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费德勒与纳达尔法网决赛3次颠峰对决比较研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
运用文献资料法、数理统计法和比较分析法,对费德勒06、07、08年法网决赛技战术指标进行统计分析。结果表明:费德勒在一发成功率、一发得分率、二发得分率、非受迫失误、接发球得分率、破发成功率以及总得分上都不如纳达尔。因此,费德勒在面对不断提高的纳达尔时,在追求快节奏的情况下保证稳定性。同时,为我国选手参加法网提供了参考依据。  相似文献   
“革命加恋爱”创作模式的重新审视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
五四化精神给学注入的个人话语,在20世纪20年代后期一批青年作家伤口中主要表现为爱情受到压抑和摧残的苦闷,而革命恰恰可以以暴力反抗和宣泄苦闷,于是有了恋爱与革命的结合,产生了“革命加恋爱”的创伤模式,但是由于传统的农民化心理等多种因素的作用,个人话语在革命的语境中日渐陷入尴尬的境地,乃至被驱逐出学创伤。这种状况对后来的学产生了很大的负面影响。  相似文献   
The May Fourth Movement is most often understood as a precursor to the China that emerged under the rule of Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist Party. In this essay, Mizoguchi presents an alternative reading of May Fourth, one envisioned by Liang Shuming as more deeply rooted in Chinese tradition than the heavily Marxian, class-based May Fourth later positioned as the forebear of the Cultural Revolution.  相似文献   

In this article, I would like to focus on an analysis of internal logic of the ‘Haruki phenomenon’ as a symptom in current East Asian public culture. In particular, I will discuss how Haruki searches for the healing method for the ‘60s complex’ among Japan’s ‘Sixties’ Kids,’ including Haruki himself, through an analysis of his novels Norwegian Wood (2000[1987]) and Kafka on the Shore (2005[2002]). In the process of analysis, we can witness that Haruki abandoned his task of ‘reconciliation with the 1960s’ through faith, rather than facing it directly, and fiznally stripped the 1960s of historicity and reality. He regarded the ‘reconciliation with the 1960s’ as something beyond an individual’s ability. Transforming the 1960s from a history of postwar Japan into an object of abstract and universal nostalgia, which is closed to the present, Haruki effectively met the latent desire of the East Asian people, who were experiencing the dissolution of their ideologies, at the right time. This is the essence of the Haruki phenomenon that emerged in East Asia over the last decade. I use the phrase ‘nostalgia that lost its nationality’ to describe the uncanny cultural phenomenon of East Asian readers longing for the 1960s pictured in Haruki’s novels as if this were their own past, despite their very different national memories. Nostalgia, a cultural symptom of the postmodern society, where remembering the nation’s past totally is impossible, is a blank imitation deprived of its original source. In short, the substance of the Haruki phenomenon is nostalgia that developed from a desire to forget the traumatic memories of the national histories in individual East Asian countries.  相似文献   
滇越铁路在上个世纪初的修建对云南的经济、社会、文化等产生了重大的影响,其强行输入的西方建筑文化,使滇越铁路沿线建筑成为云南建筑文化的一个重要组成部分,这些建筑主要以简化的法式风格为代表,其中窗形制是体现外域色彩的重要元素。  相似文献   
周恩来采取迂回策略,斩断林彪、江青的臂膀,肃清了极左思潮在外事口的恶劣影响,他坚持“不要四面出击”的外交策略,妥善处理了极左思潮造成的外交矛盾,使我国避免了四面受敌的被动境地;协助毛泽东作出战略决策,打开中美关系大门,为十一届三中全会后实施的改革开放营造了稳定、有利的国际环境。  相似文献   
创建红军,除了理论上准备外,军事人才的准备尤为重要。在大革命时期,中国共产党克服困难,在黄埔军校、国民革命军、国民军中开展了一系列军事运动,在党的周围培养锻炼和吸引了一大批军事人才。在开展工农运动的过程中,也造就了一些有军事才能的党的干部。苏联和共产国际也为我党培养了一批能文能武的军政人才。这些人都是党的宝贵财富,成为我党创建红军重要的军事人才的来源。  相似文献   
王韬论诗主性情,反对模拟古人,求新求奇,要求诗歌创作应有自己的个性、见解和学识;在诗歌功能上重视济时用世及立言传世。王韬诗学思想中的创新精神在清代后期拟古主义诗风普遍笼罩的情况下,具有大胆变革冲出窠臼的积极意义。他的诗歌理论直接影响了黄遵宪,推动了梁启超的"诗界革命",可以说是"诗界革命"的先锋。  相似文献   
辛亥革命是从帝制走向共和的新兴力量,它以势不可挡的气势改变了中国社会及其组织结构,给中国社会带来新的活力,同时也对中华民族的文化产生巨大的影响,而服装的变革就是这种影响下的自然产物。这种新的服装文化打破了长期以来所形成的封建主义等级制度,为新的中华民族服装的发展奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   
16—18世纪法国的政治思想观念,经过文艺复兴、宗教改革、启蒙运动和法国大革命四次运动的不断演进发展,而走向了成熟,奠定了近代法国的政治制度,推动了法国向近代社会转型。  相似文献   
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