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电压暂降是电力系统中常见的一种电气故障。本文针对电网中经常发生的电压暂降的情况,通过对实际中的电力系统中的电压暂降故障与正常运行时候的电压进行采集,并应用欧氏距离平方(EDS)算法对两种情况下的数据进行计算,统计出不同情况下即所得到的欧氏距离平方值的范围,同时比较一下大小。经过对大量的电压暂降情况进行计算比较,结果表明,发生电压暂降情况下,欧氏距离平方值要明显大于正常情况下的值,而且该算法步骤少,计算速度快,能够达到快速、准确检测电压暂降故障的目的。  相似文献   
供电企业服务于公众事业,在营运过程中承担着较高的法律风险。文章首先分析了供电企业法律风险的各种表现形式,接着就法律风险的产生根源进行论述,最后提出全面防控法律风险的对策措施,以期为提升供电企业法律风险管理水平而抛砖引玉。  相似文献   
高效率的知识生产与转化是衡量区域知识竞争力的关键要素之一。沿用全球知识竞争力测度指标体系,将知识创新过程分为知识生产和转化两个子阶段,采用超效率数据包络分析方法从效率视角对亚太33个地区的知识竞争力进行测度分析。研究发现:(1)中国地区中两阶段都处于高效率区间的只有北京,上海和天津的知识生产高效率但知识转化低效率;(2)尽管大部分地区在知识生产阶段都取得了不错的效率,但知识转化效率偏低是亚太地区面临的普遍问题;(3)上海知识投入产出结构的均衡性优于其他中国大陆地区,北京投入产出偏离程度较大,两阶段投入均存在较大波动。  相似文献   
少林寺“十三棍僧救唐王”与“明代僧兵抗倭”关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对少林寺“十三棍僧救唐王”与“明代僧兵抗倭”的史料分析,还原了隋末唐初、明代少林寺僧参与政治与军事文化的历史事实。“十三棍僧救唐王”与“明代僧兵抗倭”一定程度上强化了人们对少林武术文化的历史记忆,进一步丰富了少林武术文化“修身、治国、平天下”的思想内涵;二者文化价值取向趋同,一致指向“匡扶正义、维护国家与民族利益”的精神层面。“十三棍僧救唐王”培育了“明代僧兵抗倭”的精神规范与价值取向,而“明代僧兵抗倭”演义了“十三棍僧救唐王”历史事实。  相似文献   
Heart rate variability (HRV) analysis is affected by ectopic beats. An efficient method was proposed to deal with the ectopic beats. The method was based on trend correlation of the heart timing signal. Predictor of R-R interval (RRI) value at ectopic beat time was constructed by the weight calculation and the slope estimation of preceding normal RRI. The type of ectopic beat was detected and replaced by the predictor of RRI. The performance of the simulated signal after ectopic correction was tested by the standard value using power spectrum density (PSD) estimation, whereas the results of clinical data with ectopic beats were compared with the adjacent ectopic-free data. The result showed the frequency indexes after ectopy corrected had less error than other methods with the test of simulated signal and clinical data. It indicated our method could improve the PSD estimation in HRV analysis. The method had advantages of high accuracy and real time properties to recover the sinus node modulation.  相似文献   
本文针对当前机房管理系统存在的不足,设计开发了一套电信机房综合管控系统软件,并构建了统一的网维机房综合监管平台。该系统可实现机房合同以及缴费数据等信息的自动化管理;提供能耗分析手段,为机房能耗改造提供依据;制定巡检模板和巡检流程,为代维人员制订明确的巡检任务要求,为考核代维人员提供明确的依据。  相似文献   
乾隆帝沿京杭大运河南下,六次御驾亲临济宁州,登太白楼,赏游南池,御制诗文,缅怀李杜:御制太白楼诗歌6首,御制南池诗歌15首,并作《御书杜诗》文一篇,立南池杜甫《与任城许主簿游南池》诗碑,题济宁南池少陵祠"荩臣诗史"匾额一个。乾隆以帝王之特有视角,吟诗品评李杜劣优。以详实全面的史料文献为依据考证源流力图还原乾隆畅游济宁太白楼南池的本真历史和作为一代帝王乾隆情系南池杜甫的思古幽情。  相似文献   
Machine learning applications must continually utilize label information from the data stream to detect concept drift and adapt to the dynamic behavior. Due to the computational expensiveness of label information, it is impractical to assume that the data stream is fully labeled. Therefore, much research focusing on semi-supervised concept drift detection has been proposed. Despite the large research effort in the literature, there is a lack of analysis on the information resources required with the achievable concept drift detection accuracy. Hence, this paper aims to answer the unexplored research question of “How many labeled samples are required to detect concept drift accurately?” by proposing an analytical framework to analyze and estimate the information resources required to detect concept drift accurately. Specifically, this paper disintegrates the distribution-based concept drift detection task into a learning task and a dissimilarity measurement task for independent analyses. The analyses results are then correlated to estimate the required number of labels within a set of data samples to detect concept drift accurately. The proximity of the information resources estimation is evaluated empirically, where the results suggest that the estimation is accurate with high amount of information resources provided. Additionally, estimation results of a state-of-the-art method and a benchmark data set are reported to show the applicability of the estimation by proposed analytical framework within benchmarked environments. In general, the estimation from the proposed analytical framework can serve as guidance in designing systems with limited information resources. This paper also hopes to assist in identifying research gaps and inspiring new research ideas regarding the analysis of the amount of information resources required for accurate concept drift detection.  相似文献   
王武俊谥"忠烈",其三次叛唐的行迹显然不符合此谥号之本意,唐德宗赐谥王武俊"忠烈"乃是出于宣传教化的考虑,希望将身为成德军节度使的王武俊为所有藩镇树立忠君爱国的典型,以期藩镇将领的归化,重建唐朝的统治秩序。另外,也反映出唐德宗对河朔藩镇政策的调整,唐朝西北形势趋于严峻,唐廷没有足够的力量再对河朔藩镇进行新一轮的讨伐,只能采取相对缓和的手段,由武力削藩转为招抚、怀柔,甚至是姑息,赐谥王武俊"忠烈"便是朝廷缓和与河朔藩镇关系、维持相对和平现状的措施之一。  相似文献   
讨论高性能电子镇流器系统必需具备的电路结构、功率因子校正电路的基本原理,介绍美国微线形公司(MicroLinearCorporation)生产的高性能电子镇流器控制器ML4831的基本工作原理、特点。  相似文献   
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