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《养正遗规》一书记载了中国古代教育家关于儿童教育的诸多理论观点,对于我们今天的少儿教育仍有宝贵的意义;其对于读书的目的、正确人生理想和世界观的树立、个人行为规范的养成,学习的过程中家庭、社会、老师的作用,都有明确而细致的阐述。在剔除其过时、错误的观点的基础上继承其可贵的遗产,对现阶段我国未成年人的教育尤其是道德养成教育大有裨益。  相似文献   
在高斯力活动轮廓模型基础上,提出了径向力活动轮廓模型,可增加外力的作用范围,扩大初始轮廓曲线收敛区域。实验结果表明,该模型能正确分割左侧脑室图像,并且初始轮廓曲线愈接近目标真实边界,迭代次数愈少,分割速度愈快。  相似文献   
心电图的改变是运动员机体的机能状态和疲劳的表现,有明显的项目特征。对参加2000年全国男子拳击冠军赛的56名优秀拳击运动员的心电图进行了分析,结果显示:运动员组心电图异常者33例(不包括窦性心动过缓和左室高电压),占全部调查对象的58.93%,低于对照组;运动员组窦性心动过缓、左室高电压、不完全右树枝传导阻滞的发生率分别为87.5%、51.78%、7.14%,高于对照组的43.78%、18.34%、0.54%,两组间比较有非常显著性差异(P<0.005);拳击运动员的上述指标也高于冰雪运动员、举重运动员和游泳运动员[11]。拳击运动员的平均安静心率为(48.24±9.06)beat/min,低于对照组(P<0.005),而窦性心律不齐的发生率接近对照组,说明拳击运动员心血管功能强大的适应能力,这是训练有素的运动员心力储备良好的表现和运动水平提高的标志。  相似文献   
该文从审美的角度剖析了张裕钊《濂亭遗诗》的艺术风格:沉健悲慨、高古直率、清淡孤苦、援典奥峭;同时对其成因作了较深入的探讨。  相似文献   
The burden of disease in patients with congestive heart failure is high. The future of BNP looks promising as it may be a better diagnostic tool for the diagnosis of CHF in developing countries in new millennium. Natriuretic peptide hormones, a family of vasoactive peptides with many favourable physiological properties, have emerged as important contenders for development of diagnostic tools and therapeutic agents in cardiovascular disease. Measurement of B-type natriuretic peptide has become as an easy-to-perform bedside test. The clinical and diagnostic significance of the measurement of plasma Nt-proBNP in the diseases of the cardiovascular system with particular emphasis on the assessment of patients with heart failure and their effects on predicting survival rate. The plasma levels of Nt-proBrain Natriuretic peptide responds more vigorously after myocardial infarction than those of other natriuretic peptides. This article is an attempt to give a short overview on the utility of BNP-blood levels for the diagnosis and treatment of heart failure  相似文献   
美国特殊教育教师的职前和在职培训一向较受重视,在历次教育改革中多有涉及。美国各州在执行《不让一个孩子掉队法》、《障碍者教育法》时,对特殊教育教师的职前和在职培训方面的具体做法既有共同之处,又略有差异,其中不乏我国特殊教育教师培养可以借鉴的经验。  相似文献   
竹沟根据地是中原抗日的主阵地和战略支点。抗战初期,在中共中央中原局和中共河南省委的正确领导下,竹沟根据地利用第二次国共合作的历史机遇,独立自主地发展卫生组织,为豫东、豫南等抗日革命根据地培养输送了一批又一批卫生人才,在中原初步建立了抗日革命卫生战线。竹沟根据地卫生战线的创建,对保存革命力量、发展抗战武装、鼓舞抗战士气起了重要作用。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION In the arsenal of cardiac functional parameters,cardiac output(CO),cardiac index(CI),and strokevolume(SV)are potentially important determinantsof hemodynamics,the measurement of which relieson complicated and sometimes invasive techniques.In the case of congestive heart failure,non-invasivemethods to provide accurate measures of these pa-rameters during exercise stress testing would addsignificant objectiveness to the test result.This couldbe of considerable importance for …  相似文献   
在极“左”路线摧残下,众多知识分子的灵魂颓退销铄经历了:在“思想改造”和自虐阶段,丧失了独立的品格和人的尊严,粉碎了原有的智慧;随着无休止的运动和批斗,他们开始出卖自己与别人的同时,在“文革”中进行了空前的自我厮杀,造成了民族心理的大变态;知识分子在心灵粉碎堕落的同时,又面临着肉体毁灭的危险。  相似文献   
This article is a call to become more critically aware of the new law commonly referred to as No Child Left Behind Act, which was put into effect in 2002 in the United States. The article is also an invitation to early childhood educators worldwide to engage in a dialogue that raises several questions: (a) How does such legislation affect early childhood educators and teacher preparation programs?; (b) How might teacher educators react and respond to the new law as they continuously practice informed decision-making about teacher preparation that is socially responsible? In view of these questions, it is a hope that we can see the initiation of nationwide dialogue regarding the issue of the No Child Left Behind Act. Primarily, how does the new law affect teacher educators and teachers? It is inevitable for us to be united and politically informed to prevent further scrutiny of questionable politically and economically driven educational practices in the United States, not to mention “test-heavy” evidence-based education reform.  相似文献   
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