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《行政诉讼法》第 6 4条的规定把检察机关对行政诉讼的监督限制在了对生效判决、裁定的抗诉上 ,这与我国宪法、检察院组织法规定的检察机关职责是不符的 ,还应构建和完善行政诉讼检察监督方式、扩大监督范围。  相似文献   
体育社团惩戒权约束的对象是社团成员,对体育社团外部成员并无约束力.其规范的行为是体育社团成员的违法行为及与职业有关的不当行为.不包括与职业无关的不当行为.体育社团惩戒规则不可设置有关限制社团成员生命权、人身自由权的惩戒种类,这属于"加强型"法律保留;惩罚金、公开谴责、取消会员资格、终身禁赛、取消注册资格等惩戒种类,可先由国家法律作出原则性规定,后由体育社团惩戒规则具体化,这属于"框架性"法律保留;体育社团无需法律保留可自行创设的惩戒种类,包括警告、训诫、内部通报批评、一定期限的暂停执业资格、剥夺社团章程所赋予的利益等.  相似文献   
超越职权与滥用职权是行政法与行政诉讼法学中一对重要概念,二者在概念内涵、表现形式和行政复议与行政诉讼实务中的处理方式等方面都有着很明显的区分。  相似文献   
新课程的实施正在使传统的知识观、学生观、教学观、学习观以及师生关系发生深刻的变化,从而消解了传统教学中的教师的制度权威、知识权威和人格魅力的形象。因此,有必要确立新的教师权威观念,重新建构新课程的教师权威。  相似文献   
我国应当赋予检察机关民事公诉权,这是检察机关的性质和地位决定的,也符合我国宪法的原则和精神,还是维护社会公共利益的现实需要。赋予检察机关民事公诉权也是国外实践经验的借鉴。在具体设置民事公诉制度时,应当明确民事公诉案件的范围、条件、检察机关的地位和提起的方式,理顺检察机关在民事诉讼中的几种关系。  相似文献   
Understanding teacher educators’ reasoning about critical moments in negotiating authority can inform efforts to foster democratic teacher education practices and prepare future teachers to teach democratically. We know very little, however, about critical moments in negotiating authority, particularly in teacher educators’ practices. The purpose of this study was to examine, using self-study methodology, a teacher educator’s assumptions and perspectives about purposefully and explicitly negotiating authority through grading and accountability processes in an undergraduate teacher education course. From a critical pedagogical lens – concerning the intersection of classroom power relations, democratic citizenship, and student growth – the findings suggest that seeking legitimacy through consensual acceptance, responding to students’ expressed interests, and constructing knowledge through continual questioning present potential frameworks for constructing purposeful pedagogical partnerships consistent with democratic aims in teacher education.  相似文献   
Understanding how authority is negotiated in teacher education classrooms can inform efforts to foster democratic teacher education practices and prepare future teachers to teach democratically. We know very little, however, about how authority is negotiated in different classroom contexts, particularly in teacher education settings. This qualitative study examined how authority was negotiated in an undergraduate teacher education course in which I – as the teacher of the course – involved students in actively determining the content, method, and assessment of the course through jointly constructing the course curriculum. Using self-study methodology to understand more deeply the problems embedded in my practice as a beginning teacher-educator, I generated themes from the data using the constant comparative method. The findings suggest that deriving legitimacy from mutually recognized sources, working from shared purposes, and confronting students’ deeply rooted familiarity with authoritarian teaching practices present potential frameworks for negotiating authority in teacher education – while illuminating the challenges of teaching democratically in authoritarian contexts. Such insights are important for helping future teachers experience alternatives to conventional teaching while accounting for the complexity of learning to bring democratic values to life in classrooms at all levels.  相似文献   
Microsoft SQL Server是一个c/s模式的强大的关系型数据库管理系统,应用领域十分广泛.获取SQLServer 2000 SA权限,导致安装SQL Server 2000的计算机被远程控制,将对数据库和服务器带来很大的安全隐患.保障数据库的安全性是我们最关心的问题,将详细分析SQL Server 2000数据库SA权限安全性与防范问题进行的探索性研究.  相似文献   
美国公民教育中心编写的公民教材每学段分为四册,分别以美国政府宪政模式中的四种基本观念——“权威”、“隐私”、“责任”和“正义”为主题,深入阐述了美国联邦宪法的精神,其教学目标是向学生传授维护美国民主政治所必备的知识、技能和价值观.美国宪法教育的成功经验,对进一步加强我国中小学的宪法教育,培养社会主义核心价值观,具有思想和方法上的双重借鉴作用.  相似文献   
正确认识和驾驭高等教育中的市场力量   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
突出市场力量已成为当今世界高等教育改革的主要趋势和一大方向。高等教育中的市场力量是随着高等教育活动范围和功能的拓展而逐步显现的。在当前我国高等教育中市场力量逐渐增强的情况下,应高度重视并妥善处理高等教育改革中的权力协调、核心价值、教育关怀、弱势补偿和质量保证等问题。  相似文献   
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