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唐代是我国诗歌发展的高峰时期,唐诗犹如一座珠穆朗玛峰,让后世的人们敬仰。在浩如烟海的唐代诗歌中,边塞诗又是其中的一朵奇葩,它以雄浑激昂、慷慨豪迈的精神风貌,丰富的主题,独特的艺术视角,在边塞诗的发展中,留下了重要的一笔。  相似文献   
采用Spss19.0和CitespaceIII分析工具,借助SCI数据库平台,论文对2012年美国图书情报专业排名[1]前30的大学近十年科研情况进行分析,归纳了六个前沿主题研究方向(用户研究、知识共享(博客)、健康素养、信息检索、编目及索引、可视化)和十个热点研究包括信息检索、图书馆学、公共图书馆、参考咨询服务、信息技术、知识管理、电子政务、虚拟团队、文献计量及电子商务,梳理了十年间美国图书情报专业的科研现状。  相似文献   
Discourses of entrepreneurship and research on women entrepreneurs have proliferated in the last two decades. This study argues that a particular conception of an entrepreneurial self underlies much literature on women entrepreneurs and their empowerment, and identifies several key assumptions of this entrepreneurial self. The study then assesses the motivations and experiences of several white women entrepreneurs in a northwestern state in the United States, finding that aspects of the entrepreneurial self are most evident in the reasons that women provide about why they became entrepreneurs. However, the experiences the women narrate reveal a more constraints-centered discourse, which features a particular interpretation of the frontier myth of the American West, and bears traces of an emergent, collective notion of empowerment. The authors explain such empowerment from critical and feminist perspectives, offering the concept of bounded empowerment as a lens through which to examine entrepreneurship and gender, and discussing its practical implications.  相似文献   
以全知外视角为主、复合视角为辅的叙述视角,给小说<边城>的情节推衍、人物刻画带来从容自如、独具表现力的艺术风格;同时,意象化叙述营造了小说浓郁的诗化韵味;就小说主题而言,从隐喻象征角度切入,则可揭示<边城>的当代文化阐释对传统文化人格缺陷的批判.  相似文献   
1938年10月创办的《西南边疆》是抗战时期有影响的西南边疆少数民族研究刊物,在出版的18期刊物里,彭桂萼发表的5篇论文,均是在调查研究获取第一手材料的基础上撰写的,阐述真实客观,分析深刻入理,对研究云南地方历史、经济、民族教育、布朗族文化和傣族文化等提供了难得的资料,具有较高的学术价值,为中华民族的神圣抗战做出了重要的贡献。  相似文献   
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and the indication of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) in the treatment of exposure of orbital implants. Design: Retrospective and observational case series. Methods: We reviewed 41 patients (41 eyes) suffering exposure of orbital implants from Jan. 2000 to June 2006. The study group patients with mild exposure received combined treatment with bFGF and antibiotic drops, and while the control group patients with mild exposure were treated with antibiotic drops only. The study group patients with moderate and severe exposure received combined treatment with bFGF and antibiotic drops, and after 2 months they were subjected to amniotic membrane transplantation, while the control group patients with moderate and severe exposure underwent amniotic membrane transplantation after using antibiotic drops. Observation of the growth of conjunctival epithelium and comparison of the healing rate of the two groups. Results: The healing rates of the mild, moderate and severe exposure study group were 100% and 92.3%. The healing rates of the mild, moderate and severe exposure control group were 55.6% and 66.7% respectively. The difference of the healing rates of the mild exposure study group and the control group was significant (P=-0.033). And the difference of the healing rates of the moderate and severe exposure study group and the control group was not significant (P=-0.167). Conclusion: bFGF may promote obviously the healing of orbital implant exposure, particularly it can be the first choice for the treatment of mild degree exposure. For the moderate and severe cases, it can be administered before surgical repair to enhance neovascularization and will tend to increase the success rate of surgical repair.  相似文献   
文章考察二战以来美国技术政策的演变过程,阐明对各个阶段技术政策发展的动力、目标和特点。文章指出冷战时期美国技术政策隐含在科学政策中,冷战前夕美国明确提出技术政策,并在冷战后得到发展。文章把美国技术政策发展的决定因素总结为国内因素、国际环境和科学技术特点,并对美国技术政策发展的未来做了分析。  相似文献   
文章论述了边疆高校贫困生资助工作中学生思想认识方面存在的诸多问题,主要表现为:非贫困生“贪”的思想,贫困学生“等”、“靠”、“要”的思想,“以贫为荣”和“以贫为耻”两种极端的思想,毕业生还贷不良导致国家助学贷款不可持续发展等。为解决这些问题,必须要让学生明确两个概念,明确贫困生资助的核心目的是助“学”,面非助攀比、助奢侈消费;要教育学生学会谦让、知足和宽容;号召全员关注贫困资助工作;加强学生的诚信教育。  相似文献   
《图书馆信息学》围绕信息、信息用户和信息技术三要素,介绍了图书馆信息学领域的主要著述,并且讨论了该领域的发展动向、研究热点和最新趋势。该书研究方法科学,表述深入浅出,是一部展示21世纪图书馆学情报学研究前沿之力作。  相似文献   
让杰出人才及时胜出并充分发挥作用能够最有效地促进科技进步和创新能力的提升,为解决这两大难题.该文提出开放式评价和前沿学者负责制。国家安全与经济发展的迫切需要,遏制学术平庸的迫切需要,必将导致这种新型的评价方式与新型的科研人才体制的实施与推广,成为我国科技体制改革的突破口。这也将导致胜出机制的变革,引发云科学革命。  相似文献   
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