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道德选择的价值判断与逻辑判断   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
价值判断在于区分和把握善与恶、美与丑,逻辑判断在于辩明真与假、是与非。道德选择中的价值判断与逻辑判断时常会发生矛盾,没有逻辑判断为前提和基础的道德选择会导致道德价值本身的否定,正确 的道德选择,应是价值判断与逻辑判断的一致,而要如此,就须是德性和智慧统一起来。  相似文献   
This is a response to an article by Stephen Gorard in a previous issue of the journal. It addresses the issue of how achievement gaps in educational performance between ethnic and other groups, and changes in these, can best be measured. The approach recommended by Gorard is compared with that of the authors he criticises. The conclusion reached is that both approaches are of value: that they provide different kinds of information. Which is the most useful on any occasion depends on the purpose guiding the inquiry, and on the assumptions that can be made about the social processes being modelled.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to examine the role of migrants in cross-border learning in occupational contexts. The research data included 78 semi-structured and 20 life-course interviews with people who had migrated from Estonia to Finland or who were transmigrating between these countries. The interview data were analysed qualitatively through a combination of data-based and theory-guided content analysis. The results showed how the migrants had engaged in transnational brokering and boundary encounters between work communities across national borders. Transnational brokering had involved introducing new work techniques, clarifying organizational cultures, conveying best practices and explaining local work requirements and communication styles. These transnational brokers had supported the processes of perspective making and perspective taking by explaining local work practices and, more broadly, mind-sets to non-migrants both in the host society and in their country of origin. Theoretical concepts from situated learning theory and transnational migration studies were applied in the analysis. The study provides a new perspective through which to examine international and multicultural work environments and the transformation processes related to the increasing cross-border mobility of labour.  相似文献   
There is a significant, longstanding tradition in British sociological research that renders cultural capital synonymous with whiteness. This article suggests that one substantive factor that contributes to the enduring relationship between whiteness and cultural capital is the paucity of research on the Black and ethnic minority middle classes. Studies of social class in the United Kingdom frequently render middle-class life synonymous with whiteness and all too often fix ethno-racial identities to the working classes. The article draws on a 14-month comparative ethnography as a case study to provide an asset-based reading of cultural capital among the Black Caribbean middle classes in Britain. The findings suggest that the seemingly exclusive link between whiteness and cultural capital is problematised by Black Caribbean young people, and therefore should be further critiqued in sociological and educational research, especially when developing cultural capital analyses.  相似文献   
西部民族地区在构建社会主义和谐社会的过程中,要以科学发展观为指导,克服自身的弱势,发挥资源优势,大力发展特色优势产业,坚定地走农业产业化、新型工业化、旅游特色化和保护生态环境的道路。同时,加大社会事业的投入,大力发展教育、文化、医疗等事业,切实维护好社会稳定和民族团结,努力构建西部民族地区和谐的社会环境。  相似文献   
在计算机技术走入高校、走入课堂的今天,运用多媒体课件进行教学也成为高校教师关注的一个焦点。本文针对新疆少数民族学生汉语听力课多媒体课件的制作和应用谈一点体会,提出多媒体课件的制作原则和教学中应注意的方面。  相似文献   
西部民族教育必须走跨越式发展的道路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西部民族教育必须走跨越式发展的道路,这是我国教育事业整体发展和民族教育自身发展的需要,也是民族地区实现小康的基础。实现跨越式发展必须有强有力的保障措施:要加大经费投入,切实改善办学条件;加大改革力度,优化教育资源配置;加大对口支援力度,缩小与发达地区的差距;加快教育信息化设施建设,大力推进民族教育现代化进程;加快立法步伐,依法保障民族教育的健康发展。  相似文献   
客家研究的文化人类学思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
客家化既是一种地域化,又是一种族群化,需要多学科知识的整合与运用。由于客家研究起源于历史学,而且客家研究的学及其研究理论与方法均多出自于历史学科,因此化人类学在客家研究中远不如历史学为人们所重视。实际上,化人类学的理论与方法是深入认识客家化的重要手段,田野调查与深度访谈的基本方法在客家研究中理应得到重视和运用。  相似文献   
临毕业大学生作为大学生中的特殊群体,背负着来自于学习、择业等方面的压力,容易引发诸多心理困扰,甚至出现心理疾病。文章采用个案研究方法,着重探讨了目前我国民族地区临毕业大学生主要心理问题,并从社会工作介入角度提出了问题的解决思路。  相似文献   
绥远位于内蒙古中西部地区,是连接东西蒙古、内外蒙古的扼要之处。由于清朝的封禁政策和其深居内陆的地理位置,绥远一直被定义为边远之地,其传统地理价值可通过绥远城将军衙门匾额之上"屏藩朔漠"四字得以体现。晚清时期列强对我西北领土的觊觎、内地人地矛盾的增加等情况使得内陆边疆逐渐被重视,建省之议提上日程,军政使副使姚锡光在《筹蒙刍议》中的"屏障畿疆"四字反映了绥远的作用,此时的绥远作为农牧交接地、蒙汉杂糅区、西北门户、内地屏障,已俨然成为边疆整合的中心地带。  相似文献   
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