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现象学、存在主义者发展了笛卡尔、康德主体性伦理学的同时,以现象学的方法从主体的自我出发试图建构一个主体——主体关系的理论框架来代替主体——客体理论。胡塞尔从纯粹自由主体出发,提出了他人就是地狱的观点。  相似文献   
海德格尔美学思想的革命性与创新性在于:它以主客相融的存在哲学颠覆了传统主客相分的形而上学,从而使得他在艺术、真理以及语言问题上都显示出了不同于传统的新的思路。  相似文献   
本期论坛主要讨论科学哲学学科建设的立足点、科学理论的进化结构、海德格尔的技术哲学思想以及费耶阿本德的后现代科学哲学。曹志平博士认为 ,科学哲学从哲学思潮到哲学学科 ,是一个树立范式 ,消解范式 ,进而寻找范式的过程 ;胡光博士认为 ,把科学理论视为一种进化结构为现代科学认识论提供了一个具体的发展模式 ;宋文新博士认为 ,海德格尔的技术批判的宗旨是克服形而上学 ,寻找哲学发现的新方向 ;王书明博士则将费耶阿本德的后现代科学哲学定性为有限理性论。  相似文献   
This paper will address the question of the morality of technology. I believe this is an important question for our contemporary society in which technology, especially information technology, is increasingly becoming the default mode of social ordering. I want to suggest that the conventional manner of conceptualising the morality of technology is inadequate – even dangerous. The conventional view of technology is that technology represents technical means to achieve social ends. Thus, the moral problem of technology, from this perspective, is the way in which the given technical means are applied to particular (good or bad) social ends. In opposition to this I want to suggest that the assumed separation, of this approach, between technical means and social ends are inappropriate. It only serves to hide the most important political and ethical dimensions of technology. I want to suggest that the morality of technology is much more embedded and implicit than such a view would suggest. In order to critique this approach I will draw on phenomenology and the more recent work of Bruno Latour. With these intellectual resources in mind I will propose disclosive ethics as a way to make the morality of technology visible. I will give a brief account of this approach and show how it might guide our␣understanding of the ethics and politics of technology by considering two examples of contemporary information technology: search engines and plagiarism detection systems.  相似文献   
在通常的理解中人们常常把教化理解为教育,将真理看作是关于世界的现成的知识,因而教化就是将真理作为一种现成的知识传授给他人。但是在西方人文主义的传统中,教化与教育是两个不同的概念,教化并不是主体对一种客观知识的掌握和传授,它应该在柏拉图的意义上被理解为以某种“理念”为原型的“造形”,教化本质上是人的存在状态的本质性的转变。海德格尔在关于柏拉图洞穴喻的生存论解读中,对教化与真理的关系作出了深刻的辨析。  相似文献   
笛卡尔的"我思故我在"这一哲学命题是整个西方哲学史上的历史性的转折,他使"我"即自我意识登上了至上的巅峰,引发了众多的争议和探讨。文章正是基于对这一问题的思考,试图提出对其横向式的解读以及以后来哲学观点新的语境对其进行新的解读。  相似文献   
This article is an exploration of whether education can be considered a beast-like being, developed by utilising Heidegger’s philosophy to consider education from an ontotheolgical perspective. Education is a hypernym for its constituent elements; this article is exploring this hypernym as a being, whilst arguing that the growing importance of education is causing it to gain a ‘monstrous anatomy’. This argument is parallel with the Heideggerean question of ontological difference: the divide of being and Being. Ideas about education’s formation as a technology and its God-like status are used to further illustrate the monstrosity of education. The theory of hyperobjects is also utilised to illuminate understanding of this being. Finally, this article explores the ways we are losing control of Education, as we have become too reliant on it to shape our view of the world.  相似文献   
纳粹问题,是海德格尔的研究者和承继者无法绕过的问题。具有独特眼光的解构大师德里达从精神入手,沿着海德格尔与西方传统精神之间的断裂和欲说还休的牵连,深入海氏思想深处找到火焰和灰烬的纳粹隐喻,用海氏的哲学文本反抗纳粹主义。德里达发现海德格尔的经过沉默和引号净化后的精神是熊熊燃烧的火焰,火既包含了善的因素又包含了恶的因素,火焰燃烧过后带来灰烬,一如纳粹引燃的战火和集中营里的大屠杀。然而,德里达对海氏与纳粹的关系采取的这种既谴责又宽容的态度,在引起我们深思的同时应该引起我们更多的警惕。  相似文献   
海德格尔的真理之思是其哲学、诗学与美学思想中的核心命题,其通过真理的"遮蔽—敞开"涵摄性运演机制彰显诗学的本源性内涵及诗人之诗才等重要思想。梳理"真理之非本质""存在者之真理"以及"存在之真理"3个层面的蕴义,旨在彰显出海氏真理观内在旨趣,并在一定程度上消除传统形而上学真理观的"符合论"色彩,赋予真理源初性的存在论意义。  相似文献   
在通常的理解中人们常常把教化理解为教育,将真理看作是关于世界的现成的知识,因而教化就是将真理作为一种现成的知识传授给他人。但是在西方人文主义的传统中,教化与教育是两个不同的概念,教化并不是主体对一种客观知识的掌握和传授,它应该在柏拉图的意义上被理解为以某种理念为原型的造形,教化本质上是人的存在状态的本质性的转变。海德格尔在关于柏拉图洞穴喻的生存论解读中,对教化与真理的关系作出了深刻的辨析。  相似文献   
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