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In 1897, four French Franciscan sisters arrived in Ethiopia, having been summoned there by the Capuchin missionaries. In 1925, they ran an orphanage, a dispensary, a leper colony and 10 schools with 350 girl students. The students were freed slaves, orphans and upper-class Ethiopian and European girls. After providing a brief background to the relations between the Ethiopian government and the missionaries, this article describes the general activities of the Sisters, the importance they dedicated to education, and their religious and political motives. In the second part, it analyses the sociological backgrounds of the female students and the way in which education intersected with gender, class and race. Third, it reconstructs the multiple power relations within which the Sisters’ educational work was embedded. Finally, it demonstrates how schooling girls in a class-based manner – in conformity with the Franciscan Sisters’ perceptions about what lower-class and upper-class women should be – enabled them to secure relations with Ethiopian political elites. These relations both benefited the Ethiopian elites and furthered the cause of French imperialism.  相似文献   
法国大革命被神话的外衣下有极其丑陋的一面,路易十六--这位无辜地成为了法国大革命牺牲品的法国国王,曾经为化解国家财政危机而励精图治,为支持法国大革命而拥护君主立宪,最后用自己的生命换来了法国大革命的进一步发展,这样一位国王,我们应当重新认识和评价。  相似文献   
在法国教育行政职能的转变中,教育立法和政策、教育财政、教育督导和评估、教育预测与规划、教育人事等行政职能在随着社会战略重点的转移以及教育发展变化而进行着变化和调整。通过系统的观点来探讨法国的教育行政职能转变,以对我国在教育均权化、教育行政人员专业化、加强督导等方面有启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   
High-level athletes are accorded deferential treatment by the French state. They enjoy the status of ‘high-performance athletes', which entitles them to assistance from the state and a set of special provisions. This paper provides an overview of the political circumstances in which this status was originated and developed, from its initial recognition under the 1975 Sports Law to the paradoxical social effects that this state policy has had on its beneficiaries: the athletes themselves. The first part of the paper is based largely on a search of parliamentary archives relating to the adoption of this law, known as the Mazeaud law, while the second part is based on a survey and interviews conducted with a number of French athletes who were selected for the 1972 and 1992 Olympic Games in Munich and Barcelona respectively. In addressing these two key phases in the recognition of athlete status, its political development and its subsequent reception, the article illustrates the changes in both status and condition of high-performance athlete, based on very different time scales and inspired by fairly different expectations. Given that the present system aims to improve the position of athletes in terms of their post-competitive lives, the long-term benefit of representing France under these circumstances remains questionable.  相似文献   
谭平山与"平民革命"理论主张的提出   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国民革命失败以后,作为共产党领手人之一的谭平山被组织拒之门外,但他没有消沉颓废,仍在继续探索中国革命的问题,他将自己对革命的认识形成“平民革命”的理论主张,在中华革命党(第三党)成立时提了出来,却遭到左倾中共中央的强烈反对和批判。  相似文献   
陈云为党的第二代中央领导集体的形成作出了杰出贡献:一是坚持思想路线上的拨乱反正,为党的第二代中央领导集体的形成奠定了思想基础;二是坚持政治路线上的拨乱反正,为党的第二代中央领导集体的形成奠定了政治基础;三是坚持组织路线上的拨乱反正,为党的第二代中央领导集体的形成奠定了组织基础.  相似文献   
“文化大革命”是一场政治大革命,也是一场灾难。这场运动的发动原因是多方面的,文章就这场运动的理论 ──无产阶级专政下继续革命的理论进行了深刻的分析,得出这个理论是不符合中国实际的,同时通过反思这场运动,我们可以从中得出深刻的教训,防止这场大悲剧在今天重演。  相似文献   
Spanish-speaking learners of French, aged 9 to 11 years old, were tested after approximately 7months of French instruction to explore the contribution of phonological and syntactic awareness in L2 in 4 components of L2 reading, taking oral competence in L2 andreading in L1 into account. Phonological tasksin L2 better explain decoding. Word recognitionthrough the visual route is best explained bythe corresponding ability in L1. Sentencecomprehension is best explained by oralcompetence in L2, although it is stronglycorrelated with syntactic awareness. Finally,text comprehension is explained by thecorresponding ability in L1, althoughcorrelations with syntactic awareness and oralcompetence are strong. Theoretical implicationsare derived from these findings, and questionsrelative to the subjects' age and level ofbilingualism as well as methodological issuesare discussed.  相似文献   
文章运用想象的共同体——这一新的理论来重新审视《白鹿原》中的革命内涵。主要从发生在白鹿原上历次革命、参加革命的革命者、传统文化三个方面剖析革命的目的和实质,从而展示作者对民族国家出路思考的主旨。  相似文献   
辛亥革命是近代中国历史上发生的一次推翻清朝封建专制统治的伟大的资产阶级民主革命。在这场革命中 ,山东的革命党人同人民群众奋起争民主争自由 ,是这场全国性的革命运动的一个重要组成部分 ,它经历了胜利与失败的磨难 ,给后来者留下了深刻的经验和教训。  相似文献   
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