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Currently, about ten Goryeo dynasty (918–1392 CE) sutra boxes are preserved in museums in Korea, Japan, the United States, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. This article is the result of an examination of a sutra box in the collection of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (hereafter ‘Rijksmuseum sutra box’), which was first introduced to a European audience in the Transactions and Proceedings of the Japanese Society, in 1913–1914. The Rijksmuseum sutra box differs from other Goryeo sutra boxes. With its altered structure and modified motifs, this box bears significant value, not only for the research of thirteenth-century Goryeo mother-of-pearl art, but also for the study of cross-cultural adaptations in East Asian lacquer art. This article investigates the date of manufacture of the sutra box by analysing the manufacturing techniques and its various original and modified parts. For this, an X-ray radiograph was carried out for the first time. As a result, discoveries have been made regarding the structure and decoration of the lower part, which has been modified and is different from Goryeo mother-of-pearl sutra boxes. Finally, this paper reconsiders conservation and repair of Goryeo sutra boxes, as illuminated by an understanding of the original and repaired parts of this box.  相似文献   
本文探讨了明清之际西洋眼镜逐步传入朝鲜半岛的过程。我们看到,这一过程是通过多条在时间上相互交错的不同途径完成的。来华的朝鲜使臣在其中扮演了十分重要的角色,耶稣会传教士和中国的士人也积极地参与了互动。因此,眼镜在朝鲜半岛的传播是一个多元文化交流的过程,东西方文化通过眼镜这个载体在朝鲜半岛碰撞交融。  相似文献   
以爱国主义为核心的民族精神,是社会主义核心价值体系的重要内容和精髓,是凝聚人心、确保中华民族战胜一切艰难险阻,始终保持国家统一、繁荣发展的强大精神力量。大力培育和弘扬以爱国主义为核心的民族精神,是我们坚持以社会主义核心价值体系引领社会思潮的重要任务,也是应对国际经济形势复杂变化、保持我国经济社会平稳较快发展的重要前提。爱国,就要坚持和发扬中华民族爱国主义的优良传统;就要坚持爱国主义与社会主义的统一,热爱社会主义祖国;就要树立牢固的忧患意识,为国分忧;就要保卫祖国领土、主权完整,为国雪耻;就要反对霸权主义,大力弘扬抗美援朝精神;就要忠于职守、爱岗敬业,做好本职工作;就要坚决抵制和批判各种消解爱国主义精神的不良倾向。  相似文献   
2005年,韩国《国语基本法实行令》颁布,标志着韩国语作为外语教学教师资格制度正式建立。韩国语教师资格分为1、2、3级,1级为最高。韩国语教育副专业毕业生及韩国语教育培训课程结业者通过考试可获得3级证书。韩国语教育专业本科生、硕士生毕业后可获得2级证书。非韩国语教育专业毕业生须参加规定的培训课程并通过韩国语教育能力检定考试可获得3级证书。2级、3级证书获得者经过规定的时间和教学经历可晋升为更高等级。  相似文献   
文艺复兴时期的美学家在完成“三一律”、重解“卡塔西斯”和创立悲喜混杂剧体诗等方面,对于西方传统 戏剧原则作出了突破和修正,此举从表面看似乎是复兴古希腊、古罗马的文化,但实质上并非如此,一代文艺复兴思 想家乃是通过这种方式表达了自身的历史要求。  相似文献   
徐嘉瑞先生是云南在中国现代文化史上的重要人物。他一生研究的范围涉及戏剧、历史、文学、民间文艺等多个领域,而在他所涉及的研究、著述领域,几乎都达到当时的最高水平。他的文化学术成就对学界至今还有着广泛深远的影响。就徐嘉瑞先生在上述领域的作品和成就分类阐述,肯定其学术价值和贡献。  相似文献   
足球之美--对足球运动的美学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
足球是当今世界上最受大众喜爱的运动项目之一,号称世界第一运动.从美学的角度出发探讨足球之所以如此受欢迎的原因,提出足球技术美、战术美、悲剧美、戏剧美是足球美的基本特征,是足球魅力的源泉.  相似文献   
Increasingly, firms recognize the strategic implications of front-end product design for improving total cost effectiveness. Computer-aided design (CAD) is becoming firms’ competitive weapon beyond its traditional function as a product design tool. Yet, it is unclear how the full potential of IT system, particularly the usage patterns of 3D CAD system, may be realized through organizational capabilities. This paper presents a model of IT system configurations and CAD usage patterns. Next, a typology of IT system configurations is presented based on (1) the degree of CAD integration between assembly makers and suppliers and (2) the structure of product design information (i.e., product architecture). The product architecture of four electronic firms illustrates that information integration through organizational capabilities is more important than IT investment itself. The findings suggest that a Korean firm accomplishes a greater level of IT integration compared to the other two Japanese firms and thus attain better market performance. This study offers valuable insight on effective IT integration strategy for competitive advantage in the global market.  相似文献   
“The Merchant of Venice”, a master piece with humanist idea by William Shakespeare, presents readers a dramatic conflict between friendship and greediness, love and cruelty. This essay illustrates briefly how this conflict is created, developed and dramatized. At the same time, the root causes for this conflict is analysed.  相似文献   
通过对武术套路与戏曲程式的深入比较研究,认为两者之间在文化传承、历史发展、审美角度、哲学背景、文化亮点等诸多方面存在着诸多惊人的相似之处,并从以上几个方面进行了系统的阐述和探讨。明确指出这种相似关系是一种历史必然性的结果,并进一步指出借鉴戏曲程式在历史演变中的成功经验来发展传统武术套路意义。  相似文献   
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