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石冬梅 《保定师专学报》2005,18(1):88-88,90
吕蒙“白衣渡江”的说法是对《三国志》原文的一种误解,“白衣”指平民,此处特指普通的船夫,而不是穿白衣服的人。目前一般辞书中对“白衣”和“白屋”的解释也不确切。  相似文献   
《汉语大词典》是目前规模最大、质量最高的汉语语文工具书,但是由于收录的字词量大,参与的人员多等原因,其中还存在着不足或可以商榷的地方。其中有"独"与"孰"、"熟"通假的说法,本文认为这种说法是不妥当的。"独"与"孰"、"孰"上古音不同,"独"与"孰"只是在代词"何"的意义上是相当,而且文献例证只有一例,所以本文认为"独"与"孰"、"孰"通假的条件不够充分。  相似文献   
高诱注中的"读曰(为)"和"读如(若)"是较为重要的几个术语,也是历来较有争议的术语.从对高诱注释的实际研究来看,这些术语运用中各有侧重,即各有其主要用法,"读为(曰)"主要用于明假借,而兼有注音等功能;"读如(若)"主要用于注音,兼有明假借等功能.  相似文献   
"敚"频繁出现于战国竹简特别是占卜祭祷简中。"敚"的基本含义是以强力、强取的方式达成己愿,其主要方法是以动作击、打,或以言辞责让。"敚"的根本功用是去疾、逐疫、禜祟、禳灾等。"敚"的使用者不仅包括普通民众,也包括高级贵族,并且从占卜祭祷简中可见贵族对于民间因素浓厚的"敚"法有着不同寻常的依赖。这表明民间信仰与礼乐文化不相统属,不作同步发展,却可并列并行,各有功用。  相似文献   
Comment se sont articulées les notions de peines et de récompenses dans l’histoire de la pédagogie? Telle est la question à laquelle cet article se propose de répondre à partir des écrits pédagogiques du pasteur-pédagogue Gauthey (1795–1864). Nous retracerons un pan de cette histoire telle qu’elle s’est déroulée dans les écoles du dimanche et dans les écoles protestantes de la Société pour l’encouragement de l’instruction primaire parmi les protestants de France, au milieu du XIXe siècle, pour vérifier l’hypothèse selon laquelle, pour Gauthey, directeur des écoles normales de Lausanne (1834 à 1845) et de Courbevoie (1846 à 1864), la fonction de l’éducateur ne se confond pas avec celle du magistrat en ce que, in fine, le but du maître est toujours le perfectionnement de l’élève. Il agit par le levier de la conscience, dans un cadre où prime sa parole intime et féconde sur un rituel extérieur et public comme le juge s’y emploie, au nom de la loi, pour la société. Les récompenses et peines servent de “signes” pour encourager l’élève à pratiquer le bien et haïr le mal.

How are notions of punishment and reward articulated in the history of education? This is the question that this article seeks to answer, from the writings of pedagogue-pastor Gauthey (1795–1864). A piece of this story will be traced as it unfolded in Sunday schools and in Protestant schools of the Society for the Encouragement of Primary Education among the Protestants of France, in the mid-nineteenth century, to verify the hypothesis that for Gauthey, Director of the Normal School of Lausanne (1834–1845) and Courbevoie (1846–1864), the function of the teacher should not be confused with that of the magistrate inasmuch as, in fine, the aim of the pedagogue is always the development of the student. It is the lever of consciousness, in a context where his/her intimate and fruitful words prevail over outward and public ritual, as the judge employs it, in the name of the law, for society. Rewards and punishments serve as “signs” to encourage students to do good and hate evil.  相似文献   
Cirque du Freak     
Cirque du Freak, The Saga of Darren Shan Book 1, was published in the United Kingdom in January 2000. It was billed as first in a projected series of over 24 separate installments; part five, Trials of Death came out in the UK in October 2001. The series is now published in fifteen countries worldwide; Book One made the U.S. bestseller list in April 2001. This article considers the marketing strategies that underpin the success of the series.  相似文献   
Some 100 variables were studied on adaptation and effectiveness of technical assistance personnel working in six developing countries. Variables related to job effectiveness, personal and cultural adaptation, transfer of skills, receptivity of nationals, and personal characteristics of the effective Canadian working and living in another culture. Data analyzed included options and standardized ratings by self, colleagues, and national counterparts. Results detailed the components of “Overseas Effectiveness” of technical assistance personnel and spouses. There was evidence of at least two categories of adaptation and two categories of effectiveness. It was found that the best predictor of overseas effectiveness was “Interpersonal Skills,” followed by “Idenity” and “realistic predeparture expectations.” Regarding transfer of skills to nationals, it was found that technical assistance personnel were likely ineffective because of their inability to engage in intercultural interaction.  相似文献   
王明春 《德州学院学报》2006,22(2):31-33,43
高诱注中有着十分丰富的注音资料,为后人研究汉代语音提供了宝贵的资料。高诱在给古籍中的字注音时使用较多的注音术语,系统地研究和梳理其使用的注音术语是研究和使用其注音材料的基础。  相似文献   
成都城市兴起的地理基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成都城市的兴起是自然地理环境和人文地理环境综合作用的结果。成都市所在的成都平原地质构造稳定、地形平坦、土壤肥沃、气候适宜、水源充足 ,自然条件极为优越。同时 ,成都平原发达的农业经济和卓有成效的水陆交通网都为成都城市发展提供了可靠的物质保证。这些因素为成都成为西南地区一大都会奠定了坚实的地理基础  相似文献   
Medical Violence Toward Young Children. Two types of medical “abuse” are to be considered: (1) Mandatory violence in the form of preventive medical activities, i.e., immunizations, and curative medical activities, i.e., intensive care medicine. Means of decreasing the psychological trauma associated with these inevitable activities are considered. (2) Avoidable medical violence, of which three different forms can be identified: ? In the institutions: separation of mother and child is still a common occurrence in maternity hospitals and in pediatric hospital services. ? In medical practice: too often symptoms common in infants and children are dealt with by prescribing unnecessary drugs (cough, cold, crying during the night). ? In placement of children under the pretence of medical cures for such foggy diagnoses as “rickets” or “recurring rhinopharyngitis,” which are cover-ups of the inability or refusal on part of the physician to apprehend a child's real problems. Such placements are apt to irreversibly destroy the psychological bonds of the child with his family.The physicians and health care personnel in general should be better prepared to cope with their own subconscious mechanisms, which often result in questionable automatic reflexes and decisions. This would result in a decrease in physical or symbolic abuses toward children.  相似文献   
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