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当前,自考存在着教育功利主义及应试教育倾向,存在着专业课程设置僵化、考试评价方式和自学媒体单一等弊端。新世纪,必须进一步改革和完善自考制度,明确教育培养目标,克服自考的应试教育倾向,改革考试内容,建立多元化评价体系,实行开放的课程设置体系,加强对自学媒体的建设,以促进考生综合素质的提升和全面发展。  相似文献   
In the UK and other countries, the use of end-of-module assessment by coursework in higher education has increased over the last 40?years. This has been justified by various pedagogical arguments. In addition, students themselves prefer to be assessed either by coursework alone or by a mixture of coursework and examinations than by examinations alone. Assessment by coursework alone or by a mixture of coursework and examinations tends to yield higher marks than assessment by examinations alone. The increased adoption of assessment by coursework has contributed to an increase over time in the marks on individual modules and in the proportion of good degrees across entire programmes. Assessment by coursework appears to attenuate the negative effect of class size on student attainment. The difference between coursework marks and examination marks tends to be greater in some disciplines than others, but it appears to be similar in men and women and in students from different ethnic groups. Collusion, plagiarism and personation (especially ‘contract cheating’ through the use of bespoke essays) are potential problems with coursework assessment. Nevertheless, the increased use of assessment by coursework has generally been seen as uncontentious, with only isolated voices expressing concerns regarding possible risks to academic standards.  相似文献   
In Ireland, the high-stakes Leaving Certificate Examination at the end of upper secondary education was abruptly cancelled in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Instead, calculated grades were introduced, necessitating for the first time the involvement of secondary school teachers in the assessment of their own students for certification. This article reports on analysis of responses to an online survey with 713 respondents conducted in the autumn of 2020, focusing on teacher experiences of engagement in the process of calculated grades in their schools and how this might inform perceptions of their future roles as assessors. Among the key findings to emerge from re-analyses of these data are inter alia that, for some teachers, (1) negotiation of student grades with colleagues—particularly those at grade boundaries—caused them to question the professional judgements of peers; (2) release by the Department of Education and Skills of student ranks, in addition to grades, constituted a breach of trust because it ran contrary to what they understood had been agreed initially; and (3) living and working in small towns or rural communities in Ireland left them very vulnerable to disgruntled students and their families—resulting in the perception that trust in their professional judgements had been undermined. Hence, the conclusion that the success of Senior Cycle reform efforts is contingent on both rebuilding teachers' trust over time while also working, in the immediate term, with teachers interested in exploring further their roles in school-based assessment for certification purposes.  相似文献   
县级中学高中生物理考试成败归因特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以435名县级中学高中生为被试,以考试成败归因问卷为工具,旨在探讨高中生对物理考试成败结果的归因特点。研究表明:(1)整体上看,县级中学高中生对物理考试成败倾向于作内部归因,他们将持久努力、临时努力和学习方法等内部可控原因视为首要原因;(2)自我评价成功者与失败者对考试结果的归因存在明显差异;(3)男女生对考试成功的归因不存在明显的差异,对考试失败的归因有一定差异,女生比男生更看重能力、学习方法、学习基础与任务难度等原因对失败结果的影响;(4)高中生对考试成败的归因不存在明显的年级差异。  相似文献   
中英高校图书馆校外读者服务比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从中英高校图书馆校外读者服务比较可以看出,我国大多数高校图书馆并未将校外读者进行细分,仅有个别高校图书馆向校外读者提供除图书阅览以外的服务;收费服务的观念比较强,而且收费机制不够灵活;校外读者的管理制度不够详细。因此,我国高校图书馆应加强面向企业研发人员的服务,完善管理制度,淡化有偿服务观念,创新服务方式,以做好校外读者服务工作。  相似文献   
专业建设是自学考试的一项基础性工作,是自学考试体系的基石工程;专业建设能助推自学考试改变自身状态、变劣势为优势,从而推动自学考试的综合改革;专业建设是自学考试沟通人才培养与社会需求的枢纽。自学考试专业建设必须与社会时代变化相适应,与学生发展需要相适应,与教育发展政策相适应。推进自学考试专业建设要以社会需求为目标,调整人才培养规格;以考生的发展需求为宗旨,改革完善课程体系;以终身教育为指导,推进学习支持服务体系建设。  相似文献   
《教育部考试中心事业发展“十四五”规划》(以下简称《规划》)的编制以习近平总书记关于教育的重要论述、党的十九大及十九届历次全会精神、全国教育大会精神作为指导思想,根据新时代教育考试改革发展实际,聚焦当前教育考试事业发展面临的主要矛盾,坚持统筹谋划,坚持对标对表,坚持问题导向,坚持开门问策,坚持战略协同。《规划》确定了教育部考试中心“十四五”事业发展近期目标是“推动教育考试高质量发展,基本建成现代化教育考试机构”,2035年远景目标是“总体实现教育考试现代化,建成中国特色、世界领先的现代化考试机构”,提出了加强党对教育考试事业的全面领导、深化新时代教育考试改革、提升教育考试治理效能、推动现代化考试机构建设4个方面的任务举措。《规划》不仅是教育部考试中心推进教育考试改革与事业发展的工作指南,还可以为全国教育考试战线的改革发展提供参考。  相似文献   
庙学是封建时代官办育才场所,科举是封建时代选才方式,两种不同的制度结缘于隋唐,基于价值导向的趋同性而得以融合促动。其融合促动是全方位的,在建筑空间上,庙学常被用作科举童试的场所,科举除拥有号房、执事楼、文昌宫等相对独立的空间外,庙学的祭祀、教学空间也带有明显的科举痕迹,隐藏着丰富的科举意蕴;在教育教学活动上,科举元素渗透到庙学的学官管理、生员管理、教学内容和教学方法之中;在常规仪式方面,在庙学内举办的进学礼、宾兴礼和科贡题名活动等都是庙学与科举融合促动的真实呈现,深刻影响着读书人的价值观和社风民俗,成为优秀传统文化不可分割的一部分。  相似文献   
This report mainly focuses Chinese accounting system and structure.In order to analysis and evaluate the Chinese accounting system and struc-ture,a brief history of the development of Chinese accounting system will be given to know the background of Chinese accounting system development process.  相似文献   
哲学王是柏拉图政治哲学思想中的核心观念,是其在天下失序的背景之下构建的关于理想城邦的政治蓝图,该学说强调王者要用哲学智慧和哲学家具备的品质去治理城邦,从而引导城邦健康、有序发展。内圣外王思想是儒家文化的精髓,是古代中国修身为政的最高理想,哲学王与内圣外王思想两者都作为一种人格理想和政治宏图,具有一定的可比性。  相似文献   
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