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该文力求分析《第二十二条军规》的选材和常规表现手法。文章从对该小说的选材、写作视角和常规表现手法的分析中找到了其非常规手段表现内容的对立面,正是这些对立面的存在使整部小说在荒诞可笑中交织着正常与理性,从而使文章主题更突出、更具现实意义。这些都是该小说能够作为严肃文学,经久不衰,深受欢迎的原因。  相似文献   
约瑟夫·康拉德的小说《黑暗的心脏》以水手马洛从欧洲进入非洲腹地之行的所见及所参与之事,讲述了“文明的”欧洲对“野蛮、落后的”非洲的入侵和浩劫暴行。小说中马洛是个悖论式的人物,马洛的本质是康拉德本人的一个悖论。文章拟对马洛的叙述、殖民与反殖民意识及其本质进行剖析,以探究殖民话语内外的尴尬,从而对约瑟夫·康拉德的创作进行一番新的审视。  相似文献   
《吉姆老爷》是一部现实主义的经典文学作品。作品中多种叙事手段的运用不仅仅意味着写作手法的创新,也帮助文章挖掘和丰富了其道德内涵、哲学内涵,使对作品的解读更为宽泛,作品的主旨更为丰富。作品中使用了一些新的叙事技巧,如时间跳跃、多视角叙事、印象主义、象征主义等手法。康拉德对后来的许多现代主义作家都有深远的影响。  相似文献   
"黑色幽默"是20世纪60年代风行于美国的一种文学流派,约塞夫.海勒的《第二十二条军规》是黑色幽默的经典代表作,以夸张、超现实的手法,成功地运用黑色幽默深刻地批判了美国社会的腐朽和黑暗,堪称世界文学史上的一部经典之作。  相似文献   
鸦片战争后,西方国家在对中国进行军事、政治侵略的同时,也在积极传播西方的思想文化,近代西方经济学由此开始在中国广为传播。来华英国传教士艾约瑟对西方经济理论进行了完整的介绍,在此基础上,他时中国的经济现状进行了系统地分析和研究,对中国社会产生了重要影响。  相似文献   
作为西方资产阶级的经济学家,熊彼特却反而认为资本主义将必然灭亡,社会主义能行得通。当然,他对两制关系及其发展走势的看法与马克思主义有原则的区别。今天,重新解读熊彼特的这些思想,对我们也许会收到他山之石的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

This article explores the expanded and transformed nature of the psychological work contract for forms of cultural and artistic labour in precarious conditions. The forms of passionate work found within cultural production are argued to form a new model for governing our subjective involvement in and attachment to work. This more expansive and demanding relationship with work has become generalized beyond the specific area of cultural production into employment relationships more generally. In doing so the expanded psychological contract of work comes to operate as a form of logistical media and infrastructural governance, connecting the micropolitics of governing labour with larger structural conditions of precarity and instability. Thus, while work today is less stable in what it offers, it demands even greater psychological investment despite increased uncertainty.  相似文献   

When sporting agents fail through wrongful or faulty behaviour, they should feel guilty; when they fail because of a deficiency in their abilities, they should feel shame. But sometimes we fail without being deficient and without being at fault. I illustrate this with two examples of players, Moacir Barbosa and Roberto Baggio, who failed in World Cup finals and cost their teams the greatest prize in sport. Although both players failed, I suggest that neither was at fault and neither was deficient. I argue that we can fail through no fault of our own because our abilities are always fallible. This fallibility means that to succeed – to achieve sporting glory – we must run the risk of failure. The appropriate emotion to feel over such failures is agent-regret. Sporting agents and observers should not take up what I call the ‘critical position’: the idea that someone who fails must be deficient or must have been at fault. This allows for a softer, but also more accurate, attitude towards our own failures and the failures of others. I end by suggesting that the fallibility of our abilities is made clear through playing or watching sport, and this can illuminate life more broadly.  相似文献   
通过对康拉德《卡伦》、《礁湖》、《白痴》等具有代表性的短篇小说中的女性人物形象进行分析,本文认为,尽管女性人物不是康拉德作品的叙事中心或重心所在,但是康拉德对她们表露出了深切的同情与关怀,他并非如有些评论家所认为的患有"厌女"症、是一位大男子主义者。  相似文献   
诺瓦克认为每种文化都有自己的概念体系和实践框架。教育不仅要挑选那些有永恒价值的概念,而且要帮助学生掌握意义学习的原理和方法,使其获得生成和运用新知的能力。梳理意义学习的理论基础、阶段、形式、原则以及相关的课程组织、教学方法等对教学实践具有启发意义。  相似文献   
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