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海德格尔认为,尼采在最后的创作岁月里的努力,无非就是对柏拉图主义的倒转,柏拉图那里超感性之物为衡量尺度的东西,尼采将其反过来,使超感性为感性之物效力,真实之物就是感性之物。海德格尔把尼采看作西方形而上学哲学的最后完成阶段,柏拉图—尼采,一前一后,柏拉图谈彼岸,尼采只相信此岸,柏拉图谈本体世界,尼采只相信现象。  相似文献   

One of the questions that Heidegger presents in his paper, ‘Plato’s Doctrine on Truth’, is the distortion as he sees it of paideia—that is the loss of the essential elements in education. This loss is characterised according to Heidegger, by a misconception of Plato’s concept of teaching and learning. By undertaking an historical examination, Heidegger provides a means to rectify this loss. With reference to past, present and future philosophical perspectives of teaching and learning as particular spaces, an attempt is made in this paper to examine Heidegger’s reading of paideia within the context of online learning. This, for many contemporary writers on education, is an encounter with new literacies, new knowledge and the adoption of an online environment that challenges the hegemonic order of the institution as the purveyors of knowledge. Teachers within this new environment are, however still constituted as experts and their knowledge is seen as ultimately inviolate. Heidegger in his re-interpretation of Plato sees the teacher as leading the students to where they might make themselves intelligible within the space of their being. This alignment forms an acceptance and a challenge to the metaphysical concepts of uniformity of being and place that limits the potential of knowledge as something that is fixed and complete. The experience of the social web or Web 2.0 has seen a shift in learning premised upon dialogue, exchange and constantly shifting horizons. Within this context, the teacher is recast as a craftsman, creating learning opportunity within dialogic exchange. The heightened sense of involvement that is revealed in this context lays the ground for a future visioning of education where emergence is seen as essential, unlike a re-working of authorisation to learn that inhibits student and teacher alike in new attempts at revitalising education.  相似文献   
海德格尔认为"美"源自审美状态,而审美状态并非是主体的某种精神状态,而是"存在"的本然状态。美是存在者自身的显现,"存在"即是美的本质,也是美的功用,美不是显现的结果,而是"显一现"这个动态过程。存在之显现之所以美是因为,人无法在流变的世界中领会与观照存在之本质,存在必然在生活的日常状态中被遗忘,只有打破了这种遗忘状态,人才能获得真正的自由,获得存在之澄明,这种获得存在之澄明状态过程,就是获得美的本质与本源的过程,美就是存在者的澄明之光,是存在之光。  相似文献   
海德格尔与拉图尔均反对认识论的科学观念,倡导存在论。但关于科学技术的本质,二者存在明显分歧。前者认为,现代技术的本质是将世界解蔽为有待控制和利用的对象。面对这一危险,他敦促我们转向作为天地人神聚集的"物"。后者认为,海德格尔关于物与对象的二元性设定是不恰当的。不仅物是聚集,科学技术对象也是聚集。这由此导致了不同的科学技术批判方案。  相似文献   
论审美四维空间——以海德格尔语言美学核心思想为支点   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
在世之界、疏明之境和真理之境都是时间和空间统一的时空体,都具有时间和空间方面的本质属性。人在时空超越中抵达澄明的真理之境。这成为审美境界建构的基础。现实时空中空间的延展和时间的绵延可以科学地计量,人对有限的现实时空进行超越进入自由的审美四维空间,观照真理之境,天、地、神、人在审美四维空间中切近交流。人在审美活动中建立自然审美四维空间、生命审美四维空间和哲理审美四维空间获得审美体验。情感、理智、意志成为建构审美四维空间的内在动力。  相似文献   
对形而上学的超越与复归构成海德格尔哲学的重要内容。他在批判与否定传统形而上学中,通过对“在”本身的追问,致力于对传统形而上学的超越;并把对新的形而上学的建构与对人类现代生存状态的哲学追问和深切关怀紧密地结合在一起,使形而上学得以提升并向其本真状态复归。  相似文献   
德国存在主义哲学家马丁·海德格尔引用荷尔德林的诗句,并将其中的“诗意地栖居”界定为“与诸神共在,接近万物的本质”。在他看来,在大地上诗意地栖居是一种与技术性栖居艰难抗争的本真栖居。他将挽救社会异化的希望寄托于诗性艺术,然而,技术与艺术本身的矛盾性表明“诗意地栖居”只是一种乌托邦的想象,不具有可行性。  相似文献   
有限性是康德书的核心概念。海德格尔用有限来指人认知有界限,尤其是指人只有感性直观。相反,康德主要却是一种理念用法——世界在时间与空间上有限或者无限。海氏刻意误读的理由在于:首先,时空的有限或无限均是基于世界概念的推理,而世界的此二义则自相矛盾。对此海氏则用自然世界源于生存世界独特的解决;进一步地,认识之有限也与时空作为直观必须是无限的相矛盾。这通过将时空的无限性回溯到生存的有限来解决。故而海氏以认识的有限性,取代了康德自相矛盾的理念,将认识之有限回溯至生存的有限上,强调人而不再是上帝。  相似文献   
朱文宣 《海外英语》2014,(11):217-220
Wordsworth devoted himself to the ideal of a harmonious relation between human and nature, between man and society, between man and the ego. In this sense, Wordsworth improved the development of ecology. This argument will be supported by the approach of eco-criticism and Heidegger's eco-philosophy. And it is supported by the following points.The first part points out that Wordsworth's love of nature led to his love of man, which was reflected by his care for common people. Part Two shows Wordsworth's solicitude for dwelling. His notion of dwelling had aspect of poetic dwelling. The harmonious human-nature relationship reveals thee essence of free dwelling. His poetic experiment agreed with Heidegger's argument on poetic creation. His discussion of free labour was like Heidegger's interpretation of"merit". Part Three tells about Wordsworth's great effort to amend the alienated human nature by treasuring the Child's nature, imagination and human feelings.In this way,the conclusion can be got: although it would be a huge project to reinterpret Wordsworth with the approaches of eco-criticism and Heidegger's eco-philosophy, it is still worth making the effort.  相似文献   
Pádraig Hogan has argued for a powerful conception of education as epiphany that is illuminated by the work of Heidegger and Joyce. But what are we to make of Stephen Dedalus’ intention (pretension?) to ‘Remember your epiphanies’? Developing the phenomenological Erinnerungsversuch or ‘essay in memory’ of David Farrell Krell, I will examine three ‘epiphanic fragments’ from the literature of education. The problem of the temporality of the educational epiphany will be identified and a resolution will be attempted. I hope thus to extend an ontological account of memory into the educational experience, and also to develop the educational significance of the remembered or recollected epiphany. The article concludes with some emerging thoughts on the relation of education, literature and vocation.  相似文献   
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