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在传承民族传统优秀文化中促进少数民族幼儿全面发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
每个少数民族都有自己独特的物质文化与精神文化.少数民族幼儿教育应继承和发扬本民族的传统优秀文化,才能促进本民族幼儿的全面健康和谐发展.然而当前无论是少数民族幼儿园还是少数民族年轻一代的家长都盲目遵从城市主流汉文化,在教育内容与方式上没有体现本民族的文化特色.为促进少数民族幼儿民族认同感与民族自豪感的形成,促进少数民族幼儿社会性的积极健康发展,少数民族幼儿园与家长应积极创设富有民族特色的教育环境,带领幼儿感受传统民族节日与风情,为幼儿提供丰富多彩的具有民族文化内涵的教育活动,并在言传身教中培养幼儿具备本民族的传统美德.  相似文献   
近10年美、英、日三国幼儿教育课程改革的差异比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在经济状况、社会变化、文化传统和教育政策等因素的影响下,近10年来美英日三国的幼儿教育课程改革表现出了一定的差异性.其中,美英两国和日本的幼儿教育课程改革差异较大,一方面美英两国幼儿教育课程改革的重点均为制定早期学习标准,日本则注重通过创设适当的环境培养幼儿的生存能力;另一方面,美英两国幼儿教育课程改革都重视幼儿早期读写和数学能力的培养,日本则注重人际关系和健康领域的改革.借鉴美英日三国幼儿教育课程改革的经验,我国在制定幼儿教育课程改革政策时也应充分考虑中国的国情与文化传统,让课程改革在变与不变之间保持适当的张力,合理运用<早期学习与发展标准>,引导我国学前教育事业健康发展.  相似文献   
幼儿教师开展早期阅读活动前的准备   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为保证早期阅读教育教学活动的效果与质量,教师应在活动开展前抓住三个重要环节:选择或改编适合幼儿阅读与欣赏的读本;认真准确深入地解读绘本;做好幼儿阅读活动前的经验准备。为此,教师必须认真考虑幼儿的年龄特征与审美需要,必须准确把握图画书的形式与内容要素,必须善于铺垫和引导幼儿想像,促进幼儿在早期阅读教育中的全面健康和谐发展。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to examine what, if anything, caregivers and teachers of 3- to 5-year-old children from the U.S. (n = 412), China (n = 244), Taiwan (n = 222), Korea (n = 574), and Turkey (n = 214), had in common in terms of self-reported beliefs and self-reported practices related to the National Association for the Education of Young Children's (NAEYC) policy statement for developmentally appropriate practices (DAP). DAP is widely endorsed by early childhood education and care professionals in the U.S. and is assumed to have far reaching impact on curricular beliefs and practices throughout the world. Pearson correlations and one-way ANOVA were used to compare overall mean scores for beliefs measured by the Teachers Beliefs Scale (TBS) to those of practices measured by the Instructional Activities Scale (IAS) [Charlesworth, R., Hart, C. H., Burts, D. C., & Hernandez, S. (1991). Kindergarten teachers’ beliefs and practices. Early Child Development and Care, 70, 17–35]. Item-by-item analyses were conducted using factor analysis and χ2 analyses within and across countries. Similarities emerged related to, in particular, those beliefs and teaching practices associated with integrating across the curriculum, promoting social/emotional development, providing concrete/hands-on materials, and allowing play/choice in the curriculum.  相似文献   
Little is known about how specific iPad applications affect parent–child story‐sharing interactions. This study utilises a case‐study approach to provide an insight into the patterns of interaction, which emerge when a mother and her 33‐month‐old daughter share a self‐created, audio‐visual ‘iPad story’. Multimodal analysis allowed us to gain insights into the complex interaction patterns orchestrated in this new, personalised story‐sharing medium. We found that the app‐mediated story‐sharing context produced a harmonious and smooth interaction, achieving a coherence that is typical of ‘happy’ oral stories. We suggest that the observed interaction resembles that of experiencing a piece of art, and we highlight the need for a holistic approach to understanding the implications for research and practice of children's interactions during multimedia story sharing.  相似文献   
Many early childhood teachers report lacking confidence to teach science. Today, science education is defined as “doing science”, as opposed to memorization of facts (Seefeldt & Galper, 2002). This paper discusses developmentally appropriate practices in the context of teaching science. Knowledge of child development, individual differences and the role of children’s socio-cultural context are explicitly discussed. The use of questioning and the 5 Es (engaging, exploring, explaining, elaborating, evaluating) instructional model are also discussed. A sample science lesson is provided to model the use of 5 Es and questioning strategies.  相似文献   
Teaching young children to make picture books provides the opportunity to both record and to share personal experiences in a unique format. Two powerful modes of thought and expression, the linguistic and the visual, are naturally integrated in the process of picture bookmaking. The public recognition of picture bookmaking efforts empowers young children who are struggling to master the reading and writing processes as they gain an understanding of how text and image work together to tell the story. The increased self-confidence which comes from mastery of both bookmaking and illustrating techniques is beneficial for all children.  相似文献   
Persistent disparities exist between African American children and their European American counterparts across developmental domains. Early childhood intervention may serve to promote more positive outcomes among African American children. The current study examined whether and how the Early Head Start (EHS) program benefited African American children at the end of the program, when they were 36 months of age, as well as the parenting these children experienced and how this affected their developmental outcomes. The data show a wide and strong pattern of impacts of EHS for African American children and families. Path analysis yielded findings that suggested a direct effect of EHS on specific child outcomes and parenting processes within this group of African American families. Parental supportiveness and cognitive stimulation emerged as important direct influences on African American children's outcomes and as pathways through which Early Head Start benefits these children. These findings are discussed in the context of early childhood intervention practice.  相似文献   
宋之问是初唐统治集团政治斗争的牺牲品,但在格律诗、短歌及骈文方面所取得的突出成就,确立了他在唐初文学史上的地位.本文还从籍贯、死所及作品争议方面进行了考订,澄清了疑说.  相似文献   
南京国民政府形式上统一中国后,为推行地方自治和建设现代化国家的需要,开始致力于基层警政的建设。国民政府颁布了相应的法令法规对基层警察建制作了规定,以期实现国家对基层的有效控制。但理想与现实之间存在着巨大的差距,事权不统一、经费严重匮乏、缺乏训练有素的员警、传统治安力量与现代警察间的冲突等原因,使国民政府的基层警政建设收效甚微。  相似文献   
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