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通过奥运会对举办国竞技体育的夺金实力、高水平竞技人才和举办大型体育赛事的影响研究,论证奥运会对举办国竞技体育的积极推动作用,为我国通过承办2008年奥运会促进竞技体育发展,提升国际地位提供参考。  相似文献   
在“金盘电子阅览室管理系统”的使用中,探索了谊系统各模块的使用技巧,并对使用中出现的问题提出了解决措施。  相似文献   
Direct sequence spread spectrum transmissions (DS-SS) are now widely used for secure communications, as well as for multiple access. They have many interesting properties, including low probability of interception. Indeed, DS-SS transmitters use a periodical pseudo-random sequence to modulate the baseband signal before transmission. A receiver which does not know the sequence cannot demodulate the signal.In this paper, we propose a new method which can estimate the spreading sequence in a noncooperative context. The method is based on eigenanalysis techniques. The received signal is divided into windows, from which a covariance matrix is computed. We show that the sequence can be reconstructed from the two first eigenvectors of this matrix, and that useful information, such as desynchronisation time, can be extracted from the eigenvalues.The main achievement of the present paper is a performance analysis of the proposed spreading sequence estimation procedure. An analytical approach is first considered owing to matrix perturbation theory and Wishart matrix properties. Then, complementary Monte Carlo simulations are performed to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   
根据第28届奥运会田径比赛和第10届田径世锦赛比赛资料,运用数理统计和逻辑分析的方法对金牌归属进行分析,找出目前世界田径运动的格局变化.其表现为,美国男子项目和俄罗斯女子项目分别在男、女项目中占据着统治地位;作为世界田径中心的欧洲出现了向美洲偏移的现象,欧洲国家的实力较为分散,但都有自己的特长项目;非洲田径实力有所增强,女子中长跑成为新的亮点;亚洲的少数项目能与欧、美、非洲对抗;大洋洲的实力依然不见起色.  相似文献   
Chemotherapy drugs, used for prevention of uncontrolled cell proliferation in certain tissues as well as inducing apoptosis in tumor cells, are important candidates for treatment of cancer. The synthesized 2-amino-4H-chromene-3-carbonitrile derivatives effective on cancerous cells resistant to other drugs such as Paclitaxel were used due to their ability in induction of apoptosis. The growth inhibitory and inducing apoptosis activities were determined. In order to make it target-oriented, the best compound was conjugated with gold nanoparticles (NPs) by aspartic acid with chemical reduction method. Cytotoxicity effect of 2-amino-4H-chromene-3-carbonitrile derivatives against the T47D breast cancer cell line was determined by MTT assay. The synthesis of gold NPs was confirmed by transmission electron microscopy, UV–Vis and dynamic light scattering. To assess the effects of compounds on the process of apoptosis, staining methods with acridine orange–ethidium bromide and Hoechst staining by fluorescence microscopy and DNA fragmentation by the diphenylamine method were used. The synthesized compounds containing two NH2 groups on benzene rings, demonstrated more cytotoxicity effect. The effect of conjugation with gold NPs and the induction of apoptosis were studied with the best compound. The cytotoxicity effects of the synthesized 2-amino-4H-chromene-3-carbonitrile compounds were changed by replacement of NO2 group on thiol ring with different chemical groups on the benzene ring. Analyses of treated cell lines by conjugated and non-conjugated forms of compounds verified their ability in inducing apoptosis while conjugated form demonstrated higher apoptosis.  相似文献   
自改革开放以来,我国体育经历了高速发展期,在竞技、精英体育等方面取得了举世瞩目的成绩。但我国体育的改革在很大程度上还是落后于其他领域的改革与变化进程。伴随着社会以及时代发展的需要,广大群众对参与全民健身、增强体质、提高身体健康水平有了更高的追求,而我们国家想要真正发展为体育大国和强国,脱离了广大群众仅凭运动员和奖牌是不现实的。因此,我国体育也从追求国家金牌逐渐转向更关注广大人民的全面健康发展,而进一步发展全民体育也将是推动我国体育与社会发展的必然要求和趋势。  相似文献   
通过对全国第11届冬季运动会单板U型场地滑雪比赛的现场观察,以及对教练员、裁判员、运动员和相关人员的访谈、调研,试图发现我国单板U型场地滑雪运动发展现状和制约我国单板U型场地滑雪发展的主要因素。结果显示:尖子选手实力突出,后备新秀技术水平偏弱,出现“两级”分化;比赛场地、器材、服装等条件相对较差;整体教练员水平和运动员技、战术及心理素质有待提高;科研保障和医疗保障力度不足等问题是制约我国单板U型场地滑雪运动发展的主要因素;在训练体制上没有形成“网”或“龙”的队伍衔接结构。从队伍建设、科学化训练、运动技术改进、后备人才培养等多方面提出进一步发展单板U型场地滑雪项目的对策。  相似文献   
现代体育是欧洲近代身体主义潮流崛起后的产物,在仪式治疗的现实需求下,当今的中国体育已经成为一种精神或道德的力量.在褪掉媒介光环后,中国的体育人群体仍处于一种相对边缘化的状态,原因在于他们违背了儒家尚简朴、废奢靡的文化精神.中国历史上并无体育的概念,也从未有过体育人群体,而与之类似则是游戏的人、流浪的人和闲人,他们不从事生产活动,其社会角色介于从事性炫耀工作的巫者和反抗儒学教义的常态人之间.在脱离了非世俗的领域后,中国体育人的社会地位仍有下移的可能.游戏是凌驾于一切知识体系之上的一种价值形态.历史上的世界级强国都是游戏大国.尊重人类的游戏精神,也是对人类创造力的一种尊崇.  相似文献   
The subject of this article is the mantle of the kings of Sicily, now in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna. Made in Palermo in the 1130s, it is often known as the mantle of Roger II. Following his coronation in 1130, King Roger II saw the need to ensure the succession of his sons. As part of his strategy to consolidate dynastic succession, Roger invested his sons with important titles in the mainland regions of the kingdom. This article has two parts: the first discusses the materials used to make the mantle, the journeys they took to reach Sicily and the diplomatic and commercial relationships necessary to acquire them. The second part argues that the mantle may have been made for the investiture ceremonies of the king’s sons and examines how the materials and their exoticism shaped the ceremonial meaning of the garment.  相似文献   
本文采用长春应化所研制的PVC—尼龙6树脂分离富集溶解于王水中的样品金,经亚硫酸钠洗脱液洗脱后,用原子吸收分光光度计测定,此方法操作简便,分析速度快,适用于多种类型金矿中金的分析  相似文献   
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