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Lu An  Fan Hong 《国际体育史杂志》2018,35(15-16):1588-1602

In order to understand Chinese martial arts (CMA), people had better find out how native Chinese people picture these ancient arts. Maurice Halbwachs’s theory on collective memory is helpful to cognize the panorama of CMA. In the term of social framework, the contributors of the collective memory of CMA are mainly well-experienced inheritors, shallow-experienced mass practitioners and highly educated intellectuals. They respectively perceive martial arts more or less through bodily practicing, imagination, or fantasy. Among these three contributing groups, inheritors seemingly observe martial arts from the top of the mountain, ordinary practitioners at the foot of the mountain, while intellectuals overlook from the clouds. Inheritors, with professional skills, establish the technique systems of martial arts; mass practitioners, from non-professional perspective, test and verify the various functions, and intellectuals, from transdisciplinary perspective, enrich the connotation and extension of the martial arts. The shared concrete approaches they draw upon to shape such a collective memory are repetitive corporeal experiencing, mental experiencing, and active imagination. Eventually, they build the spectrum of CMA memory which is primarily filled with unique technique paradigms and chivalric spirits. In this way, CMA or Wushu, as an indigenous sport, is provided for consumers in the world.  相似文献   
毛泽东研究是世界范围内的重要课题.美国学者迈斯纳是国外学者中进行毛泽东研究的代表性人物.迈斯纳对毛泽东思想与马克思主义、乌托邦主义的关系进行了深入的探讨,提出了一些独到的见解,当然对其许多观点我们并不能同意.此外,迈斯纳还对改革开放前的中国历史进行了论述,在指出毛泽东时代社会主义建设出现失误和挫折的同时,也充分肯定了这一时期取得的社会经济成就.  相似文献   
莫里斯·布朗肖在《文学空间》中重审了"将文本还原为现实"的阅读模式,并对既有的阅读理论进行了更新。他将阅读视为一种无法被定义的体验和敞开、一种从可释读的文本层指向作品深处的"不在场之在场"的运动。之于读者,阅读是"开始"而非"重复";之于作品,阅读是与创作同样强大的建构力量。通过阅读理论的再阐释,布朗肖解构了传统阅读模式中"读者"对"作品"的控制与超越,对主体与他者的关系进行了现代性的反思。  相似文献   
在现代主义思潮迭起的二十世纪,莫里亚克既坚持巴尔扎克、狄更斯等的现实主义创作传统,又融合了现代主义观念和宗教思想,以家庭为舞台展示了物欲横流、道德沦丧时代背景下人的罪恶,深入挖掘罪人们的精神世界,让他们在灵与肉、善与恶、沉沦与复活的痛苦挣扎中具有了悲剧精神并最终获得了宗教上的救赎.莫里亚克的创作既继承前人,又开拓创新,为西方二十世纪现实主义文学注入了新的生命力,同时也在西方文学史上具有了不可取代的价值和意义.  相似文献   

This paper does not present an advocacy of a passive education as opposed to an active education nor does it propose that passive education is in any way ‘better’ or more important than active education. Through readings of Maurice Blanchot, Jacques Derrida and B.S. Johnson, and gentle critiques of Jacques Rancière and John Dewey, passive education is instead described and outlined as an education which occurs whether we attempt it or not. As such, the object of critique for this essay are forms of educational thought which, through fate or design, exclude the passive dimension, either within or outside of formal educational settings. An underlying component of this argument is therefore also that education does occur outside of formal educational settings and that, contra Gert Biesta and his critique of ‘learnification’, we may gain rather than lose something by attending to it as education.  相似文献   
作为英国马克思主义史学派的杰出代表,莫里斯.多布运用马克思主义理论作指导,在资本主义经济史研究中取得了突出的成绩。他通过分析英国封建制度的没落,解析封建社会末期资产阶级在封建社会生产关系中所处的社会地位、生活状况与封建领主之间的阶级关系,以一个全新的研究视角解读了英国资本主义发展史,揭示出了封建社会向资本主义社会过渡的"主要推动力"。  相似文献   
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