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中外专家学者普遍认为报告文学起源于近代、起源于海外。本文从理论上分析了这种观点的错误 ,又从史实上 ,即从唐·玄奘的《大唐西域记》的报告性质和文学性质上 ,论证了报告文学诞生在七世纪时的中国 ,唐·玄奘和《大唐西域记》是中国也是世界上最早的报告文学作者和作品。  相似文献   
翠岩精舍刊元代林桢《联新事备诗学大成》30卷,被当作元刻本收入中国第一批珍贵古籍名录,又被中华再造善本"宋元编"影印出版。但从建阳刻书字体的发展与演变历史看,其书不该是元代刻书,而更像是明代前期的重刻本。从现有年代明确的元代翠岩精舍刻书看,都是自然流畅的手写颜体字;只有到了明代宣德、正统以后,字体才逐渐变得横平竖直,笔画越来越平整,总体上显得平整呆板。这是从元代的手写软体到正德、嘉靖间工匠式硬体过渡阶段的典型特征。笔者推断该书为书贾抽去明代重刻的牌记,以冒充元刻本。  相似文献   
西部大开发是党中央和国务院在世纪之交为缩小我国东西部差距作出的重大决策,是西部各省区促进经济社会全面发展的大机遇。西部各省区必须解放思想,清醒地分析西部大开发所面临的国内外环境,树立与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的市场经济的观念、新的资源观、新的开放观、新的人才观。  相似文献   
英国的新教师培养(ITE)十分强调师范性、社会性和实践性,突出师范生个性和创新意识的培养,并将其贯穿于师范教育的全过程,探讨英国ITE的特点,以及其运用的一些相关的教育方式方法,将有助于拓宽我国高师教育改革的思路。  相似文献   
作为我国"社会主义时期第一个以发展农业为主要内容的经济发展战略"〔1〕,《1956年到1967年全国农业发展纲要》历经五个发展阶段,见证了我国农业生产由健康、稳定、高速的发展逐步走向急躁冒进的过程。也正是这个发展纲要,继承了之前存在于建设工作中的左倾冒进思想影响,并在随后指导实际经济建设过程中将这种影响不断扩大,最终在实际上成为了农业"大跃进"运动的总纲领,拉开了农业"大跃进"的序幕。  相似文献   
The historical developments of infant schools in Great Britain and salles d’asile in France – both precursors of present-day preschools – were interconnected. However, historians have not yet analysed specifically how transnational exchange influenced the growth and nature of these institutions. Drawing on archival data and secondary sources, and using a combined comparative and transnational approach, this study aims to remedy this omission. It traces the evolution of British infant schools and French salles d’asile from their beginnings to their affiliation with the education systems in their respective countries – i.e. from 1816, when Robert Owen founded the first infant school in Britain, to 1881, when the salle d’asile was incorporated as an integral part of the French education system (renamed école maternelle). The study also shows how ideas about infant education and the motives and experiences of educators and social reformers spread across British borders and influenced the development of salles d’asile.  相似文献   
《1917-1927中国新文学大系导言集》为我们再现了五四新文化运动主帅和干将们的阵容.他们笔端流露的是对自己曾经开风气之先的那场奋斗的自信,也是站在20年后的立场斟酌取舍的叙说.蔡元培忽视了周作人,茅盾略过了胡适,胡适批评了陈独秀,郁达夫被“贬谪”……20年后的这次五四新文化干将们的集体回视,是一次此我与彼我的对话,叙说的姿态没有谁是谁非,其中有坚持自我,有彼此分裂.我们庆幸的唯是从他们叙说的姿态中窥见一斑历史的遗迹.  相似文献   
嘉峪关雄踞甘肃河西走廊西端咽喉要道,向南可望见巍峨万仞的祁连山,向北通往广袤千里的沙漠,向西接平沙漫漫的戈壁,向东为河西重镇酒泉.作为丝绸之路的要冲、“天下第一雄关”,嘉峪关南倚祁连山脉文殊山,北枕合黎山脉黑山,中扼东西交通要道之咽喉,因此有了“边陲锁钥”、“长城主宰”的称谓.丝路文化与长城文化在此交汇融合,本文主要探讨了这两种文化在嘉峪关的交汇,并讨论了两种文化遗产的保护与开发.  相似文献   

Memoirs are presented from a career spent largely in Slavic librarianship. After serving as Slavic specialist at Lancaster University (U.K.), Walker was from 1971 in charge of Slavic collections at the Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, and latterly also Head of Collection Development until his retirement in 2002. He was responsible for building the Bodleian's Slavic holdings, making extensive use of exchanges with Soviet and East European libraries. He researched and wrote on the Soviet publishing industry, relaunched the journal Solanus, and produced several bibliographies. He led the COCOREES national collaborative collection management project (1999–2002), and currently manages its successor, CURL-CoFoR. References to his principal publications are given.  相似文献   

This article examines the development and function of American halls of fame as cultural memory institutions. By comparing the Hall of Fame for Great Americans with the National Baseball Hall of Fame, the author posits that halls of fame illuminate the ways in which cultural memory institutions can, through an archival process, preserve, instill, and/or distort a national memory.  相似文献   
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