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李旷 《海外英语》2012,(15):178-179
The comparisons between Coleridge and Li Bai represent two kinds of thinking patterns.The former stands for culture of opi um,total romanticism and huge space of imagination.However,Li Bai is a representative of culture of alcohol.To some extent,he is practical.Readers can sense disappointment in his poem.  相似文献   
后西突厥两厢可汗始末   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西突厥汗国的灭亡并不意味着阿史那汗统的结束,入唐后这一汗裔继续分主两厢,对内称可汗,对唐称都护,后西突厥两厢可汗是阿史那汗统的历史继续和尾声。  相似文献   
The passage that John of Joinville, faithful companion of Louis IX, devotes to the Mongols in his chronicle of the Seventh Crusade, known as “La Vie de Saint Louis”, cross-conceives two structures under the sign of hope: historical facts and legends on the one hand, and Christian sensibilities on the other, giving way to a set of “ethnological” observations about what are presented as “barbarian” customs. The text gives a faithful reflection on sentiments which agitated the Crusaders and their King: hope and disillusion. But Joinville's testimony goes far beyond that: it is first and foremost a testimony of love upon which history could be re-written.  相似文献   
隋初,佗钵可汗卒 突厥汗国因汗位之争引发了内战,隋文帝乘此北征,沙钵略可汗兵败请和,并迁居漠南白道川,突厥的历史,以及内蒙古地区的历史遂进一个新的发展阶段。  相似文献   
成吉思汗去世之后,其四大斡耳朵由后妃们依次继承。元朝建立后,元廷封甘麻剌和他的子孙为晋王,镇守漠北,兼领四大斡耳朵,史称“守宫”。以往的学术研究往往从财产的继承角度研究这一现象,却没有触及它的本质问题,即用途问题。翻检《史集》和《元史》,不难看出,保留是为了祭祀之用。新近的考古发掘进一步验证了这一事实。成吉思汗四斡耳朵以及在此基础上形成的八白室和今天的成吉思汗陵性质相同。均为成吉思汗灵庙,是蒙元时期遗留下的守宫制度的产物。  相似文献   
硕垒和林丹汗不仅都是达延汗后裔同宗同室,而且还是姻亲连襟,双方政治关系也很和睦。17世纪30年代初,硕垒在蒙古政局发生重大变化之际,在部分察哈尔和阿巴噶部民的拥戴下,被推举为“共戴马哈撤嘛谛车臣汗”,成为喀尔喀历史上的第三位汗和第一代车臣汗。  相似文献   
蒙元时期著名政治家耶律楚材跟随成吉思汗西征中亚,写下《西域河中十咏》,透露出蒙古人征服中亚地区的情况.其中“市井半丘坟”一句,长期以来被治蒙元史的学者误解为成吉思汗嗜杀的证据.作者通过研究发现,所谓的“市井半丘坟”,只是中亚伊斯兰文化圈的一种司空见惯的文化现象,他们不像中原地区将活人同死人截然分开,把死人埋葬在远离人群的地方,而是习惯上将逝去的先人安葬在人群聚集之地,这同残忍的杀戮根本不搭边.至于成吉思汗西征造成中亚一些地区人口减少,原因是多方面的.有战争的伤亡,也有当地居民避兵远徙,还有征发签军形成的人口大流动,同时也不能否认穆斯林学者的夸张描述.作者进一步分析了中原地区的征战,也不像以往学者所说的那样“人民杀戮几尽”,而是通过历史事实指出,蒙古人的南征同历代的征服战争一样,对生产力的破坏并无特殊之处.最后,文章说明耶律楚材作为一个政治家,诗文遣词用句精当准确,而且当时就为了避免出现误解,用不同的字词描述同一现象.只是今人不求甚解,望文生义,才造成了误读.  相似文献   
突利可汗在内战中战败只身南下归附隋朝 ,隋文帝册封其为启民可汗。在隋朝的大力扶持下 ,突厥启民政权在内蒙古建立。这个政权直辖于隋朝中央政府。隋朝与启民政权保持着密切的宗藩关系和使臣往来。隋炀帝曾先后两次亲自出塞北巡。中原王朝皇帝亲临塞北藩属政权巡视 ,隋炀帝是第一位。  相似文献   
Flips and flops     
This article examines the current interest of educators in flipped learning. Although this concept has developed in the online and distance education literature over two decades, numerous current writers are attributing it to an idea formed in 2007 by two K–12 teachers in Colorado, USA. The mechanisms that generate such myths are examined, with emphasis on the confusions, defensive strategies, and blogfuscations that cause them in web sites and blogs. In its treatment of the flipped learning topic, Wikipedia.org, often regarded as lacking in accuracy and credibility, has demonstrated that a solid reviewing process can reduce the effects of hype and ensure that an accurate record is maintained. It is recommended that academic journals should enlist the help of their reviewing panels in monitoring hype as it arises and correcting accounts of it on, for example, Wikipedia as a vital quality control measure.  相似文献   
隋末,隋朝政乱.东突厥复盛。隋炀帝自“雁门之围”后,失去了对内蒙古地区的控制。始毕可汗立足内蒙古地区通过操纵依附其的北方,特别是内蒙古境内的各割据政权和武装势力而插手中原的政局。从这个意义讲,当时内蒙古地区的变故直接影响到中原的政局。  相似文献   
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