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近年来,学术界对秦都咸阳的研究不断深入,反映在一些具体问题上又颇多岐义。本文仅就其中秦都咸阳名称的由来、人口的数量及城垣的有无三个问题,在展示各家观点的基础上提出作者的看法。  相似文献   
This study aims at understanding the use of punctuation in children's early writings in connection with the organisation of the written text. Data are drawn from a larger comparative study in which written stories of Little Red Riding Hood were collected from primary school children who speak one of the three Romance languages (Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian). The corpus consists of 134 written stories of second grade children from low income families. Different quantitative and qualitative analysis are presented. Results show that all children, in spite of differences in literacy practices, try to make sense of the conventions of a system of writing, including punctuation marks (PMs). Some children seem to assume a ‘graphic principle', while others make sophisticated attempts to distinguish the function of PMs for different types of speech genre. Contrastive textual use of PM seems to be critical also for teaching purposes.  相似文献   
恩格斯是在1842年底来到英国的曼彻斯特之后展开他对政党问题的早期探索的。这时的英国政党政治已经发展到比较高的水平,因而为恩格斯研究政党政治提供了远比德国和法国更为充足、更为典型的现实材料。与马克思从探讨国家问题开始涉足政党问题不同,恩格斯涉足政党问题的切入点不是理论批判,而是直接的现实考察和研究。这就决定了恩格斯对政党理论的早期探讨比起马克思来,似乎更直接、更现实、更系统一些。  相似文献   
清季民初,梁启超深入揭露和批判了社会上道德沦丧、吏无廉耻、士无名节、重私轻公、名实相悖等社会陋习。为阐释其道德救国思想,他围绕理论上界定道德概念、近代道德核心为爱国民族精神、近代道德内涵体现为近代私德公德统一、其形成源于理性把握中外道德实质、而主旨在于塑造近代人格等方面作了比较全面系统论证,主张通过立志与修身结合、教育与引导并举、改造与育人互动、道德与制度统一达到塑造新国民,实现救国之目的。  相似文献   
论罗马帝国晚期的文化转型与女性婚姻地位变迁   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
罗马帝国晚期出现了从古典文化向基督教文化的转型,这对妇女生活产生了影响。本文通过比较研究表明,古典文化中的妇女有较多自由,但在婚姻生活中处于不利地位。基督教强调严格的一夫一妻制,将婚姻看作圣事,限制了男子的任意休妻与婚外性行为。因而使妇女婚姻生活得到更多的保障。  相似文献   
美国珀尔修斯数字图书馆(Perseus Digital Library,PDL)是一个以收藏古希腊罗与时期古典文献资料为主的人文科学研究型数字图书馆,旨在完善人类文明记录,包括语言资源、物质工艺品、历史空间等,让人文科学尽可能智能地被不同语言和文化环境的人们所接受。文章重点从资源组织、技术特征、界面设计、服务特点、评价和建议等方面对珀尔修斯数字图书馆做了评述。  相似文献   
Children in kindergarten were randomly assigned to adaptive computerised counting or comparison interventions, or to a business-as-usual control group. Children in both intervention groups, including children with poor calculation skills at the start of the intervention, performed better than controls in the posttest. However the effects of training held in grade 1, playing serious counting games improving number knowledge and mental arithmetic performances, and playing serious comparison games, only enhanced the number knowledge proficiency in grade 1. The value of these short periods of intensive gaming in kindergarten are discussed as a look-ahead approach to enhance arithmetic proficiency.  相似文献   
Head Start is the largest early childhood education program in the US. Echoing patterns emerging in ECE world-wide, Head Start has dramatically changed. Greater emphasis is now placed on kindergarten readiness, child and teacher assessment, professionalization, and increased competition for program funding. Drawing on a mixed methods research design, a case study was conducted that explores the nature and effects of these changes on teachers and the work of teaching within Head Start. Strong evidence of work intensification was found, a topic little explored within the wider ECE literature. In the light of this finding the authors question the model of professionalism that now dominates ECE reform.  相似文献   
This article examines findings from a qualitative study employing group stimulated-recall interviews using video-recordings of early childhood teachers to elicit their thinking and reflections about their teaching interactions. It focuses on the value of video to enable teachers to reflect on their practices and the extent to which collectively viewing recorded episodes allows negotiated understandings of their own and other teachers' practices. Whilst these findings suggest that video and collective dialogue are useful professional learning tools for teachers to examine and improve their teaching, structural and relational challenges exist that may impact on how effectively such tools are used.  相似文献   
晋南地区是我国旱作农业的起源地之一,自古以来便是全国重要的农区。然而,在唐虞早夏时期,伴随着剧烈的社会环境变迁和史前全球性气候事件下当地自然环境的逐步演变,从农业技术选择的角度上来讲,当地先民们,在传统旱作农业依然占主导地位的前提下,局部性地采取了稻作农业技术,使得稻作农业在晋南地区经历了从无到有、并获得进一步发展的过程。  相似文献   
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