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重点探讨了三维前方交会法的原理及其在金属网架结构屋面施工的质量监测方法,保证施工质量,达到设计要求,为今后的安全运营提供了可靠的依据。同时为大型无支撑建筑屋面的变形监测提供了一种测量监测依据。  相似文献   
查尔斯.狄更斯是维多利亚时期著名的英国小说家,他的晚期成熟作品《远大前程》描述了维多利亚时代中产阶级的生活并反映了他们的价值观。这种价值观主要有三部分组成:福音主义、功利主义和家庭伦理。小说中的三个人物:乔.葛吉瑞、阿伯尔.马格维奇以及乔.文米克分别代表了这三大方面。乔是伟大的福音主义者;马格维奇是功利主义和绅士梦的崇拜者;文米克则是"理想的家"的实践者。通过分析可进一步探讨狄更斯本人对维多利亚中产阶级的态度。  相似文献   
古代宫室名物词如"阁道"、"复道"、"欂栌"、"浮思"、"阳马"、"飞昂"等,在现代大型汉语工具书中往往存在误释的情况,主要表现为相互混淆、表述不确、以偏概全等。依据相关文献典籍及建筑史学成果,举例说明了这些宫室名物词被误释的原因。并提出在对此类宫室名物词释义时,应给予《营造法式》等古代科技典籍足够的重视。释义方式宜采取"核义素+类义素"的方式。  相似文献   
明清徽州契约文书中含有大量方言口语词,具有重要的词汇学、方言学、辞书学价值。通过对徽州契约文书中28则明清时期方言口语词的考释,可补充大型语文辞书《汉语大词典》失收的词、义项和语例,为研究徽州方言、探讨近代汉语词义的演变提供丰富的语料。  相似文献   
文革时期虽然现代民主法治社会严格的科技法律秩序被破坏殆尽,但与这一特定历史发展阶段相适应的科技管理与科技生活的运作机制及实现科技生成和运作的方式在一定程度上还是存在的,并呈现出特殊类型的科技法律秩序。在法律缺失的语境下,文革时期特殊类型的科技法律秩序已成为十分重要而特殊的历史文本。  相似文献   
嘉峪关雄踞甘肃河西走廊西端咽喉要道,向南可望见巍峨万仞的祁连山,向北通往广袤千里的沙漠,向西接平沙漫漫的戈壁,向东为河西重镇酒泉.作为丝绸之路的要冲、“天下第一雄关”,嘉峪关南倚祁连山脉文殊山,北枕合黎山脉黑山,中扼东西交通要道之咽喉,因此有了“边陲锁钥”、“长城主宰”的称谓.丝路文化与长城文化在此交汇融合,本文主要探讨了这两种文化在嘉峪关的交汇,并讨论了两种文化遗产的保护与开发.  相似文献   

Memoirs are presented from a career spent largely in Slavic librarianship. After serving as Slavic specialist at Lancaster University (U.K.), Walker was from 1971 in charge of Slavic collections at the Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, and latterly also Head of Collection Development until his retirement in 2002. He was responsible for building the Bodleian's Slavic holdings, making extensive use of exchanges with Soviet and East European libraries. He researched and wrote on the Soviet publishing industry, relaunched the journal Solanus, and produced several bibliographies. He led the COCOREES national collaborative collection management project (1999–2002), and currently manages its successor, CURL-CoFoR. References to his principal publications are given.  相似文献   

This article examines the development and function of American halls of fame as cultural memory institutions. By comparing the Hall of Fame for Great Americans with the National Baseball Hall of Fame, the author posits that halls of fame illuminate the ways in which cultural memory institutions can, through an archival process, preserve, instill, and/or distort a national memory.  相似文献   
《Journalism Practice》2013,7(1):81-95
Despite the central role of the paper in Marxist–Leninist strategy, the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) had little confidence in either professional journalists, including those who were Communists, or journalism practices, even though journalism, like culture, was recognized as “a weapon in the (class) struggle”. While George Allen Hutt (1901–73) was a leading professional party journalist, his career hit a “glass ceiling”, even as he met the three criteria of Communist journalism theory and earned an international reputation as a newspaper designer. In spite of opposition to his role on the executive of the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) because of his party membership, he became the longest-serving editor of the NUJ's periodical, The Journalist. As both a loyal, lifetime Communist and the consummate professional journalist, Hutt's career provides a salient example of the ambiguous position of the middle-class journalist in the proletarian-dominated Communist Party. It was the emphasis on his “technical” ability that appears to have disqualified his candidacy for the Daily Worker's top editorial positions and to have justified support for his editorship of The Journalist.  相似文献   
Recently, librarians have added new media and scholarly publishing to their portfolio of skills. While the bibliography is part of the traditional purview of librarians, databases are a new venture for librarians, capitalizing on the advent of open access and the availability of open source software. This article presents one such database, Database of the Smokies (DOTS), hosted by the University of Tennessee Libraries. The creation of DOTS required a new librarian skill set and an environment of collaboration between subject specialists and technical experts. To aid other librarians in the creation of databases, this article details the review process which led to the selection of Drupal as the platform and outlines the steps in the initial setup, workflow patterns, content development, crowdsourcing efforts, and publicity.  相似文献   
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