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大众文化是一个充满争议的话题,它与工业文明的发展密切相关。工业文明过渡到信息时代,大众文化出现了新的特征。它先是印证了福柯所说的"规训"社会设想,同时又以抵抗的方式颠覆了规训;在信息时代,数字影像和"虚拟现实"使得大众文化成为多种力量"角力"的场所。文章以数字影像时代的大众文化为切入点,探讨了大众文化的霸权与整合、现实与虚拟、宰制与抵抗,以期对大众文化作新的审视。  相似文献   
This paper applies the concept of hegemony as a form of ideological and cultural domination to understand the orientations and strategies of the capitalist state and civil society actors participating in the process of determining the medium of instruction for secondary schools in Hong Kong between 1982 and 1994. During this period, language policy making became a public arena in which the state and organised civil society actors struggled to maintain or establish hegemony in controlling and mediating the allocation of societal resources under democratisation and changeover of sovereignty. As their hegemonic struggles lacked any coordinated effort to cultivate a collective will among the general public, ambivalence over the use of the mother tongue versus English as the medium of instruction continued to haunt practitioners.  相似文献   
美国人权状况越来越糟。在国内,种族歧视越来越严重,持枪犯罪频频发生,贫富差距越来越大;对他国,肆意侵犯人权,粗暴干涉内政,践踏其主权,暴露了美国人权的虚伪性,凸显了美国政府霸权行径的狂妄和孤立。  相似文献   
Ellen DeGeneres was celebrated. She was chastised. And then she was cancelled. Her current success makes it easy to forget how short-lived her lesbianism initially lasted on television (less than two years). Ironically, in the aftermath of Ellen's, demise we witnessed a profound increase in queer characters, themes, and programming as well as her own spectacular comeback. Moving beyond most academic consideration of Ellen DeGeneres’ initial emergence as lesbian celebrity, I highlight the cancellation of her sitcom as a particularly crucial moment for understanding the fierce multilayered disciplining of Ellen's public persona. Further, I consider the disparate discourses and entertainment journalism that articulated a public/private DeGeneres with her television character(s), working to shape her public persona in the interest of preserving prevailing cultural norms.  相似文献   
本研究梳理出四种报业研究取径:一,时间序列的编年史;二,政治经济学的结构分析;三,文化领导权的策略共谋;四,历史系谱的再现与重构。第一种为传统史学方法的线性叙事,提供丰富的史料,而较乏分析的观点。第二及第三种,政治经济学与文化领导权的解释,则将焦点置于报业与报人的主体能动性与威权体制的折冲,如何发展出政治、经济、文化构连的侍从报业。第四种则深入新闻史认识论的核心议题:历史书写的视域限制,检视研究者受限于历史情境所做的书写策略。四种研究取径的重点都在政府与知识分子间的对话,笔者提出另一问题:大众在那里?新闻史研究往往不见庶民的活力,只见知识分子的企图与努力,是否能将阅听人研究整合进新闻史中,寻访历史中消逝阅听人的感觉结构?  相似文献   
葛兰西认为市民社会的领导权是掌握政治社会领导权的先决条件。从文化领导权理论的历史渊源探究其理论框架,并从思想政治教育视域下阐述这一理论对我国当前思想政治教育的现实启示,提出应该在潜移默化中得到群众认同,特别重视大学生的思想政治教育工作,构建有组织的知识分子队伍,正确发挥大众媒体的思想政治教育载体的功能。  相似文献   
Offering a critical interrogation of white masculinity within David Fincher's Fight Club (1999), this essay uncovers a key strategy through which hegemonic systems persist, positing the abject body as a trope for understanding the life of hegemonic ideological formations. Adopting the “interspace” of abjection allows hegemonic masculinity to become everything and nothing at the same time and is a “dangerous” strategy that must be denied at all costs. Insofar as hegemony requires its abjection to remain invisible, this essay names hegemonic masculinity “abject” in order to offer critical prophylaxis against white masculinity's attempts to reproduce its cultural privilege.  相似文献   
本文对2011年中国新闻传播学理论研究方面做了扼要的梳理,划分为新闻理论、传播理论和新闻传播史三部分。文章认为,这年的新闻传播学研究基础渐厚,但理论创新有待加强。  相似文献   
This essay uses the emergence of the caveman mythos, both in a Geico advertising campaign and an ABC television series, to show how a seemingly fanciful text can offer an explicit set of instructions to an audience beyond their critical awareness. Drawing on the work of Kenneth Burke and Barry Brummett, I use the homological connection between black stereotypes in the television series and gay stereotypes in the Geico ads to uncover a new process of hegemonic Othering based on trivializing the feelings of the Other by making their grievances appear ridiculous. I close by discussing the implications of this process when it is put to use on the actual Others that invariably fill our social worlds.  相似文献   
Spike Lee's film Malcolm X (1992) presented Malcolm X's life story using the narrative framework of the American Dream myth central to liberal ideology. Working from Gramsci's notion of common sense in the process of hegemony, I explain how Lee appealed to this mythic structure underlying American popular culture to give a platform to Malcolm X's controversial ideas. By adopting a common sense narrative to tell Malcolm X's life story, this movie functioned as a form of cinematic jujitsu that invited critical consciousness about the contradictions between liberal ideology and the life experiences of racially excluded groups. Other formal devices in Lee's film incorporated Malcolm X's rhetoric within the common sense of mainstream politics and connected Malcolm X to more contemporary racial struggles. This analysis suggests that common sense framings of controversial figures may provide a limited space to challenge institutionalized forms of racism within popular culture.  相似文献   
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