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公民的政治参与要求与强化执政党的权威之间经常会构成一对矛盾,公民的参政要求有时会出现某种阻滞,解决这个矛盾的重要途径之一,即利用网络来了解民意和引导民意,通过民主执政的方式推进公民有序的政治参与,把政治参与和民主执政有机统一起来,提升执政党的民主执政能力。  相似文献   
长期以来,学界关于村民自治对中国社会变动之影响的研究颇多,而对于村落社会结构对村民自治制度如何作用的关注较少.村落作为村民自治制度实施的一个基本载体,其结构要素对这一制度实施产生的功能作用如何直接关系到制度实施的成败,甚至关系到村落这个"小"社会系统的稳定与平衡.文章通过对东北4个村的一项社会学的实证调查后指出:在村落系统中,国家一村组织一村民这三个结构要素在村民自治制度实施过程中的功能作用极不平衡是导致本项制度实施容易流于形式的一个根本原因.并且,如果各结构要素的作用力发生激变,有可能导致村落社会系统处于极不稳定状态而失谐.  相似文献   
为了满足多元化的公共教育需求,解决公共教育产品短缺和公共教育服务不到位等问题,有必要从治理的视角重新思考政府在公共教育产品与服务中的角色和作用,运用治理的理念和精神变革公共教育服务体制,实现公共教育服务供给主体的多元化、公共教育治理权力的多中心化和公共教育服务结构的多样化。  相似文献   
侗族款约是侗族传统制度文明的一朵奇葩,在长期的社会实践中彰显出民主性、群众性、平等性及和谐性等主要特性;侗族款约制度又是一种高效的地方自治体制,它在传统侗族乡村中调解着人们之间的矛盾与纠纷,维系着民间正常的社会秩序,成为规范社会道德、约束个体行为的准则,成为稳定而牢固地凝聚社区群体和民族共同体的重要心理纽带;对侗族社会起到了安定治乱、惩恶扬善的作用,具有强大的生命力,对于当今构建和谐新农村仍具有重大意义。  相似文献   
In 2009, a think tank called the International Alliance of Leading Education Institutes (IALEI) announced the results of a study entitled Climate Change and Sustainable Development: The Response from Education. Intended for a policy audience, the study offered a glimpse into the status of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and an early look at the emergence of Climate Change Education (CCE), in 10 different nations. As with most international reports, the IALEI report provoked many questions, some of which are more broadly relevant to scholarship and practice. This paper introduces a review symposium that addresses three such questions: (1) How coherent is the concept of ESD across national contexts and what conceptual tensions continue to surround ESD and CCE? (2) Can nation-level analyses tell us anything useful about countries where education is not centrally governed? and (3) In light of the evolving relationship between educational research and policy, how should researchers engage with ongoing policy debates?  相似文献   
城市文明是对农村文明的超越和发展,伴随着城镇化的推进,农村在实现自我蜕变的同时,被动地承受着城市文明的浸染。其中,传统的乡村治理模式、思路和措施也开始经受新的挑战和质疑。贵安新区当前的城镇化率还不到40%,新区的城镇化建设将是一个长期的过程,如何实现区域范围内基础薄弱、欠开发、欠发达的农村和农民的城镇化,如何面对城镇化进程中乡村治理出现的新问题、新挑战,必须迅速明确思路,找到切实可行的具体途径。  相似文献   
改革开放以来,我国在实现经济腾飞的同时也出现了一些社会问题,为此中共十八届三中全会提出推进国家治理体系和治理能力的现代化,这意味着政府与社会和公民之间的合作治理,这是一种政府权力的下放和回归社会,让社会和公民实现自我管理,也即社会自治。政府通过建立和完善一系列的机制,创新社会自治方式,实现政府与公民积极而有成效的合作,最终实现国家治理能力和治理体系的现代化。  相似文献   
家族企业治理是管理理论实践研究中不可缺失的重要内容,但是针对中国家族企业治理中如何体现中国式管理的研究很少。中国式管理在家族企业治理中确实有所应用,但尚未形成较为系统的研究成果。通过文献分析总结学者们对中国式管理相关研究的成果及家族企业治理中的相关问题;运用定性分析法对典型的家族企业——李锦记集团进行剖析,创新性地得出家族企业治理中体现的中国式管理思想集中反映在家文化、价值观、人际关系和安人策略上,同时指出中国式管理思想必须独到性地运用于家族企业治理以更好地指导管理实践。  相似文献   
陈鹏 《学会》2014,(10):5-14
"加快形成现代社会组织体制"是党的十八大提出的重要理论命题。本文首先界定和分析了"现代社会组织体制"的基本内涵和主要特征,归纳和剖析了当前我国社会组织体制发展存在的问题和不足,并在此基础上提出了加快建构现代社会组织体制的对策建议。  相似文献   
Climate adaptation research increasingly focuses on the socio-cultural dimensions of change. In this context, narrative research is often seen as a qualitative social science method used to frame adaptation communication. However, this perspective neglects an important insight provided by narrative theory as applied in the cognitive sciences and other practical fields: human cognition is organized around specific narrative structures. In adaptation, this means that how we ‘story’ the environment determines how we understand and practice adaptation, how risks are defined, who is authorized as actors in the change debate, and the range of policy options considered. Furthermore, relating an experience through story-telling is already doing ‘knowledge work’, or learning. In taking narrative beyond its use as an extractive social research methodology, we argue that narrative research offers an innovative, holistic approach to a better understanding of socio-ecological systems and the improved, participatory design of local adaptation policies. Beyond producing data on local knowledge(s) and socio-cultural and affective-emotive factors influencing adaptive capacity, it can significantly inform public engagement, deliberation and learning strategies–features of systemic adaptive governance. We critically discuss narrative as both a self-reflective methodology and as a paradigmatic shift in future adaptation research and practice. We explore the narrative approach as a basis for participatory learning in the governance of socio-ecological systems. Finally, we assemble arguments for investing in alternative governance approaches consistent with a shift to a ‘narrative paradigm’.  相似文献   
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