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BackgroundThe needs of children exposed to domestic violence have been historically overlooked. One way in which service provision for children exposed to this violence can be explored is through an examination of Domestic Violence Fatality Review Teams (DVFRT's), who review cases of fatal domestic violence to identify possible areas for improvement.ObjectiveThis study explored key themes relative to children exposed to domestic violence and homicide published by DVFRT's in order to identify the services that exist for children exposed to domestic violence, barriers to providing these services, and recommendations for improvement.Participants and SettingThis study reviewed annual reports from three DVFRT jurisdictions with regular annual reports from 2004 to 2016.MethodsA generic thematic analysis was performed by the primary author, in consultation with the second author, in order to identify dominant themes present in the DVFRT annual reports. The analysis utilized a codebook that was created beforehand in order to capture pertinent information within the reports. Trustworthiness of the data was established through a consistent application and thorough reporting of the coding procedures.ResultsThe analysis highlighted key barriers to child-specific service provision among agencies involved (e.g., lack of professional training and public awareness), recommendations for enhanced intervention (e.g., enhanced child-specific services) and promising practices (e.g., policy and legislation development).ConclusionsThe three DVFRTs identified several gaps in service provision for children affected by fatal domestic violence that will require increased engagement and resources targeting these vulnerable children.  相似文献   
Bereavement is a state of grieving after the loss of a loved one. Past research has suggested that bereavement is particularly challenging, both physically and emotionally, in the aftermath of unexpected death. Here, we examine bereavement in which death occurred suddenly, compared to a chronic condition where death was expected, in terms of perceived social support and relational maintenance with the deceased in the form of imagined interactions and social media interactions. Results indicated that individuals experiencing sudden death bereavement were more likely to engage in both postmortem relational maintenance techniques and perceived less social support than individuals in the expected death bereavement group. Results are discussed in terms of previous findings.  相似文献   
韩非的死因是韩非研究中的一个悬案,但却没引起关注。韩非《说难》应该是其身受图固之后的心迹记录。因此,韩非的死固,乃其语言触犯了秦王或秦王身边的宠臣。这是其性格悲剧的结果。就思想发展的必然性来说,韩非既然喜刑名法术之学,既然是法家理论系统的集大成者,道自然是韩非思想的逻辑起点和必然归宿,因此作《解老》、《喻老》当然就是一种归宿的必然。  相似文献   
酝酿多时的《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(八)草案》被提交给第十一届全国人大常委会第十六次会议审议,这意味着,中国在继2007年死刑复核权收归最高院后,在控制死刑方面的又一次实质进步。死刑是一种生命刑,在历史上多有适用,然而随着人权理论的发展,世界范围内废止死刑的呼声日益高涨。试从死刑的产生,发展及现状开始介绍,从世界上对死刑存废的观点,结合我国死刑对死刑的局限性及其存在价值做出总结,我们现在的任务是创造条件,废除死刑。  相似文献   
陈晗凝 《海外英语》2011,(11):226-227,231
Emily Dickinson is widely regarded as one of American’s premier poets of the nineteenth century.In both style and content,her verse was,"revolutionary" in her day.Owing to the deep exploration of death and immortality,Emily Dickinson has become a puzzle in literary.As show in her poems,Dickinson’s spiritual journey led her from na?ve nature-mysticism through disappointment,to a sacramental approach to immortality afterlife and further discouragement,culminating in a mature attitude of faithful unknowing and even more interrogating the immortality.This paper will base on the theory of the death and immortality through common people’s fear to death,the essence of death,the significance of death to show the poetess’s whole life-childhood,love,life condition,spiritual contradiction,and mainly her skeptical concept of death and immortality.  相似文献   
没收财产刑,是一种将犯罪人的私有财产的一部分或者全部收归国有的刑罚方法,也称一般没收.在外国刑法史上,没收财产刑经历了由盛到衰的发展变迁过程.当今世界上绝大多数国家刑法中的"没收"是保安处分性质的特别没收,刑罚意义上的一般没收基本上已经被废除.没收财产刑走向消亡是历史的必然趋势.  相似文献   
著名女作家萧红的《生死场》,深刻地揭示了东北乡村女性在日本侵华期间遭受的异族侵略和男权压迫的双重生存悲剧;台湾女作家叶陶创作的《爱的结晶》,在台湾日据时代的背景上,讲述了两个选择不同道路的女同学在社会动荡中的命运遭遇。这两部作品蕴含着强烈的女性意识,通过对女性生存境遇的思考,批判了带给婚姻家庭悲剧的男权中心话语。  相似文献   
松尾芭蕉是开创日本俳坛新风的巨匠,在构筑其独立独特的俳谐风格——蕉风的文学之旅中,深受日本古典文学与中国汉诗、汉文的影响。虽然处于不同国度、迥异的时代,但庄子对松尾芭蕉俳谐文学的精神世界影响却尤为深远。作为芭蕉俳谐思想根本的自然观、以及作为芭蕉文学体系完成标志的纪行文学中,都有庄子思想的闪现。芭蕉文学中的「旅」与庄子的"体道论"、芭蕉文学的"自然观"与庄子的"天人合一"的"天人论",芭蕉文学的"禅意"与庄子的"禅"、芭蕉文学的"生死观"与庄子的"生死观",都有着极尽相似的对理想境界的追求。  相似文献   
本文主要在法国理论家德里达的解构思想关照下,运用延异、踪迹、散播等解构策略,对拉美著名魔幻现实主义小说家加西亚·马尔克斯的短篇小说<一桩事先张扬的凶杀案>所呈现出来的真实与虚构,语言与意识,分裂与差异,重复与记忆等关系,联系具体文本进行解读.希望在解构的双重化思想引导下,颠覆传统的、单一的、封闭的阅读模式,发现该小说巨大的意义场域和丰富的可能性及其作用机理.  相似文献   
拜伦是一个有着强烈生命意识的作家,他以自身的生命历程和文学实践从不同角度和层面对死亡、生存、生命价值等个体生命的自主意识进行了阐释,以其独特的见解及其实践而形成了一个引人注目的、比较独特的文学现象。拜伦的生命意识是我们解读其作品的一扇窗口。  相似文献   
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