扬中华民族文化、发展学生健康人格具有重要意义。  相似文献   
The aim of this research was to examine the type of activities as well as the challenges faced by befrienders supporting persons with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Twenty-nine volunteers befriending an equal number of families with children with ASD participated in this study. Content analysis was applied on visit logs (n = 465) completed by befrienders during a nine month period, supplemented by thematically analysed evidence derived from semi-structured interviews with befrienders at the end of their volunteering experience. In agreement with our expectations, findings indicate a variation in the type, number and location of activities as well as the challenges of befrienders, depending on the level of ability of persons with ASD. Befrienders in both groups were mostly involved in leisure activities, had greater social interaction with the high functioning autistic group and carried out more structured 1:1 activities with individuas with low functioning autism. Interestingly, befrienders in both groups did not differ significantly on their reported challenges. The implications of this befriending service as a means of social support for families with persons with ASD are discussed.  相似文献   
In this article, I reflect on the events and experiences that occurred during (and after) my studies for a Diploma in Teacher Education. The elements required for the award of Diploma included a professional development journal, a number of peer teaching observations and an action research project. At an early stage, I selected vaguely ‘peer teaching observation’ as the topic for my research. As the course progressed my journal began to contain an increasing amount of material relating to the teaching observations and finally the three components – journal, teaching observations and research project merged into one. Through a process of progressive focusing, the project was clarified and came to be about my role in the observation. I was surprised to find it became a very personal examination of myself in order that I could understand more fully the process of teaching observation. In the end, almost everything else diminished compared to the insights I gained about myself. I concluded that, for myself, perhaps a direct critical self-examination was too threatening and potentially painful to endure. However, by looking at myself as an observer of teaching then the very objectivity that was potentially so safe turned out to allow me to reflect on myself as a person. To become a reflective practitioner is not easy, yet the process can be intellectually engaging.  相似文献   
温桂珍  梁安莉 《大众科技》2013,(12):184-186
儒家思想博大精深,蕴涵着丰富的内容,处处体现着先人非凡的智慧。其中的人本理念、诚信思想和知人善用等管人的思想和理念与现代人力资源管理理念不谋而合。文章通过概括儒家的主要管理思想,推出其对我国现代人力资源管理的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
基于对应用型本科院校家庭困难学生资助工作的调研数据,研究教育管理视角下家庭困难学生资助机制对学业发展的影响及其间接激励效应,即学生对资助的满意度问题。泊松模型的回归结果表明,大学生资助可以明显提高学生学业成功的可能性,受资助学生获得奖学金的概率更高。定序Logit的回归结果表明,受资助学生对学校资助充足度和工作满意度更高,资助工作在一定程度提升了学生对学校的满意度,进而对提升学生本人学业表现具有正向促进作用。  相似文献   
在"君吊臣"历史上,光武帝可谓是一位独具特色的封建帝王。他在臣子死后,不仅有赐棺具或冢地之举,而且对一些国家重臣还亲临其丧以表哀悼。他不仅在吊臣数量上超过以往封建帝王,还开创帝王亲自为臣子送葬的先例,其所吊臣子以文臣为主,往往赐棺椁或亲吊,较少赏赐钱帛,这与西汉诸帝有很大不同。这种现象的产生不仅与光武帝开国帝王身份有关,与他个人儒者气质有关,也与当时经济发展程度有关,但维护封建统治的需要则是其终极原因。  相似文献   
《诗经》作为儒家重要经典之一,它的阐释和研究始终处于极其重要的地位。在经学时代,毛、郑、孔说诗系统尤其郑玄“以礼笺诗”影响甚巨。但在经学式微之后,毛、郑、孔说诗系统遭遇到历史主义解读方法的巨大冲击。《豳风·七月》的经学解读中所包含的“天地阴阳观念”与“养老敬老”以及由此引申出来的“勤政爱民”等礼乐教化思想之深度、厚度,是历史解读法中的“压迫与剥削”、“奴役与被奴役”的阐释无法相比的。在国学热的今天,理性回归经学也是《诗经》解读中的应有之义。  相似文献   
吴敬梓是一位具有思想家气质的小说家,其《儒林外史》所考察的不仅是文人士子的文化心态,而且探讨了封建文化发展同类吴敬梓所生活的时代 ,清政府 理学的学术地位,并且把程朱理学作为文化统治的理论基础。而吴敬梓由于受家学渊源以及颜,极大影响,反对程朱理学的注经解经、科举铨选制度、倡无秦原儒文化思想、《儒林外史》的创作体现了“原儒文化”的构建与破灭2。  相似文献   
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