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Findings from the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) study articulated the negative effects of childhood trauma on long-term well-being. The purpose of the current study is to examine the associations between ACEs experienced in infancy and toddlerhood and adaptive behavior and academic status in middle childhood. We used data collected from a sample of low-income families during the impacts study of Early Head Start (EHS). Data were collected by trained interviewers demonstrating at least 85% reliability with protocols. Data come from 1469 socio-demographically diverse mothers and children collected at or near ages 1, 2, 3, and 11. At ages 1, 2, and 3, an EHS-ACEs index was created based on interview and observation items. The EHS-ACEs indices were averaged to represent exposure across infancy and toddlerhood. At age 11, parents were asked about school outcomes and completed the Child Behavior Checklist. Across development, children were exposed to zero (19%), one (31%), two (27%), and three or more ACEs (23%). Logistic regression analyses, controlling for EHS program assignment, and parent, school, and child characteristics, showed ACEs were significantly associated with parental report of the child: having an individualized educational program since starting school and in the current school year, having been retained a grade in school, and problems with externalizing and internalizing behavior, as well as attention. Findings suggest that ACEs influence children’s behavioral and academic outcomes early in development.  相似文献   
以现有专利预警相关文献为研究对象,通过系统回顾与深度分析,对多元主体需求下的专利预警研究现状进行总结与梳理,分析其主要特征,并提出促进专利预警研究创新发展的改进思路与方向.研究发现:目前针对专利预警的概念内涵主要围绕专利威胁态势、专利竞争风险和专利侵权纠纷等视角展开探讨,关于专利预警机制建立的必要性、基本原则、关键作用...  相似文献   
中世纪早期的西欧庄园经济基本上是自给自足的自然经济。随着物质基础的发展和生活需求的多样化,商品交换活动日益成为社会生活不可或缺的重要环节。西欧实现商业化的原因是多方面的,本文试图从中世纪早期王权和教会组织对商业活动的保护进行探讨,以求教于史学界。  相似文献   
This article presents a comparative analysis of the determinants of early school leaving (ESL) at the country level. We decompose ESL rates into two components: a ‘primary’ rate reflecting unqualified school leaving from initial education, and a second component accounting for early school leavers who participate in training programmes. Both may be influenced by structural and policy determinants. We examine how the ESL rate is affected by macro-economic and social context variables such as GDP/capita, growth, poverty, and youth unemployment, as well as system characteristics of the education system (such as legal school leaving age, grade retention, early tracking, and size of vocational education) and the labour market and social protection systems (minimum wages, unemployment insurance).  相似文献   
建国初期,从李先念主政湖北期间对经济建设与发展进行理论探索,并初步形成的经济思想体系分析,其主要经济思想为:发展经济,因地制宜不搞一刀切;重视发展农业,处理好湖北“三农”关系;坚持“民生第一”的人本观,做好经济工作;尊重经济发展规律,抓好经济建设等。  相似文献   
新小说变革中仍包含了丰富的理性主义。这种理性主义是对欧洲学中传统理性主义的继承和发展,同时又具有了现代理性主义的特点-精神和模糊相互作用,并在创作中得到充分表现。  相似文献   
罗兴甲 《安康学院学报》2002,14(1):51-52,64
钱歌川教授在其所著<翻译的基本知识>第七章〈直译和意译举例〉中,以熊式一先生所译<西厢记>中一名句"碧云天,黄叶地,西风紧,塞雁南飞,晓来谁染霜林醉?尽是离人泪."认为把"西风紧"译为"Bitteris the west wind",似乎有点犯了直译的毛病,而且前面的形容词bitter在英国人的观念中发生矛盾.并以英国的桂冠诗人John Masefield的<西风歌>出面说明.钱老提出"最好还是意译."笔者不敢苟同,遂从地学因素观点出发,分析阐明<西风歌>与<西厢记>中同为the west wind,缘何两者情景迥异的因果原由.若为符合英国人的观念,采取"入乡随俗"方式意译西风,似嫌欠妥.笔者赞同以"直译加注"方式以译西风,较为恰切、适宜.  相似文献   
中国古典的阅读理论可以较为准确地把握到文学之为文学的本质特征,然而在通达作品审美境界的路径上,却甚少具体可行的方法。在这一方面,波兰现象学美学家茵加登的理论则可以给我们很好的启示。  相似文献   
The national debate surrounding the issue of school failure has renewed interest in the quality, efficacy, and outcomes of early childhood intervention programs that can promote early school success for children at developmental risk. Moreover, researchers and policymakers report the need to document developmentally-appropriate models for assessing and evaluating early childhood outcomes. We report on the first-phase results of Pittsburgh’s early childhood initiative (ECI). ECI is a privately-funded effort by a consortium composed of the business, corporate, foundation, and community sectors to implement high-quality early care and education options for children in high-risk neighborhoods. The overarching objective of ECI is to ensure early school success for high-risk children. Our Scaling Progress in Early Childhood Settings (SPECS) Evaluation Team implemented an authentic assessment and program evaluation strategy and an enhanced “constructed comparison group” statistical model to conduct longitudinal research on the child developmental impact of the ECI model. First-phase results on 155 high-risk children indicate that those who participated in high-quality ECI programs for the longest periods of time demonstrated patterns of progress that exceeded maturational expectations. Weekly collaborative consultation to teachers and caregivers by consultants about program quality using the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) standards as “best practice” benchmarks seemed to be associated with initial enhanced child outcomes and the particular impact of the ECI model.  相似文献   
美国革命以后 ,英国政府从美国革命中吸取教训 ,对其帝国政策进行了调整。英国工业革命的发展 ,对外贸易变得越来越重要 ,成了英国经济的生命线。英国政府及国内民众的帝国观念也发生了很大变化 ,英国已经对拓殖新的殖民地不感兴趣 ,英国此时强调的是占据贸易商埠及战略基地  相似文献   
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