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王微 《海外英语》2012,(10):206
Macbeth is,both by expectation and by means of the exposition,set up as a classical tragedy.The very title of the play,The Trag edy of Macbeth,encourages the assumption on the part of the audience that Macbeth is indeed a tragedy.This article mainly from the cross-cultural angle to the plot of the tragedy of tragedy Macbeth analysis for further analysis and appreciate Shakespeare’ s drama open up alternative thinking mode.  相似文献   
贺亚男 《海外英语》2012,(14):174-175,177
正统观念中,基督教的救赎是通过上帝之子耶稣的殉难来实现的,但从更抽象、更宽泛的意义上来说,救赎可以通过时间、死亡和挚爱来变相获得。《麦克白》中时间救赎的主题非常明显,即通过使过去、现在、将来达到与上帝时间的永恒合一,来拯救处于世俗时间中的人。结合奥古斯丁关于时间和人类思维(记忆与期望)的关系,可以看出,麦克白的悲剧不仅仅是一个高尚的人因为性格缺陷而走向自我毁灭,而是在于他在犯了罪的同时,关上了自己的救赎之门。  相似文献   
莎士比亚“四大悲剧”之一《麦克白》引人之处不在于其主人公麦克白的悲惨结局,而在于他从一个怀有野心的平叛英雄堕落为弑君篡位的暴君的转变过程及其心灵遭受的煎熬。作品充满恐怖的气氛:女巫、凶杀、幻觉、恶梦、鬼魂、反常现象、半夜的敲门声等,具有明显的情节恐怖刺激、气氛阴森恐怖、充满悬念等哥特因素。  相似文献   
从女权批评的角度对比分析了麦克白夫人在盲目地爱着麦克白时的疯狂举动和失去麦克白的爱后的不同表现,论证了麦克白夫人并非天性邪恶之人。而是麦克白的政治野心和自己盲目爱情的牺牲品。  相似文献   
数字“三”在东西方文化中都被看成是一个神秘、有魔力的数字,经常被用在文学作品中.莎士比亚在其悲剧《麦克白》中多次使用数字“三”,尤其是三位女巫和三个预言,三名杀手和三次谋杀贯穿全剧始终,渲染了阴森、恐怖的悲剧气氛.数字“三”在这部戏剧中可以被看成是邪恶和黑暗的化身,强化了麦克白的悲剧下场,对本剧的情境发展起到了烘托的作用.  相似文献   
透过生态神学的视角,莎剧《麦克白》是异教神学与基督教神学的碰撞和书写。魔法和巫术女神赫卡忒随同三女巫,在对自然破坏力量的召唤及转换中,彰显了混乱的自然世界和邪恶的动物世界,最终成为残酷自然的外在表征,与基督教所召唤的有序、和谐的仁爱自然构成最高意义的对立,从而传达出莎士比亚对基督教神学的潜在怀疑,形成赫卡忒与基督教上帝的某种神学对话,揭开了本剧在两种神学观念冲突下进行价值重组的神秘面纱。  相似文献   
梁娜 《时代教育》2010,(4):79-79
It is universally acknowledged that Macbeth is the most vivid tragedy as a psychoanalysis of the state of humanity’s development of a sense of sexual self.In the play,the inherent cruelty in masculinity is ironically represented best by the corrupted feminine characters,the three witches and Lady Macbeth.Undoubtedly,they finally push Macbeth over the brink into dramatic tragedy,tragedy of his country,his ambition and his own self as well.  相似文献   
基督教的“原罪”思想即罪感文化,是西方文化中的核心思想。中国传统文化中也有类似于西方文化中的“原罪思想”。本文通过莎士比亚的悲剧《麦克白》和北村的长篇小说《施洗的河》两个文本中所表现的人物在面对原罪时的人生姿态对比,认识基督教的原罪意识对东西方文学的影响。  相似文献   
李亚利 《海外英语》2014,(5):193-194,219
William Shakespeare(1564—1616)has been universally acknowledged as an outstanding playwright and poet during the English Renaissance.His great tragedy,Macbeth,telling the conversion of a good man into a wholly evil,is so well accepted.Akira Kurosawa,as a famous Japanese director,attaches much importance to the fusion of eastern and western culture,which makes his adaptations from literature unique.His Throne of Blood is totally different from the original Macbeth,but it remains the quintessence of Shakespeare.Through analyzing the successful transformation of the plot,character and language,this paper reveals the significance of the film as an independent art which can make it possible to realize another kind of art.  相似文献   
Shakespeare’s“Macbeth”has a dual tragic effect. This paper aims to analyze the play part by part to show how Shake?speare gets this special effect through the arrangement of plot and creation of char...  相似文献   
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