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历届全国农运会项目设置及其特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料法、数理统计法,从历届全国农民运动会的背景、项目设置等几个方面进行对比研究,阐明了历届农运会的基本概况、项目特色及其意义。对全国农运会项目设置的发展趋势及特点进行了分析,并对如何更进一步完善农运会项目设置、体现农运会特色提出了相关对策与建议。  相似文献   
农民现代化是建设社会主义新农村的关键性、基础性因素,本文分析了农民现代化的科学内涵和社会主义新农村的含义及意义,并提出要实现农民现代化,建设社会主义新农村。  相似文献   
现阶段城乡居民收入差距过大,其原因是农民增收缓慢。选择农民增收的路径是实行土地规模经营,而现行一家一户分散零碎的土地使用权是规模经营的“瓶颈”和障碍。设想成立国家土地银行,盘活和整合原有的土地使用权,为规模化经营的实施创造一种新的制度安排。  相似文献   

Purpose: This paper assesses the effectiveness of volunteer farmer trainers in promoting adoption of agricultural technologies in western Kenya. Specifically, the purpose was to assess the type of information they disseminated, farmer trainers' characteristics desirable to farmer trainees, and how trainees evaluate farmer trainers.

Design/methodology/approach: Data were collected through focused group and open discussions, and interviews with 44 farmer trainers (32% women) and 91 trainees (63% women). Effectiveness of training was assessed based on level of learner satisfaction and attributes pertaining to knowledge, skill, attitude and application of the learning on farms. Other topics examined included selection of farmer trainers, organization of training, type, how and to whom information is disseminated, and farmer trainers' constraints and opportunities.

Findings: Farmer trainers played important roles such as mobilizing and training fellow farmers, hosting demonstration plots, bulking and distributing planting materials. They were, however, rated slightly lower in follow-ups and seed bulking. Farmer trainers disseminate on average two to four different types of technology. Crop-based technologies were disseminated more than livestock-based ones because of their simplicity. Technical backstopping from extension workers remains a challenge, which may compromise quality of information disseminated. The survey showed that the approach is sustainable, with farmer trainers continuing their work several years after project support had ended.

Practical implications: The results from this study are of use to development programmes keen on using low-cost, community-based dissemination approaches. Recommendations are also given on selecting farmer trainers, organizing training, types of technologies to disseminate incentives, and sustainability.

Originality/value: The added value lies in filling information gaps in the use and effectiveness of the farmer trainer approach in promoting technology dissemination.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to analyze the demand-driven extension approach based on empirical evidence of a case study of the National Agricultural Advisory Service in Uganda. This research found several problems rooted in differences between the assumptions of demand-driven extension and the perspectives of farmers. Many farmers did not place high value on advisory services and were ambivalent towards the programme concepts of farmer ownership and empowerment. Although long-term capacity building was a core part of the programme strategy, farmers were reluctant to invest their time in attending these trainings, whilst political pressure and budgetary constraints made it difficult for programme managers to commit the necessary resources to this activity. The programme adapted to popular and political pressure by putting more emphasis on technological support to farmers. The demand-driven extension model has gained favour amongst donor agencies in their discussions of extension reform. This paper presents evidence and argumentation that suggest demand-driven extension is problematic in rural Uganda and other similar settings. This paper presents original, independent, critical and empirically grounded research in an area that has been dominated in the literature by donor-sponsored work and self-evaluations.  相似文献   
我国现阶段农地制度存在的问题十分突出,并成为我国现阶段“三农”问题的基础性原因。我们应根据“农业是国民经济的基础”和“我国基本经济制度”的理论探索现阶段我国农地制度改革的基本思路,解决好我国农地制度改革中面临的问题。  相似文献   
《中华人民共和国体育法》、《全民健身条例》、新农村建设等法规和文件从政策层面要求构筑农民体育生活方式,现代农民的生产劳动特点、我国发展体育人口的使命、农民体质状况、农村留守人员闲暇生活状况是农民体育生活方式的形成动力,加强地方政府职能,落实体育法规、政策,加强宣传和引导,组织开展"体育三下乡"活动,结合当地民间传统体育文化,丰富农民的闲暇生活,建立健全农村基本公共服务体系,加强体育场地设施建设是农民体育生活方式的实现途径。  相似文献   
20世纪40年代诞生的工农兵文学,是对土地革命时期江西革命根据地的苏区文学和抗战时期以延安为中心的陕北抗日根据地文学的继承与发展,其发展的线索是:从"为革命"到"为工农兵";从"个人情怀"到"阶级情怀";从"宣传品"到"具有艺术感染力的宣传品";从"加强文艺宣传工作的政治领导"到"对文艺工作进行管控";从"群众创作"到"作家向群众学习"。工农兵文学从孕育到诞生再到发展以至消亡,是不断摸索和变化的过程。同时,作为完整的工农兵文学的理论体系,作为一种文学规范,是在1942年毛泽东发表《在延安文艺座谈上的讲话》之后形成的大批量的作品产生,所以以《在延安文艺座谈上的讲话》作为工农兵文学诞生的标志,以毛泽东作为工农兵文学的倡导者,是科学的。  相似文献   
农产品是农户的收入来源,是超市竞争的焦点,也是每个消费者日常生活中所必不可少。农超对接能够让农户、超市和消费者三者获得在传统采购模式下所不可能获得的利益和实惠,具有重大的商业价值和社会意义。本文以介绍九江联盛超市农超对接现状入手,分析了这种采购模式现在存在的问题,并提出了一些优化的办法,希望对相关企业有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
采用自由联想技术调查研究了我国2700名农民的学习内容偏好,结果表明:农民学习内容偏好存在明显的群体特征,是具体的、指向职业技术内容的。调查结果对农村图书馆资源建设具有一定启示:有偏配置资源可以提高投入效率;简单调查即可获得农民学习需求;职业技术入门文献是农村图书馆资源建设的重点;应配置普及性的科学技术文献;提升农民综合素质的文献资源不可或缺。表4。参考文献7。  相似文献   
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