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The aim of this paper is to investigate how pupils from black African backgrounds are helped to achieve high standards in schools and to identify the factors that contribute to the success of raising achievement. Two complementary methodological approaches were adopted, each contributing a particular set of data to the study. First, General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) empirical investigation was undertaken to draw lessons from the last seven years by examining in detail the attainment of black African pupils in the authority. This was followed by detailed case‐study research to illuminate how the complex interactions of context, organization, policy and practice helps generate effective practice in raising the attainment of black African pupils. Five case‐study schools were selected. A structured questionnaire was used to interview headteachers, staff, governors, parents and pupils to gather evidence of African heritage pupil achievement. The main findings of the research show that in all schools black African pupils are performing above national average, and in the case‐study schools 79% of black African pupils achieved five+ A*–C GCSEs compared to 48% nationally and 57% in the authority schools. The study has also identified a number of good practices in successful schools. Among the key features that contribute to the success of raising the achievement in the case‐study schools are: African parents value education very highly and respect the authority of schools; strong leadership; effective use of performance data for school self‐evaluation; diversity in the workforce; a highly inclusive curriculum that meets the needs of African heritage pupils; a strong link with the community; well coordinated support and guidance; good parental support and high expectation of their children; and teachers’ high expectation of African heritage pupils and a strong commitment to equal opportunities. The final section gives policy implications for school improvement.  相似文献   
This article addresses the different institutional and cultural contexts which must be considered when implementing E-Government in sub-Saharan Africa. Although E-Government is a global phenomenon, simply transferring ICT solutions and related organizational concepts from developed to developing countries seems inappropriate. E-Government undoubtedly has the potential to reduce administrative and development problems. However, it is obvious that compared to developed countries, additional effort is necessary when implementing E-Government in developing countries. More than in developed countries, the different initial institutional, cultural, and wider administrative contexts must be considered to avoid unintended effects. It is oversimplifying the issue to merely state that E-Government projects fail in Africa and other developing regions. Although E-Government in African countries lags far behind developed countries, this should be considered more as a state failure or lack of capacity in general. In particular, the different administrative contexts and rationalities must be taken into an account when implementing E-Government projects and strategies. Therefore, especially for African countries, a context-oriented approach seems to be a more promising route to the successful implementation of E-Government. The results of this approach may not seem ambitious from a western perspective, but could contribute to the solution of real-life and development problems in African societies.  相似文献   
亚里士多德幸福观评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
亚里士多德是古希腊时期也是整个西方哲学史上最伟大的哲学家之一。他是古希腊时期对幸福问题论述最深刻 ,最系统的人。他将幸福定义为“灵魂的一种合于德性的现实活动” ;认为幸福就是至善 ,是需要外在善作辅佐的 ,是通过学习和努力得到的。同时他还指出了中道原则在幸福实现过程中的重要作用 ,以及个体幸福与整体幸福的一致性  相似文献   
《中国图书馆学报》创刊50年来,形成了多方面的优良传统:理论与实践并重;发挥理论导向作用;培养作者队伍;广阔的办刊视野;坚持双百方针,等等。50年来,在引领学术潮流、推动事业发展、促进理论创新、增进中外交流,以及培养专业人才等方面,均取得了辉煌成就。  相似文献   
本文介绍了新一轮课程改革的核心理念,深入探讨了如何培养学生的学习兴趣、自主学习的能力、良好的习惯及创造性思维等,并在文章的最后给出了总结。  相似文献   
裕固族民间故事《神箭手射雁》,貌似戏剧性的爱情故事,实则不然。借用格雷马斯的"语义方阵"分析法,不难发现:"惩恶扬善"是这则故事的核心主题,"善—恶"二元对立是其深层结构。这种对立在裕固族民间文学中十分突出,形成了裕固族民间文学"善—恶"对立的基本叙事结构。究其原因,既与裕固族长期信仰佛教相关,也与讲述人"以善为美"的审美理想紧密相连。为表达自己的审美理想、完成善-恶叙事,叙述者又不断借用巧合、对比等多种具体叙事技法。  相似文献   
In the seventh book of "The Republic",Plato puts forward a famous image and metaphor of the Cave.This is a philosophical story about people’s ascendance from the darkness to light,from blindness to wisdom,from the world of ontos on to the world of pos on.The direct significance the Cave allegory lies in its emphasis on the differences between the educated men and the uneducated ones.In this allegory,some metaphorical objects are involved,including inside and outside of the Cave,the Sun and the fire,the ascendance and enlightenment of the freed prisoner and his descendance to the Cave.It reveals to human beings a world of reasons,reality,and the Good.  相似文献   
设计制造了工业燃烧技术和加热炉技术的教学实验与科研装置,主要包括水套加热炉、燃油及燃气全自动燃烧机、烟气分析仪等。由全自动燃烧机为水套炉提供热源,通过燃烧室外侧水套及管式换热器,将热量传递给循环水,出口烟气温度为70~150℃;利用穿过水套的测量孔,测量燃烧室的温度场、速度场、浓度场,在烟道出口测定烟气成分。利用该装置能够进行科学全面的燃烧技术的研究和评价,并已在教学实验中取得了很好的教学效果。  相似文献   
引种和栽培试验表明,华杂2号油菜适合安徽省种植,尤其适合一年二熟地区种植.单产3000kg/hm2的最适农艺措施为:9月中旬播种育苗,MET化控,10月下旬移栽,密度15万株/hm2,施N180kg/hm2,P2O590kg/hm2,K2O105kg/hm2.硼砂15kg/hm2,磷、钾、硼肥一次性基施,N肥按底肥:苗肥:苔肥=5:3:2施用.注意防菌核病,集中连片种植确保优质.  相似文献   
汉字文化对越南、朝鲜半岛和日本多有影响,这种影响在西方文化浸入东亚之前尤显强烈,而这些地域对汉文化的吸收亦为迫切。文章选择中国才子佳人小说《二度梅》、《好逑传》为例,来具体考察汉字文化对它们的影响,而这种影响又因地域之不同(文化背景)显出差异。  相似文献   
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