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孔庆东的作品在当今文坛独树一帜,颇富吸引力.张扬的个性和悲天悯人的情怀是他作品的一个亮点,而文中从幽默诙谐、意味深长、通俗质朴、典雅精致等几方面具体探讨了孔庆东作品的语言艺术风格.其独特的语言修辞风格又是他作品难以抗拒的魅力.  相似文献   
Verbal intelligence, English-language skills, personality, and attitude scales were used as predictors of academic performance in 230 male and female arts students at the University of Hong Kong. A series of bivariate, multiple, and canonical correlation analyses were performed. The results showed that verbal intelligence and attitudes, excepting study orientation, were not predictive of performance. English-language skills had the most predictive value, accounting for about 10% of the variance of performance measures. Personality variables failed to predict performance when composite criterion measures (GPAs) were used; however, they proved to be of predictive value when results of individual academic subjects were used as criterion measures. The study points to the importance of using noncomposite criterion measures in prediction and of considering the cultural context of achievement.  相似文献   
《汉书·地理志》是《汉书》十志之一,颜师古注解《汉书·地理志》因袭采用《尚书·禹贡》,多从孔安国传,形式多样,不拘一体,或完全采用一字不改,或引用之而复加阐释,或因袭之而加以更改,反映出颜师古深厚的音韵、训诂小学功底。颜师古注《汉书》,只取孔传,弃马融、郑玄之说而不用。  相似文献   
Under the new four-year undergraduate programme, a general education framework titled ‘General University Requirements’ (GUR) has been developed and implemented since 2012/2013 at Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). To evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of the GUR in its first year, focus group interviews with students were carried out. In 13 focus groups, 62 first-year students from eight faculties/schools who took GUR subjects in 2012/2013 academic year were interviewed by trained researchers. Results showed that students generally had good perceptions of the GUR in terms of the subject content, teaching methods and the overall effectiveness of the subjects. The interactive teaching and learning initiatives adopted in GUR subjects were particularly appreciated, although students expressed minor concerns on the administration of GUR subjects. The results suggest that the first-year implementation of the GUR at PolyU was generally smooth and successful from the perspectives of the students.  相似文献   
《肖申克的救赎》是一部不同于斯蒂芬?金其他作品的小说,一反他惯有的恐怖诡谲风格,是一部带有传奇色彩的写实主义小说,讲述了一个发生在高墙内的故事。如何在监狱这样一个特殊的舞台上演一出精彩的故事,这是斯蒂芬?金必须首要解决的问题。这部作品无疑是成功的,而它的成功与小说的叙事策略———景观化叙事密不可分。“景观化叙事”一词的灵感源自奈保尔关于“空间叙事”的概念,因其在叙事空间上的狭小而得名。《肖申克的救赎》在叙事空间、叙事聚焦和叙事语言上的选择,都成功地将空泛的“人性”主题缩小到有限可控的范围内,把不可捉摸的善恶具象至真实可感,让本来只一方天地的监狱成了一座包罗万象的微缩社会。  相似文献   
《西游记》是中国文学史上第一部杰出的赋予浪漫主义色彩的长篇神魔小说,也是我国古典小说中的四大名著之一.中华武术作为小说灵感创作的重要信息来源,在书中展现功夫打斗的场景笔墨尤为浓重.传统文化是武术生存的土壤和发展的根基,中华武术的精髓部分在书中喻以春秋笔法,借助若干个主要人物的英勇事迹附加以神话描写,共同造就了我们今天所看到的中国古代神魔志怪小说的杰出代表——《西游记》.文章立足于对《西游记》主要代表人物之一美猴王孙悟空的解析,以美猴王战斗形象构成为主要线索,进一步解读美猴王人物塑造的武术特色,为发掘和印证中华武术与传统文化之间存在的相关联系提供研究论据,亦为武术文化的创新和发展拓宽新的视野.  相似文献   
通过对《霸王卸甲》的背景、传谱、题材、演奏形式等进行探析,挖掘琵琶“以悲为美”的器乐特性,从表现、手段上加深对乐曲艺术的理解和掌握。  相似文献   
本文指明汉人对《离骚》的创作年代,均有作于怀王和顷襄王时期的自相矛盾之说,并无“均在怀王之世,决无作于顷襄王时期”的“宏观”定论;《离骚》所透露的诗人年岁及“椒、兰”喻指,应在诗人将及“老”年且子兰当政时期,而不能在子兰尚未当政的屈原早年“初疏”时期;以诗中浪漫想象所显示的诗人所在地点及诗中出现的“南楚”、“湘潭”一带土语,证明诗人创作《离骚》时不在汉北或郢中,而是在“南楚”沅湘之间;并引秦汉之际律法证明,屈原时代,实行的是有爵者以“年五十六”为“老”的“告老”退休制度,由此推测诗人之作《离骚》大抵在将临五十六岁老年,且齐相韩夤尚未受命赴楚为相的子兰当政时期,即顷襄王八九年间。  相似文献   
<正> 粤港关系密切,文化同源。自辛亥革命起,广东人口大量迁移香港,当中不乏前清翰林、前国民政府之军政要员及书香世代之硕学鸿儒。他们到港或开坛讲学、作育英才,或结社唱酬、谈文说艺,或搜集文献、钻研学问,莫不以倡教化、开民智、兴艺文为志业,于香港留下大量宝贵的文化遗产。  相似文献   
In this article, I examine Barack Obama’s use of collective memory during his 2007 campaign speech in Selma, Alabama. Specifically, I argue that Obama appeals to collective memory to challenge the Black community’s relationship to the past. He reframed the memory of the Civil Rights Movement in a manner favorable to his political aspirations. While this frame was politically expedient, it weakened Black political agency. It robbed the Black community of crucial rhetorical resources used to challenge structural inequalities in society. This article offers insight into the complex relationship between metaphor and collective memory. Specifically, I interrogate the role of metaphor as a crucial site where public memory is formed, disrupted, and rearticulated. Furthermore, I consider the implications of his use of memory for the future of the Black freedom struggle.  相似文献   
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