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建国以来莫友芝研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2011年是莫友芝诞辰200周年。为了纪念这位"西南硕儒",特对建国以来的莫友芝研究进行梳理评述,以期促进未来的莫友芝研究。  相似文献   
Ninety undergraduates of high and low prior knowledge of geology read a difficult prose passage concerning the formation of a meander. Two groups of learners were forced to process a map-like organizer either before or after they read the passage, while a control group was provided no pictorial support. The results showed that subjects with little prior knowledge who were provided with the organizer prior to reading recalled at a level similar to that of subjects with a good deal of background knowledge. The findings were interpreted as support for the use of map-like organizers in the primary position to aid comprehension.  相似文献   
The degree to which the concreteness of prose material presented in an auditory fashion would interact with learners' lateral preference under different right hemispheric presentation conditions was investigated with 96 normal adults. Forty-eight subjects with consistent right preference patterns and a like number of bilateral individuals were either instructed to image, given a visual-spatial interference task, or given no instructions before listening to passages which differed in abstractness. As predicted across conditions, learners recalled a significantly greater number of ideas when the passage was concrete. Importantly, the abstractness was found to interact with subjects' inferred cerebral dominance. Whereas instructions to image and visual interference had little significant effect on mixed dominant subjects, for more consistently lateralized subjects imagery instructions increased and right-hemispheric interference decreased concrete recall. The results were interpreted in terms of visual and verbal encoding concomitant with cerebral lateralization.  相似文献   
张万盈 《天中学刊》2011,26(6):62-65
莫言是中国当代最重要的作家之一,《蛙》作为描写计划生育的一部力作,以其进一步的形式推进使得小说在形式方面呈现出斑斓的色彩,具体表现在叙述中信件与戏剧形式的融合,反讽手法的运用与悖论的自然生成,隐含述说的背后隐喻。同时,莫言小说惯常的启蒙意识虽在此文本中得以延续,但是却进入了一种纠葛与困惑的迷局。  相似文献   
本文讨论了增加外存储器容量的问题 ,提出了分层式磁光盘和利用自组织材料制大容量存储盘的猜想。  相似文献   
在当代作家中,莫言以语言风格独特和创作理念个性化而著称。他的语言狂乱驳杂又大气磅礴,婉约清丽又深情款款,既保留了民间话语粗野淳朴的原始风貌,又满足了艺术语言的审美需求。莫言小说中的语言不但是了解莫言文学历程的可靠凭证,也是接近莫言内心世界,把握莫言创作心理转变的关键所在。  相似文献   
莫言散文多是对故乡和童年的回忆,对母亲的感念,对生活的反思,让人在历史前进中所发生的大事小事间感喟着普通人的喜怒哀乐。但由于受到当代散文精神和福克纳等人的影响,他的散文在真实中被有意植入许多虚构成分并将二者巧妙融合,使其散文更富有情感色彩和叙事力量,呈现出与同时代作品不一样的特质,而这与他的散文所折射出的生命关怀与美学追求是分不开的。  相似文献   
莫言,2012年诺贝尔文学奖的获得者,对其创作虽然存在不少质疑,但是谁也无法否认他的作品确有其独特之处。紧扣文本来看,莫言的小说颠覆了传统小说以情节制胜的模式,没有特意渲染战火纷飞、神经紧绷的时代背景,也没有故意编造硝烟弥漫、随时爆发的矛盾冲突。而是在相对平淡的情节之下,灵活地转换叙述视角,信手拈来地勾画乡间的风景、人情,使得小说看似流离主题之外。然而,散漫行文的背后则潜藏着作家对社会、人生的深刻思考与洞见,极大地加深了作品的思想内蕴,也加大了作品成为经典的可能性。  相似文献   
医院是当下我们叩问生命的本质和意义、审视一种文化之于生命的关怀或扭曲的最合适的地方。墨白的两部以医院为题材的中篇小说《局部麻醉》和《白色病室》分别通过外科医生白帆和内科医生苏警己的视野和遭遇,呈现和揭示了罪恶的、病态的文化是怎样残酷地对人的身体和精神进行扭曲、规训和惩罚,驱迫生命走向疯狂和死亡的。  相似文献   
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