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Students may enter our 5-year engineering school in France at two levels : first and third year. However, due to their quite different backgrounds ( this is especially true for third year students ), we need to provide newcomers with a 6-week training period during which they follow classes in the fields where they particularly feel weak. Unfortunately, depending on the student's background, this is not always possible to bring him/her to the expected level. Another aspect one needs to mention is that these students may not have the same weaknesses in a given field. However, for economical reasons, those classes follow a uniform program as it is not feasible to provide a customized progression. In this paper we discuss how to redesign a mathematics course so as to offer tailored exercise sequencing. Groups of 20 students could then draw their exercises from an intranet database according to their previously completed work, try to solve it by themselves, request additional hints and even ask for some direct help from the teacher. Such a database is currently under development. If it turns out several students stumble against the same difficulty the teacher could show the whole class room how to solve it using the digital projector. This project goes one step further than our initial mobile education project ( 2003 - 2004 ). Until recently, we had used the equipment in a unique direction, from the instructor toward the students. Here, in this new project we are focusing on the whole loop in order to offer a more adequate (personalized) pedagogical progression : from the student to the teacher (when the tablet PCs are monitored by the teacher), and back toward the students (when a direct help is provided by the teacher).  相似文献   
This article examines theclaim that, through its overt symbolicmessaging, the Gatineau Preservation Centre,opened by the National Archives of Canada in1997, embodies a perfect transparency betweenfunction and form, with the shape of the placebeing derived seamlessly from the needs of thearchival work done there, and the proof beingin the exposure of all the elements to view. It reveals the undercurrents of contendingoppositions to this claim, both in thesubversive, Mannerist, or impure architectural eccentricities designed into thestructure, and in the embodiment of archivalnarratives whose symbolism is challenged byunacknowledged resistances. While the buildingis clearly inspired by Modernist andEnlightenment orientations, such as theambition to preserve unchanged a universal,transcendent historical authenticity, thesediverse resistances buried in it aremanifested, for example, in the contest of maleversus female structural elements, and inthe authority of the monumental and exposed setagainst the seduction of the varied and secret. Most importantly, the absorption of the bodyboth metaphorically and physically into themany disciplines of the place unconsciouslycalls into question the building's self-imageas the epitome of a liberal-humanist andobjective-scientific activity; it reflectsinstead the destabilizing plays and displays ofpower which are increasingly seen to form theindeterminate field of the archival pursuit.  相似文献   
"Liberal Education"一词的意义在西方教育界早已有定论,一般较为人熟知的中文翻译是"人文教育"。美国上世纪30年代,大学教育弥漫"实用"之风,此时保守的学者有感当代教育重专业技能而轻人文课程的危机,乃重新诠释"人文教育"的内涵,并致力于人文课程的设计。这些学者中,上世纪40年代曾获得普利策诗人奖的美国哥伦比亚大学马克范多伦教授,结合诗人感性的笔触与自己投身教育的经验,写成著名的《人文教育》一书,他极力主张教育不只是改造社会的工具,更应进一步提供如何精炼人性的必要途径。他这种与当时宣称沿袭"进步主义"而号称自由派学者的对立思维,使他成为美国人文教育最有影响力的代言人之一,本文主要介绍他的教育理念,并阐述西方人文教育的本质与传统。  相似文献   
本文运用文献法、录像观察法、数理统计法对纳达尔在2014年法网单打比赛中的技战术进行统计分析,结果表明:纳达尔在发球方面具有自己的特点,保持着高效发球得分率;在接发球方面有着快速的判断、稳定的心理素质,接发球成功率很高,说明纳达尔的接发球进攻能力强,高效的破发成功率也说明纳达尔把握机会的能力很强;在比赛时以底线作为主要阵地,发挥自身优势,发挥自己击球力量大和角度刁钻,旋转强和落点准的特点;网前进攻意识不强,得分相对较少。  相似文献   
博洛尼亚进程的总目标已成为欧洲各国高等教育改革的参照标准,对以多样化为特点的法国高等教育而言,欧洲高等教育一体化的实现是一个长期的历史进程。法国高等教育系统的改革以整合博洛尼亚进程,建立欧洲高等教育研究区为主旋律。博洛尼亚进程的实施对法国高等教育产生了巨大的影响,增强了法国高等教育体制的开放性和流动性,促进了学生的流动性,密切了高等教育领域与社会经济部门的联系,提高了毕业生的就业率。  相似文献   
采用录像观察法和逻辑分析法等研究方法,从制度因素、训练学因素和心理因素3个角度对李娜法网夺冠的原因进行探究.结果表明与2010年澳网时相比,李娜的技术更加全面,战术运用更为合理,体能更加充沛,心态更加稳定.在未来的训练比赛中李娜需进一步打破传统的思维束缚,更好地融入职业化网坛.  相似文献   
"soi"是法语重读人称代词中的一个特殊存在。它既属于泛指代词,但是又能指代到群体中的个体。对于学过英语的法语初学者来说,这个单词既在英语里找不到完全相同的单词,又和英语的个别代词的个例对应,使得学生在学习这个词语的具体使用情况时感到陌生和难以掌握。针对在教学中学生对其理解的障碍,探讨如何根据认知语言学的理论指引,在课堂上既避免学生英法混淆,又能清楚记住"soi"的特点。  相似文献   
笔者以20世纪中叶布鲁纳(Bruner)提出的"发现学习"的教学理念为指导,设计了一堂学生学习成果展示课,旨在探索二外法语教学的新方式,让学生在课堂上掌握更多的话语权,提高学生的学习积极性和主动性。  相似文献   
英语和法语同属印欧语系,又有着深远的历史渊源,所以两种语言之间的共同特征使得法语学习者在学习中会潜意识地将已习得的英语知识迁移到法语中来,促进或妨碍了法语的学习。因此,本文通过对比两种语言在句法方面的异同,从语言迁移角度分析英语对法语句法学习所产生的正负迁移,从而提出在法语教学中如何充分利用相似点,发挥正迁移,降低理解难度,及如何辨析差异,避免负迁移,提高教学效率。  相似文献   
《法国律例·民律》是法国传教士毕利干及其助手译介到中国的第一部近代西方民法著作。该书介绍了平等、自愿、诚实信用等近代西方民法的基本原则,也让中国人了解到许多与传统法律不尽相同的法律规定,并译定了一批民法学术语。由于汉语水平的限制,《法国律例·民律》晦涩难懂的语言严重制约了该书的流传。但是,《法国律例·民律》对于近代中国社会的影响,仍然值得我们予以关注。  相似文献   
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