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应对突发公共安全事件的财政支出绩效评价的核心是财政支出绩效评价指标体系的研究。依据财政部2020年印发的《项目支出绩效评价管理办法》,在充分考虑突发公共安全事件特点的基础上,设计了包含4个一级指标、10个二级指标、20个三级指标的绩效评价指标体系。通过问卷调查广泛征求河北省财政厅、高等院校、资产评估中介机构等专家的意见,进一步优化绩效评价指标体系,并利用熵权法对优化后的指标体系进行赋权,为应对突发公共安全事件的财政支出绩效评价提供参考。  相似文献   
根据我国智能电网的发展情况,建立智能电网的评价指标体系,运用改进熵权法对评价指标进行赋权,结合灰色关联分析理论,建立了基于改进熵和灰色关联分析的智能电网综合评价模型,通过案例说明了方法的合理性。当涉及多个评价对象时,采用熵权法对各因子赋权,只需1次计算即可,无需对每个监测点进行权重计算,从而使模糊评价过程大大简化,评价的结果更为客观、合理。  相似文献   
On the intrinsic value of information objects and the infosphere   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
What is the most general common set ofattributes that characterises something asintrinsically valuableand hence as subject to some moral respect, andwithout which something would rightly beconsidered intrinsically worthless or even positivelyunworthy and therefore rightly to bedisrespected in itself? Thispaper develops and supports the thesis that theminimal condition of possibility of an entity'sleast intrinsic value is to be identified with itsontological status as an information object.All entities, even when interpreted as only clusters ofinformation, still have a minimal moral worthqua information objects and so may deserve to be respected. Thepaper is organised into four main sections.Section 1 models moral action as an information systemusing the object-oriented programmingmethodology (OOP). Section 2 addresses the question of whatrole the several components constituting themoral system can have in an ethical analysis. If theycan play only an instrumental role, thenComputer Ethics (CE) is probably bound to remain at most apractical, field-dependent, applied orprofessional ethics. However, Computer Ethics can give rise to amacroethical approach, namely InformationEthics (IE), if one can show that ethical concern should beextended to include not only human, animal orbiological entities, but also information objects. Thefollowing two sections show how this minimalistlevel of analysis can be achieved. Section 3 provides anaxiological analysis of information objects. Itcriticises the Kantian approach to the concept ofintrinsic value and shows that it can beimproved by using the methodology introduced in the first section.The solution of the Kantian problem prompts thereformulation of the key question concerningthe moral worth of an entity: what is theintrinsic value of x qua an object constituted by itsinherited attributes? In answering thisquestion, it is argued that entitiescan share different observable propertiesdepending on the level of abstraction adopted,and that it is still possible to speak of moral value even at thehighest level of ontological abstractionrepresented by the informational analysis. Section 4 develops aminimalist axiology based on the concept ofinformation object. It further supports IE's position byaddressing five objections that may undermineits acceptability.  相似文献   
在Heusler 合金Ni-Mn-Ga和NaZn13型化合物La(Fe,Co,M)13, M=Si, Al中很宽温度区间发现巨大磁熵变△S.这两种材料在室温区的磁熵变△S均显著地超过单质稀土Gd并达到著名的磁热效应材料Gd5Si2Ge2合金的磁熵变幅度. Heusler 合金Ni-Mn-Ga中的巨大磁熵变来源于具有一级相变特征的马氏结构相变.NaZn13型化合物La(Fe,Co,M)13, M=Si, Al中异常巨大的磁熵变与合金中的强的磁晶耦合相关,表现为居里温度附近晶格的巨大负膨胀.材料的低价格和其巨大磁熵变表明,Heusler 合金Ni-Mn-Ga和NaZn13型化合物La(Fe,Co,M)13, M=Si, Al在很宽的高温区,尤其在室温区作为磁制冷工质非常有吸引力.  相似文献   
采用GIS的思想将城市的救援点转化为二维平面图形,然后采用规划论的方法建立模型,最后采用改进的粒子群算法对其进行求解得出最终的结果.  相似文献   
将矿区视为由资源、环境、安全、经济与社会所构成的复杂非线性系统,讨论其特征,以协调论为基础,建立矿区协调熵度量模型,以某典型矿区为例进行实证分析,进一步提出矿区的可持续发展对策。  相似文献   
基于熵值法的区域循环经济发展评价——以甘肃省为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岳立  高新才  张钦智 《软科学》2011,(10):74-77
通过对甘肃省循环经济发展现状的定性描述,构建了甘肃省循环经济评价指标体系,并应用熵值法确定了指标体系中各指标的权重;通过搜集2008年甘肃省及全国的相关各指标的数据,分别计算出了全国及甘肃省、东中西部的资源系统指数、环境系统指数、经济社会系统指数及循环经济发展指数。结果显示:虽然甘肃省循环经济有所发展,但水平依旧比较低。  相似文献   
由于大型工程决策涉及多元决策主体和多层次决策目标,不可避免会引起冲突。如何有效集结决策群体的偏好以协调决策者之间的冲突,是研究的主要目的。本文基于不确定多属性群决策理论的研究视角,分别利用交互式的线性规划模型和优化原理求解属性权重和专家权重,然后基于相对熵原理集结决策群体的不同偏好信息,最后用一个工程实例来验证该方法  相似文献   
骆毓燕  戈鹏  任佩瑜  梁学栋  邱厌庆 《资源科学》2011,33(11):2182-2190
低碳经济时代的演进,全球环境问题的凸显对全球旅游业的发展提出了新要求,旅游产业及景区的可持续发展寻求从传统的粗放型向新兴的集约型发展方式转变,如何促进景区低碳化建设,兼顾社会效益、经济效益与生态效益协调发展,实现景区可持续发展已成为社会各界关注的热点。针对国内外现有的旅游景区传统线性评价成果的不足,未能从复杂系统的角度体现景区系统低碳环保举措的成效及其效益的发展趋势。本文在复杂性科学管理熵与管理耗散结构理论的指导下,从经济运行、社会发展、生态环保、低碳控制、建设保障等维度构建低碳化景区多维综合集成评价体系,将管理熵增与管理耗散结构模型及改进后的熵值法应用于低碳化景区建设的评价过程中,从宏微观角度系统地揭示景区低碳化建设的系统序度、发展趋势。  相似文献   
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