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The European and American call options,for which the prices of their underlying asset follow compound Poisson process,are evaluated by a probability method.Formulas that can be used to evaluate the options are obtained,which include not only the elements of an option:the price of the call option,the exercise price and the expiration date,but also the riskless interest rate,nevertheless exclude the volatility of the underlying asset.In practice,the evaluated results obtained by these formulas can proved references of making strategic decision for an investor who buys the call option and a company who sells the call option.  相似文献   
晚清学部对于外国人在华办学的基本政策是"无庸立案,不给奖励",但有两所外人在华所办高等教育机构在学部立案。其中北京协和医学堂立案原因有:学堂不传教,重中学;晚清政府官员对医学事业的支持;立案时间在学部"无庸立案,不给奖励"政策出台之前。青岛特别高等专门学堂立案原因有:它不是教会学堂,重中学;它是两国政府合办的高等学堂;学部对于外人办学的政策有所变化。对于外人在华所办学堂毕业生的出身奖励,学部一律拒绝给予。其表层原因在于给予出身奖励与当时政策相冲突,深层原因在于担心其毕业生难以站在中国立场上为国家办事。  相似文献   
中唐时期,士族家庭在婚姻上依然保持着门第观念,而在仕途上,则已经风光不再了。士族出身对士子的仕宦生涯所发生的影响渐小,他们能够守住的是“婚”的底线和优美的家学家风。无嗣之忧与柳宗元的士族出身有直接的关系,这关涉如何传宗接代以继承家学门风。对于柳宗元本人来说,建功立业已经遥不可及,而以著述传世尚可。这就需要有传人,所以他在与年轻人的交流中传播自己的文学观念。家族教育的兴盛、文学教育的看重本就是河东柳氏的传统。没有子嗣意味着家学难以为继的局面。对柳宗元的文学活动做一番考察,就会发现,这是他文学创作最为活跃的一个时期。柳宗元对自己身后事的处理中同样存在无嗣之忧的影响。  相似文献   

En este artículo se hace una revisión de las dislexias a partir de los modelos de lectura. Para ello se comienza por describir el modelo de lectura que, según los datos empíricos, rige la ejecución de los lectores normales. A partir de la literatura publicada se puede comprobar que los diferentes tipos de trastornos lectores se pueden explicar a partir del modelo. Se termina comentando las importantes implicaciones de este enfoque en el tratamiento de las dislexias en particular y en los métodos de enseñanza de la lectura en general.  相似文献   
This study examined teachers’ attitudes toward learners with two types of barriers to learning: a learner with attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and a learner with little or no functional speech (LNFS). The results indicated that although teachers reported that the learner with ADHD would be more disruptive in class and have a more negative effect on the classroom climate, they overwhelmingly favoured including this learner over the learner with LNFS. The data indicated that teachers were concerned about the ability of the learner with LNFS to participate academically and socially in the classroom. They also were significantly more concerned about their own ability to cope with the learner with LNFS. The article concludes with the need for ongoing inclusive education training for all teachers in South Africa if successful inclusive education is to become a reality.  相似文献   
理学在宋代兴起繁盛,成为这一时代的主流思潮,它广泛而深刻地影响着宋代社会的各个方面,诗歌领域自不例外,其独特的精神内质使得宋代诗歌理论逐渐丰富,并形成了不同以往的创作理论。  相似文献   
This paper investigate the generalized synchronization and pinning adaptive generalized synchronization for delayed coupled different dimensional neural networks with hybrid coupling, respectively. First, some sufficient conditions for reaching the generalized synchronization and pinning generalized synchronization of the considered network are acquired by using some inequality techniques and Lyapunov functional method. Second, because the precise parameter values of network cannot be obtained in some situations, we also purse the study on the generalized synchronization analysis and pinning control for the case of coupled different dimensional neural networks with parameter uncertainties. Third, two numerical examples are provided for substantiating the effectiveness of the derived results.  相似文献   
章学诚虽“生乾嘉极盛时代”却被埋没了120年,文章分析了个中原因:(1)与当时“汉学家”在治学方法观念上的分歧;(2)学术界“求同于己而非欲取济于人”的学术风气;(3)自身性格因素。总之,章学诚没有“用其学术之学术”的技巧,即使是在盛世也只能沉寂无声。章学诚的遭遇代表着中国封建社会知识分子的普遍境遇。  相似文献   
中国新诗合法性危机从某种意义上说,根本的在于它的形式或者说诗体。新诗中的自我表现值得关注,其中主体的凸现与消隐,使得新诗艺术一方面普遍存在着不可理喻和晦涩难懂,另一方面出现了以形式的随意甚至抛弃形式的任意性表达为特征的倾向,从而带来了诗歌艺术感觉与艺术形式的不可共感性。诗体的缺失,不仅使诗人感到新诗诗体缺乏审美表现力,也使读者感到新诗诗体缺乏审美感染力。  相似文献   
入世使大批国有企业直接面临国际竞争 ,必须科学定位政府职能 ,真正实现政企分开 ,以应对入世带来的机遇和挑战。分析政企不分现象存在的原因及对经济发展的影响 ,提出真正实现政企分开的对策。  相似文献   
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