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This article introduces a group of articles on the history of paper and issues of scarcity in the history of newspapers and news media generally. The articles discussed share a concern with the parallels between paper scarcities in newspaper history and spectrum scarcities in broadcast history. This introductory essay comments on the similarities and differences between the two kinds of scarcity and comments more broadly on the rise and fall of bottlenecks in media systems, paying attention both to how scholars have discussed materialities of media communication and how legacy news media in the digital era have encountered a new competitive landscape.  相似文献   
近年来,我国群体性事件发生的频率明显增加.群体性事件出现及发生频率的增加反映出我国已出现了多元化的利益群体.这些多元化的利益主体出于某些原因,采取公开集体抗争的形式来维护和实现自身的利益,严重影响了社会稳定.本文通过各类群体性事件的现象,揭示其本质,分析其成因,尝试提出了在构建社会主义和谐社会框架下的解决路径.  相似文献   
Public libraries are not only political institutions, they are enmeshed in the politics of society. This paper presents some of the more thoughtful conceptions of both conservative and liberal politics, to a specific end. That end is the suggestion that public libraries can act as commons within their communities. The intricacies of acting as commons are detailed here, along with some practical suggestions for realizing the goal of becoming a commons.  相似文献   
廖仲恺是我国著名的资产阶级民主革命家,一生追求"国基巩固,民生乐利",鼓吹"全民政治"。在其一系列政论性文章及讲演中,蕴含着深刻的宪政思想,是我国二十世纪初宪政思想宝库中一颗璀璨的明珠。其宪政思想主要包括:民主国家的主权总是在人民;直接民权是弥补国会代议制弊端的不二法门;自由的实现需要有实质性内容的保障;平均地权是实现经济民权的手段等方面。  相似文献   
希腊债务危机具有明显的阶段特征,债务和融资成本是构成危机的重要因素。针对救助希腊的分歧,通过分析德国加入欧元的成本,使用欧元获得的利益,提出欧元等价于马克的观点,认为当其余成员国出现危机时,德国应该实施援助。以区内贸易为主的希腊,使用欧元的原因是为了实现利率下降,投资增加,物价稳定,经济快速稳步发展等目的,其收益足以弥补放弃使用货币、汇率政策的成本。只有存在强势主导国家和弱势外围国家利益捆绑,强势国家愿意帮助弱势国家渡过危机,一体化组织才能更加团结、紧密。  相似文献   
西方哲学同源于古希腊哲学,这种同源性成就了西方哲学思维特质的薪火相传与一脉相承,无怪乎后来历代哲人每每而情不自禁地要“言必称希腊”。之所以会产生这种素朴的“家园意识”,除古希腊哲学体现了当时思想的最高水平与最高成就外,更重要是还在于它提出并论证的世界观的神学语义,为此后西方哲学的发展确立了基本信念与发展路向,以至于作为文化轴心能为一切知识体系奠基。即使是它所暴露出来的各种困惑也成为一个永恒无解的哲学难题,紧紧吸引着历代哲人不断变换思路与方式对之进行无穷无尽的诉求与追问。在西方哲学陷入危机而功亏一篑的关键之时,也正是西方哲人借助上帝之名而“言必称希腊”之日。藉于此,也凸显了古希腊哲学中的那种充满了荒谬怪诞的宗教情结与无可奈何的悲凉意味。  相似文献   
正确认识中国近代社会主义思想,必须破除对马克思主义的教条式理解,从理想主义与现实主义两个维度把握社会主义学说的实质。中国近代社会主义思想是建立在历史进化的基础上,并与民主主义融为一体的。它既是对中国传统理想主义的创新,又体现了对西方资本主义的判断;它以社会主义为目标提出了现代化的任务,其内在的推动力是超越批判的乌托邦精神。  相似文献   
This paper starts from the assumption of the emergence of an educationalized culture over the last 200 years according to which perceived social problems are translated into educational challenges. As a result, both educational institutions and educational research grew, and educational policy resulted from negotiations between professionals, researchers, and policy makers. The paper argues that specific experiences in the Second World War triggered a fundamental shift in the social and cultural role of academia, leading up to a technocratic culture characterized by confidence in experts rather than in practicing professionals (i.e., teachers and administrators). In this technocratic shift, first a technological system of reasoning emerged, and it was then replaced by a medical “paradigm.” The new paradigm led to a medicalization of social research, in which a particular organistic understanding of the social reality is taken for granted and research is conducted under the mostly undiscussed premises of this particular understanding. The result is that despite the increased importance of research in general, this expertocratic and medical shift of social research led to a massive reduction in reform opportunities by depriving the reform stakeholders of a broad range of education research, professional experience, common sense, and political deliberation.  相似文献   
在20世纪初美国职业教育运动中,杜威针对"美国社会究竟需要什么样的职业教育"这一问题,阐述了自己的职业教育观。他提出,职业教育不同于狭隘的行业培训,职业教育以民主建构和自由人的培养为旨归;以主动作业和课程教学相结合作为实施职业教育的最佳方式;在职业教育的外部管理上,以"单一制"的管理方式作为保持民主精神活力的最好选择。  相似文献   
西方现代思想家研究了许多社会德性方面的问题,在社会的首要价值是自由还是基于自由的公正、共同体的价值高于个人的价值还是相反、对“代议制”民主加以完善还是以“参与制”民主取而代之、法律是否要以道德为基础、道德重在个人的德性品质还是社会的规范、社会应奠基于理性之上抑或非理性之上等问题上存在着重大分歧。西方现代社会德性思想也有一些共同特点和局限,但它是人类思想宝库中极其重要的组成部分,有其独特的价值和优势,无论对现代西方社会还是对现代国际社会都具有重大意义。  相似文献   
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