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本文介绍了中原理的广泛应用和量子态迭加的特性,讨论了线性框架在自然科学理论中的普遍意义。  相似文献   
从中央苏区到遵义会议,毛泽东因引用《孙子兵法》军事原则指导革命游击战争,遭到"临时中央"的"左倾"领导者强烈反对,双方发生激烈论争。毛泽东曾被剥夺政治军事领导权。在遵义会议上,毛泽东据理力争,改变了这种状况,使孙子兵学传承方向明确、方法科学、步入坦途,成为构建抗日战争战略和革命战争战略的有机成分和重要部分。在这个实践过程中,毛泽东探索到的增益文化自信、磨砺思想武器、贯彻批判精神、适应实际需要的历史经验,对于今天传承优秀传统文化仍有启示意义和助推作用。  相似文献   
绑架罪是极其严重的犯罪,其典型是行为人无故非法绑架无辜人质,以杀伤人质相要挟向其家属或相关人勒索钱财或达到其他目的。对于某些事出有因、被害人确有过错的绑架行为不宜定绑架罪。《刑法》第238条第3款及相关司法解释秉持了上述理念,司法实践中应积极适用。但该解释中“法律不予保护的债务”范围太窄,行为人为索取单方面主张的合理债权而绑架他人的,也不应定绑架罪。  相似文献   
随着市场经济和经济全球化的发展,商业秘密的法律保护愈加重要。我国现行法律体系下,民事法律、行政法律及刑事法律对商业秘密的保护均有涉及,我国现行刑法第二百一十九条规定了侵犯商业秘密罪,但存在一定的问题,借鉴美国的立法经验,分析我国立法存在的问题并提出相应修订建议。  相似文献   
我国刑法中有15个条文出现了"徇私舞弊"字样,而刑法分则渎职罪一章就占了12个."徇私舞弊"频繁出现在某类犯罪的法条中,是渎职罪的一个重要特色.徇私舞弊,是一个比较常见又比较抽象的概念,它在不同的职务行为中有不同的表现,但通观这些规定,笔者认为存在人为割断量刑幅度、轻纵犯罪、逻辑矛盾等立法缺陷.在论述立法缺陷的基础上笔者提出了相应的完善建议.  相似文献   
Based on new high-resolution seismic profiles and existing structural and sedimentary results,a superposition de-formation model for Cenozoic Bachu Uplift of northwestern Tarim Basin,northwestern China is proposed. The model presents the idea that the Bachu Uplift suffered structure superposition deformation under the dual influences of the Cenozoic uplifting of Southern Tianshan and Western Kunlun orogen,northwestern China. In the end of the Eocene (early Himalayan movement),Bachu Uplift started to be formed with the uplifting of Western Kunlun,and extended NNW into the interior of Kalpin Uplift. In the end of the Miocene (middle Himalayan movement),Bachu Uplift suffered not only the NNW structure deformation caused by the Western Kunlun uplifting,but also the NE structure deformation caused by the Southern Tianshan uplifting,and the thrust front fault of Kalpin thrust system related to the Southern Tianshan orogen intrudes southeastward into the hinterland of Bachu Uplift and extends NNE from well Pi1 to Xiaohaizi reservoir and Gudongshan mountain,which resulted in the strata folded and denuded strongly. In the end of the Pliocene (late Himalayan movement),the impact of Southern Tianshan orogen decreased because of the stress released with the breakthrough upward of Kalpin fault extending NE,and Bachu Uplift suffered mainly the structure deformation extending NW-NNW caused by the uplifting of Western Kunlun orogen.  相似文献   
Merging our work as grassroots activists and scholars, we map the master tropes of contemporary arguments both for and against the death penalty. This rhetorical work is preceded by analyses of who uses the death penalty and why, noting especially the overlap between lynching and capital punishment; the status of exonerations, moratoriums, and contested scientific evidence; and recent court cases affecting executions. In addition to providing this informational overview of, and rhetorical road map to, debates about executions, we argue that each master trope suggests useful political strategies for advocating against the death penalty.  相似文献   

Crime news was a media staple throughout the twentieth century. What Britons read, heard and watched shaped public understanding of crime, prompted police inquiries and initiated legislation. While we know much about the content of crime news and something of its reception, we know little about its production. This article addresses this known unknown. Using a unique police investigation into press reports of black marketeering and corruption in wartime Leeds, it reveals the investigative methods reporters used and the rules under which they operated.  相似文献   
香港回归以来,TVB自制电视剧中的警匪剧形成了新的样态,即"涉案剧"、"学警剧"和"女警剧"。香港此三类警匪剧在产生积极社会影响的同时,也不可避免地带来负面影响。  相似文献   
在哲学上 ,关于人是否存在意志自由的问题 ,历来有三种不同的观点 :绝对意志自由论、行为决定论、马克思主义的相对意志自由论。这三种观点对预防犯罪理论产生了重大影响 :以绝对意志自由为基础 ,在预防犯罪上产生了刑罚预防论 (包括重刑预防和一般预防 ) ;以行为决定论为基础 ,产生了社会预防论 ;以马克思主义相对意志自由论为基础 ,产生了刑罚预防与社会预防结合论。本文在分析我国当前预防犯罪模式存在弊端的同时 ,提出了变“从重从快、严厉打击”为“以社会预防为主 ,刑罚预防为辅”的科学的预防犯罪模式。  相似文献   
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