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赛事赞助是体育营销的重要内容,赞助与被赞助方构成活动的主体和客体,其本质属性是建立在平等互利基础上的一种交换活动。因此,借鉴市场营销学科理论,从体育赛事活动的本体特性出发,建构科学的赛事赞助方案,是获取"双赢"的前提条件。研究表明一个科学合理的赞助方案,对于提高企业社会声誉和品牌影响力将是一个很大的推动。  相似文献   
花园口事件已经过去60多年,时至今日,学界对其研究、梳理未臻系统、深入。花园口决堤阻敌的军事价值未必如当时的期望和宣传,相反,其副作用却不客忽视,黄泛区的灾难是广泛而深远的。但是,与此同时,国民党政府采取了比较积极的善后态度和政策,并取得了一定的成效。  相似文献   
我国非奥运项目数量庞大、具有广泛的群众基础且百姓喜闻乐见,但其发展不能仅仅依赖于国家,将其推向社会可以得到更快的发展。由于国家政策导向等原因,非奥运项目走社会化发展模式已成为一种必然趋势。本文通过对非奥项目发展现状的调查,找出发展滞后的原因,并以此提出相应的观点,从发展模式、资金来源、项目建设等方面提出可行性建议,促进非奥运项目的普及与深度发展。  相似文献   
《Sport Management Review》2014,17(3):310-323
This research examined how familiarity with a brand influences how negative publicity related to a celebrity endorser is perceived. Specifically, the current research determined if familiarity with event and sponsor brands may temper any negative consequences of being linked with negative celebrity endorser publicity. Two studies were conducted to investigate this aim. Study 1 (n = 136) used unfamiliar brands and indicated attitudes towards the selected sponsor and the event brands were significantly reduced after negative publicity surrounding an associated celebrity endorser emerged. In contrast, individuals not exposed to negative publicity did not report reduced attitude scores. Study 2 (n = 272) used unfamiliar and familiar brands and found that negative publicity surrounding celebrity endorsers has the capacity to weaken attitudes towards associated event and sponsor brands. However, any negative impact was tempered by an individual's familiarity with the respective brand, indicating brand familiarity has a moderating effect on brand attitudes within the sports marketplace. This research furthers understandings related to sport sponsorship theory by assessing the role of brand familiarity in tempering information transference. Additionally, the paper provides insights to the events category which has not been researched previously. Brand managers can use this information to develop proactive and reactive strategies to employ to protect their brands when celebrity endorsers attract negative publicity.  相似文献   
颜茹玉 《当代体育科技》2020,(12):251-251,253
通过文献资料法、录像分析法、数理统计法等对2019年多哈田径世锦赛的金牌及奖牌数进行统计分析,对奖牌的设立、奖牌的洲际分布情况和各个田径项群的竞技实力进行分析。结果显示:美洲冠绝一时,在金牌和奖牌总数上仍然首屈一指,尤其是在速度性项目和快速力量性项目上独占鳌头,欧洲的竞技实力被削弱,但在体能综合类项目上实力超群;非洲在具有传统优势的耐力项目上发挥出色,形成垄断,但其他项目亟待发展;大洋洲的表现平澹无奇,成绩不如上届;亚洲的整体发展水平提高,主要体现在快速力量性和竞走项目上,其中国队创下了26年来最佳战绩。  相似文献   

Proponents often claim that bidding for and hosting sport events have an overall capacity to generate a variety of benefits for cities and regions. Despite limited empirical evidence to support these assertions, cities continue to vie for hosting rights. In an effort to maximise the benefits of hosting, host cities have adopted a strategic approach to event planning and management referred to as event leveraging. A critical concern raised in the leveraging literature is how event-related strategies fit with the broader tourism development agenda of cities and regions, and how they are implemented. This paper uses Urban Regime Theory (URT) to understand how and why cities seek to host events, and how the process of leveraging is undertaken to maximise the benefits of hosting. Viewing events and strategies in the context of regimes, highlights why some cities and regions have been successful in leveraging sport events for tourism gain over time and, importantly, why some have not. This paper synthesises the existing body of work on tourism-based sport event leveraging, identifies three ways academic research has explored leveraging, and uses regime theory as a lens to further our understanding of the leverage process in host cities.  相似文献   
澳大利亚昆士兰旅游局2009年大堡礁护岛员招聘,不仅吸引了世界各地众多人士的参与,而且吸引了世界各国媒体的聚焦,从而成为一个轰动全球的媒介事件。本文从传播学的角度对其富有创意而十分巧妙的公关传播作了具体分析,进而阐明对中国公关的有益启示。  相似文献   
通过网络对"迪奥莎朗·斯通"相关文章的内容分析,获得品牌危机信息在网上的分布状态、传播态势等信息的描述,研究发现,关于迪奥品牌的危机信息在网上经历了形成、爆发、持续,然后逐渐消弭的这样一个过程,社区类网站是品牌危机信息发布较多的网站,但传统媒体网站上的新闻报道却是众多社区类网站进行品牌危机信息传播的主要来源;迪奥对危机事件的反应和行动与网络舆论的要求和期待不相一致.  相似文献   
1897年11月,德国以巨野教案为借口侵占了胶州湾地区.根据国际法,德国从出兵胶州湾到以条约的形式确认它在山东特权的每一个步骤均违背了国际惯例,构成了对中国的武装侵略.在这一过程中,清政府各级官员曾依据有限的国际法知识进行过一些外交斗争,但由于他们对国际法从认识到运用都存在一些误区,加之中德双方强弱对比的悬殊和德帝国主义的骄横,以及晚清最高统治集团的软弱,最终导致了胶州湾的沦丧.这也说明在国力过于弱小,独立主权大量丧失的情况下,国际公法发挥不了应有的作用.  相似文献   
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