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完整意义上的1829年天主教解放法案包括两个部分的内容:其一是原则上赋予天主教徒以公民权,其二则是针对天主教徒公民权所作的若干限制性规定或“保障”条款。尽管这些“保障”条款未必实有其效,但其作为整个法案之一部分却并非可有可无。如果说,法案的前一部分内容回应了解决天主教徒公民权问题之紧迫性与必要性,那么,后一部分内容则反映出天主教解放问题之深刻的历史复杂性。事实上,天主教解放问题不只是一个与天主教徒宗教政治命运息息相关的问题,也是一个攸关英国宪法的新教性质、英国国教会的存在及其特权、英格兰民族由来已久的反天主教传统以及新教徒尤其是国教徒的宗教认同及其宗教情感归属等等的重大问题。天主教解放问题所具有的这种复杂性,使得法案设计者们必须尽量权衡各种利害关系,兼顾来自不同方面的多种诉求。惟其如此,我们只有将法案两部分内容视为相互关联的整体,方能同情性地理解法案设计者们的历史处境及其复杂心态。  相似文献   
对于近代早期的英国家庭关系历来备受学者关注,家庭关系淡漠说一直为众多史家所接受,近年来这一传统观点越来越受到质疑。事实上,近代早期的家庭关系并不像一些学者所称的那般冷漠。父母不仅关心疼爱孩子,而且会在其人生道路上给与其必要的帮助和安慰。子女也会对父母报之以情,在父母年迈或生病的困难时期伸出援手。本文就从家庭亲子关系入手,着重阐释父母与子女之间的这种互助关系。  相似文献   
《〈青鹤)笔记九种》是一部非常有价值的近代史料笔记,中华书局2007年所出点校本存在数量较多的字、词、标点等方面的错误,因此很有对其再进行一番校勘和整理的必要。  相似文献   
宗教改革之前,教会在英国的权势始终没有达到象西欧大陆那样君临一切的主宰地步.教会对思想的压制,也从未达到象西欧大陆那样骇人听闻的地步.这一时期英国少有异端,教会及社会对异端的态度一般都不极端.在不同程度上,社会对信仰宽容的默许和容忍,是宗教改革前英国宗教和社会的基本状况,也构成了英国宗教改革的特殊背景.  相似文献   
农奴制的村社基础——以中世纪英格兰为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有两种解释农奴制兴衰的思路,一种认为,尽管农奴制存在管理成本高昂的固有缺陷,但其具有的某些优势足以弥补这一缺陷;另一种则认为,农奴乃是自愿为奴,因此并不存在监督管理困难的问题。从中世纪英格兰的情况来看,领主通过强化村社组织和农民相互监督,确实降低了管理成本。其他地区亦有类似现象。这些事实表明,将村社视为农奴制的重要基础,的确是解释其兴衰原因的一条新思路。  相似文献   
弱势群体权利保护是当前倍受关注的社会问题。于建星博士克服情感冲动,冷静理性思考,立足自由及其自由的实现视角,就弱势群体权利保护问题,提出了一系列令人注目的观点,凝著而为《弱势群体权利保护研究》,这又为当前社会公平正义研究,特别是弱势群体权利保护开辟一个新的理论空间和实践思路。  相似文献   
While student parents now represent a significant proportion of the higher education population in England, this group has been given limited consideration in policy circles. Using a social constructivist and feminist theoretical framework, this paper draws on a research project investigating the role of higher education policies in supporting student parents in England. It focuses on findings from 40 interviews conducted with student parents enrolled on university programmes. It shows that, in the context of the default construction of the university student as carefree, student parents often describe their experience of navigating academia as a struggle, in which time-related, financial, health and emotional problems prevail. However, the stories they tell also emphasise the benefits associated with their dual status. By doing so, they resist the discourse of deficit typically applied to ‘non traditional’ students and produce a counter-discourse that disturbs the long-lived binary opposition between care and academia.  相似文献   
甄智英  田蕊 《教师》2014,(5):124-124
正Charles Dickens is an author who frequently drew upon his personal experiences to write.We can see obviously his personal influences in many of his works.The finest English novelist of the 19th century,his enduring characters is part of the culture.An enormously successful author and performer of his own work,he is the conscience of Victorian England.A Christian as he is,he often introduces Christian concepts in his writing.In analyzing how Christian concepts are elaborated in A tale of Two Cities,we have to start from the social atmosphere of the Victorian England and the religion background of the author,and then have a basic understanding of  相似文献   
This article presents a cross-national exploration of responses to widening participation (WP), with a specific focus on the provision of foundation year (FY) programmes and the use of contextualised admissions (CA) in selective Irish and UK institutions. There remains a dearth of research on these routes, with little understanding of the characteristics of students who utilise them, of why students use these routes and little knowledge of their effect on students’ experiences in university and their overall sense of belonging. A year-long longitudinal comparative case study design examined three alternative entry routes in two selective higher education institutions (HEIs) in England and Ireland: a well-established FY; a newly formed FY; and a CA pathway. Data were collected through a mixed-method approach. Questionnaires and in-depth focus groups were employed at fixed points with participating students in each route. Results indicated that FY students had lower levels of familial educational history and parental occupation. FY students’ sense of belonging significantly increased over the year, with students reporting increased confidence and sense of belonging due to the relationships established during the FY. CA students’ sense of belonging remained the same, with students reporting feeling different and isolated. Results indicate that while students utilising FYs may be ‘more disadvantaged’ than CA students, their experiences helped establish a sense of belonging; illustrating the need for diverse WP routes catering to a wide range of needs. Results highlight the importance of providing opportunities to develop social and bridging social capital for all non-traditional students.  相似文献   
二战后,英国政府为振兴科技、复兴经济大力发展高等职业教育,虽取得一定成绩,但相对于德、美等发达国家还有较大差距。英国绅士文化追求古典人文学科价值的传统以及追求教育的教养价值的社会心理是造成其高等职业技术教育发展比较滞缓的主要原因,这种影响广泛而深刻。对于我国而言,必须正视根植于民众心理的中国传统文化对职业教育的影响,挖掘其积极因素,引导职业教育朝良性方向发展。  相似文献   
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