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This exploratory study investigated how six practicing school principals responded to the requirements of the No Child Left Behind law (United States Congress Public Law 107–110, 2002, January, No Child Left Behind Act, ) in light of the multicultural leadership demands presented by an urban setting. It examines perspectives of principals on the legal aspects of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and what they did to manage its requirements. Multicultural leadership literature provided a framework to understand the perspectives of school leaders. The findings suggest three principals were engaged in meaningful and practical work to both fulfill the requirements of NCLB and meet the needs of their students. Three principals were focused on the requirements of the law and did not see the connection between multicultural leadership and NCLB. The study’s recommendations include a multicultural leadership approach to current NCLB school reform. An earlier version of this study in progress was presented to the American Educational Research Association (AERA) in Montreal, Canada 2005.  相似文献   
跳水运动员颈椎损伤的X线特征及其防治   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
112例跳水运动员颈椎X线结果显示,正常者仅21例(18.8%),异常者91例(81.2%),其中诊断为颈椎病者 27例(22.9%)。主要病变为环枢椎损伤,椎体及附件退行性变,与成年人 X线不同的是椎间隙虽狭窄,但无椎间盘变性,椎体变形而无骨赘形成等,认为这是青少年骨骼发育成长与损伤相互制约的结果,是运动性应力性损伤的特征,与该项目动作特点密切相关。  相似文献   
采用MCA-3心脏功能综合检测仪,测量男子中长跑运动员静态心脏收缩时间间期各指标,分析其特点并与非运动员进行比较,从而对耐力型运动员的左心功能作出系统的评价.结果发现,耐力运动员的LVET、EML、MST、HWT、Q-u及PWTT、PEP等指标值均比一般人群的指标值高,是运动员心功能良好的特征性表现.  相似文献   
放眼入围欧洲杯决赛圈诸强,他们在左派势力的强势注入下,完全成为了随时都需要动矫正手术的比萨斜塔,几乎所有强队都出现左倾现象。  相似文献   

The emergence of a new type of consumer society was catalysed rather than impeded by the tumultuous events of the late 1960s. The rebels of 1968 contributed considerably to the breaking down of conservative obstacles to consumption, to the opening up of new markets and to the creation of a new type of consumer. At its heart, ‘1968’ was an intra-bourgeois confrontation pursued by an innovative minority. The many instances of personal transformation from protagonists of protest to pillars of the establishment can be interpreted in the context of communicative and consumerist modernization. The protesters' performative hedonism proved highly compatible with consumer culture. Protest culture, on the one hand, sought the publicity of consumer society as a spatial and moral sphere for its activities. The response of the ‘system’ to the protests, on the other hand, was surprisingly flexible and resulted in the further development of capitalism and consumer society in the late twentieth century.  相似文献   
本研究采用文献资料法、实验法、心理测量法、访谈法和数理统计法,对留守儿童社交焦虑进行研究。结果表明:(1)社会焦虑障碍小学生有一定比例,小学留守儿童社交焦虑总分高于小学非留守小学生;(2)小学的留守儿童的社交焦虑总分在年级上有差异,在性别上、是否独生子女不存在显著差异。经过筛选后对60名学生分组进行趣味篮球教学干预,实验后我们发现:(1)干预后实验组的社交焦虑水平有所降低,但对照组前后差异无显著性;(2)实验后,实验组与对照组比较有显著性差异。因此趣味篮球教学要有新设计理念、合理的内容、鼓励性语言和有强化性游戏。此外,趣味篮球教学不是唯一的方案,还要靠多方面的参与。  相似文献   
"左联"成员是一群身无长物的知识分子。他们依靠手中的笔谋取生计并影响社会。为了将他们呐喊的声音传递到民众中,他们创办了为数众多的同人刊物,并通过各种人脉关系走向公共媒体,同时利用电影、戏剧和工人夜校等形式作为传输思想的管道。通过一系列的努力,他们开拓出了无处不在的表达空间。与无处不在的表达空间相比,"左联"由于其倾覆既有社会秩序的主张和与中国共产党之间非常明显的联系,使其无法见容于国民政府,这就导致了它的成员不得不活动于地下状态。这样的活动状态使"左联"知识分子无法在上海社会构建起正常的社会关系。  相似文献   
左翼文学有两个传统:上海传统和延安传统。新中国成立后,延安传统最终确立了自己的文化霸权,并形成了以阶级斗争为想象基础的无产阶级美学范式。“后文革时代”,中国重返世界资本主义体系,左翼文学陷于沉寂。不过,中国的市场意识形态在催生了一个世俗化社会之后,也带来了反向的文化实践,新左翼文学的兴起就是这种反向文化运动的重要组成。新左翼文学继承的是上海传统,延安传统被搁置于文化视野之外。左翼文学的再次“兴起”折射出当下中国激烈的阶级矛盾和文化斗争,同时也是前期社会主义的政治想象在后革命中国的历史性复兴,呈现了一个被“大国崛起”时代有意忽视的“另类”现代性叙事。  相似文献   
在20世纪40年代,路翎面对的是十分丰富的"传统"。对主流的靠拢与疏离构成了他创作的狭小地带。这种"在,而不属"是路翎及其创作的显著特点,从而被主流指认为"异质"。  相似文献   
1935年8月1日,以王明为首的中共驻共产国际代表团发布了《八一宣言》,倡议国内各党各派捐弃前嫌、一致抗日。呼吁建立广泛的“抗日民族统一战线”。此举赢得了各界人士的热烈拥护.引发了全国性的救亡热潮。中共理论家陈伯达等人发动了“新启蒙运动”。“新启蒙运动”以抗日救国为其表、以传播中国化了的“马克思列宁主义”为其里。陈伯迭们借助救亡大潮,掀起“左翼”思潮,而“左翼”思潮又与救亡大潮融为一体。大量的青年知识者,怀着救亡图存的目的选择了共产党。这对中共最终战胜国民党、夺取大陆政权,意义十分重大。  相似文献   
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