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Brix weight per stool (BW) of sugarcane is a complex trait, which is the final product of a combination of many components. Diallel cross experiments were conducted during a period of two years for BW and its five component traits, including stalk diameter (SD), stalk length (SL), stalk number (SN), stalk weight (SW), and brix scale (BS) of sugarcane. Phenotypic data of all the six traits were analyzed by mixed linear model and their phenotype variances were portioned into additive (A),dominance (D), additive×environment interaction (AE) and dominance×environment interaction (DE) effects, and the correlations of A, D, AE and DE effects between BW and its components were estimated. Conditional analysis was employed to investigate the contribution of the components traits to the variances of A, D, AE and DE effects of BW. It was observed that the heritabilities of BW were significantly attributed to A, D and DE by 23.9%, 30.9% and 28.5%, respectively. The variance of A effect for BW was significantly affected by SL, SN and BS by 25.3%, 93.7% and 17.4%, respectively. The variances of D and DE effects for BW were also significantly influenced by all the five components by 5.1%~85.5%. These determinants might be helpful in sugarcane breeding and provide valuable information for multiple-trait improvement of BW.  相似文献   
WOMBAT is a software package for quantitative genetic analyses of continuous traits, fitting a linear, mixed model; estimates of covariance components and the resulting genetic parameters are obtained by restricted maximum likelihood. A wide range of models, comprising numerous traits, multiple fixed and random effects, selected genetic covariance structures, random regression models and reduced rank estimation are accommodated. WOMBAT employs up-to-date numerical and computational methods. Together with the use of efficient compilers, this generates fast executable programs, suitable for large scale analyses. Use of WOMBAT is illustrated for a bivariate analysis. The package consists of the executable program, available for LINUX and WINDOWS environments, manual and a set of worked example, and can be downloaded free of charge from http://agbu. une.edu.au/~kmeyer/wombat.html  相似文献   
The fruit shape is important quantitative trait closely related to the fruit quality. However, the genetic model of fruit shapes has not been proposed. Therefore, in the present study, analysis of genetic effects for fruit shape traits (fruit length and fruit perimeter) in sponge gourd was conducted by employing a developmental genetic model including fruit direct effects and maternal effects. Analysis approaches of unconditional and conditional variances were applied to evaluate the genetic behavior of fruit shape traits at economical and physiological maturation times. The results of variance analysis indicated that fruit length and fruit perimeter were simultaneously affected by fruit direct genetic effects and maternal effects. Fruit direct genetic effects were relatively more important for fruit shape traits at whole developmental period. The gene expression was most active at the economical maturation stage (1-12 d after flowering) for two shape traits, and the activation of gene was mostly due to direct dominance effects at physiological maturation stage (13-60 datter flowering). The coefficients due to different genetic effects, as well as the phenotypic correlation coefficients, varied significantly between fruit shape traits themselves at various maturation stages. The results showed that it was relatively easy to improve fruit shape traits for industrial purpose by carefully selecting the parents at economical maturation stage instead of that at physiological maturation stage.  相似文献   
文章基于元音格局的理论,通过语音实验的方法对歙县(深渡)方言为母语的学生在学习英语时的元音发音进行实验分析,考察母语对外语学习的影响。依据实验数据,分析学生在英语学习中方言母语元音对英语元音学习的影响,实验研究发现母语对英语元音的发音存在着重要影响。  相似文献   
综合考察古今对《论语》的诠释,探讨并勾稽孔子"乘桴浮海""欲居九夷"之语中长期尘封湮没的历史内蕴。从而,认定孔子之言,于假设虚语之中,蕴含着欲"见贤思齐"之意,即有鉴于箕子封于朝鲜、渡海推行其道的史实,而有志于作第二个箕子。如此,则现今研读《论语》,若仅就文释义地讲解"乘桴浮海""欲居九夷"之语,而遗弃其深沉的历史内蕴,似乎难免于买椟还珠之嫌。  相似文献   
增值税立法将填补我国税法体系中无流转税法律的空白,而增值税实施过程中沉积的许多问题应借立法契机予以明确。在简要回顾三十年来增值税改革历程的基础上,一方面提出了目前增值税税制在实施过程中存在的"无偿赠送内涵不明确、销售自产货物的同时提供建筑业应税劳务计税方法的界定不准确、农产品抵扣制度不合理、交通运输企业征税和税款抵扣脱节、企业不同操作情况下带来的无法划分不得抵扣的进项税额计算公式结果的不同等"几个具体问题,分析了立法要解决的难点并提出了立法建议。另一方面提出下一步增值税立法应遵循的四项基本原则以及扩围的基本步骤。  相似文献   
朱熹的《大学章句》将大学之道落实为"明明德"的内修外推过程,以"明明德"为根本,贯穿三纲领的始终。八条目与三纲领相对应,明明德也就是修身的内在表现。在实现止于至善的过程中,要按照八条目的近道顺序进行,即达到"明明德于天下"需要按照格物、致知、诚意、正心、修身、齐家、治国、平天下的顺序。  相似文献   
《古代汉语虚词词典》从用法、意义、举例等几个方面对副词"都"的说明多有疏失,存在描写不全、义项失收、释义杂糅、义例不合、引例偏晚等问题。  相似文献   
魏源是我国十九世纪四十年代"开眼看世界"的第一批先进人物,他一生硕果累累。在哲学、文学、地理和方志很多方面都作出了杰出的贡献。身为湘西人,魏源与现代意义上的湘西有着不解之缘,主要体现在三个方面:魏源是现代意义上的湘西人;他的《圣武记》卷七对现代意义上湘西的乾嘉苗民起义进行了具体的载述,为清中叶划分提供了充分的史料依据;审定刊校了道光本的《凤凰厅志》。  相似文献   
汉代循吏在历史上是颇具人格魅力的一批官员。他们在注重发展地方经济、关心百姓疾苦、积极传播儒家文化的同时,还以身作则,清正廉洁,遵守法律,深得朝廷的认可和百姓的尊敬与爱戴。  相似文献   
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