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由于习语的产生和民族历史文化背景紧密相连,在对含“Dutch(荷兰)”的习语分类列举分析的基础上,从历史角度探析它们产生的最根本背景原因,进而阐明语言学习离不开对一个民族历史文化背景的深入了解。  相似文献   
从局部上看,此时期的清军火炮发射火药与英军相比,除了制作方法和生产规模不同之外,还处于同一发展阶段,皆为黑色有烟火药.此时,清朝沿海一些省份中也已制成和使用了效力不次于英军的新式火药,其中尤以福建水师提督陈阶平所配置的火药为上乘.道光皇帝曾屡次发布上谕,命令各直省一体按陈阶平所配制的火药方法如式制造.但是,从整体上看,清朝沿海大多省份的火药制造因是封建的手工生产方式,再加上火药赔累制度等社会因素的制约,导致火药的生产规模、性能和实战效果与英军火药相比存在着巨大差异.  相似文献   
任越 《北京档案》2015,(11):17-19
本文结合"法兰西-巴达维亚"时期荷兰国家及地方行政管理体制与文档管理体制变革,梳理荷兰近代文档管理发展的轨迹,进一步论证法国文档管理理论与实践对荷兰文档管理与《荷兰手册》问世的必然性与重要性.  相似文献   
许洁 《出版科学》2012,20(3):92-94
荷兰出版业具有很高的现代化程度和国际化水平。在出版产业欣欣向荣发展的背后是长久以来出版学高等教育和科研的支持。本文总结荷兰出版专业高等教育和科研的特点,探讨其成功经验,希望对我国的出版专业教育和科研活动提供借鉴。  相似文献   
17世纪,中国和荷兰都出现了追求利润的海商集团,但是郑氏集团和荷兰东印度公司商业组织的产生形式、组织形式、决策模式均不尽相同。荷兰东印度公司是大规模经营、以国家政权为后盾运作的股份制垄断公司。而郑氏集团区别于中国传统的组织松散的、基于血缘、地缘结合的海商联盟,建立起一个复杂的商业—军事复合体,即依靠血缘、地缘为主、指令性结构的军事组织,集中管理的海陆五商和具备海关功能的海商管理部门。中西出现差异的原因在于形成垄断的方式与国家的关系不同,中国的海商集团立足于某一区域内的垄断和强大,而西方的海商集团则不计成本的全球扩张。  相似文献   
安乐死是生命伦理学的一个热门话题,它涉及立法、社会道德、伦理、宗教信仰、人权等各个方面。荷兰为安乐死立法,标志着人类在死亡方法上有了自主的选择权,反映了人类认识能力和水平的历史性进步。荷兰把安乐死合法化,对我国的安乐死立法具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
Besides phonotactic principles, orthographies entail graphotactic rules for which the reader must convert a phonological representation on the basis of spelling adaptation rules. In the present study, the learnability of such rules will be investigated with reference to Dutch. Although Dutch orthography can be considered highly regular, there are graphotactic rules that change letter sequences in plural noun formation. In a lexical decision experiment, the acquisition and use of such rules were examined. Participants were groups of 31 children from Grade 3 and 34 children from Grade 6, and 25 adults. The results showed that both children and adults are significantly less accurate and slower in recognizing plural word forms which undergo vowel change as a consequence of pluralization. It is concluded that graphotactic rules in Dutch orthography complicate Dutch word identification from an early stage of development and continue to play a complicating role in the word identification process of adult readers. In the discussion it is shown that current models fail to fully explain the processing of graphotactic rules in visual word identification.  相似文献   
Studies in education over the past decade highlight the hijacking of educational agendas by neoliberal rationalities and logics. I illustrate these processes in relation to transnational campaigns for girls’ education, where the purpose of ‘education’ is reduced to producing wage-based labor and an accumulation of skills that enhance labor flexibility. ‘Girls’ are primarily articulated as economic actors: potential consumers, labor, and/or entrepreneurs. This reduction of individuals and social projects to economic logics calls for counter-discourses. I delineate one (among many possible) alternate framing of education by foregrounding muslim epistemologies. I present the views of the Shi'i muslim leader, His Highness the Aga Khan, about education, its purpose, and its entanglement with international development. Through a close reading and coding of over 30 public speeches and interviews of the Aga Khan between 1994 and 2015, I outline three salient themes pertaining to self, community, and meaningful life that cast doubt around the reduction of education to economic logics.  相似文献   
教育督导评估是教育质量保障体系重要的组成部分。高效能的教育督导评估离不开科学、有效的教育督导评估指标体系。文章剖析了荷兰2017年版教育督导评估指标体系,发现有以下特征:更关注对教育过程的评价,尤其关注教育过程中学生的发展;强调校园欺凌的安全预防策略,关注学生的安全感和幸福感;学校自评与外部督导平衡,共促学校办学质量提升;将特殊教育需求支持融合到教育过程指标中,体现教育平等与包容;重视对学校董事会的督导评估。这些研究可为我国教育督导评估指标体系的建构与完善带来启示。  相似文献   
Various studies show that the display of a privacy statement on an organization's website can be a potent, but simple way of acquiring clients' and users' trust, which results in the completion of transactions with the organization through its website. Empirical studies that analyze the contents of privacy statements on commercial websites are profuse, while privacy statements posted on the websites of non-commercial organizations have been largely ignored by researchers. In this study, the contents of privacy statements on Dutch municipal websites are analyzed. Using the important provisions of the Wet Bescherming Persoonsgegevens (WBP) or the Dutch Personal Data Protection Act, the study also looked into the conformity of the contents of privacy statements with the existing law on privacy protection in the Netherlands. We also looked into the availability and findability of privacy statements on Dutch municipal websites. Three important findings resulted from this study: first, not all municipal websites bother to post privacy statements on their websites; second, most municipalities do not ensure that their online privacy statements are findable; and third, privacy statements on Dutch municipal websites emphasize diverging assurances and promises—with some privacy policies containing all the important provisions of the WBP, and others offering only general, and sometimes rather vague, guarantees.  相似文献   
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