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涂艳 《海外英语》2014,(7):199-200
This essay put emphasis on the analysis T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land, pointing the masterpiece can be interpreted by three- levels, the person, the society and human race. Eliot also indicated two kinds of people, the one is just secularized, and the other one is lack of faith in The Waste Land. We can analyze the feeling of protagonist is afraid to live new life, but afraid of death, the important theme is corruption of sex.  相似文献   
尤素甫·哈斯·哈吉甫的《福乐智慧》作为维吾尔族哲学与古典文学的杰出代表作,是维吾尔族文学史上的重要里程碑。作者所运用的象征,实际上就是用自然界的必然性解释社会生活与人的命运的偶然性,这些象征背后展现的是作者朴素的哲学观、原始的宗教信仰以及所受到的佛教思想、伊斯兰教思想的影响。  相似文献   
运用认知心理学的范畴化、原型及图式等理论,探讨并补充符号、能指和所指之间的三角关系;并根据学者对词汇的意义的已有分类,进一步挖掘诸如概念等意义界定的深层次原委及影响;扩大对语言词汇诸多意义的理解深度和纬度.  相似文献   
诗歌是一种古老的文学文体,从它的起源时代开始,经过漫长的艺术积淀,最终形成了显示自身品格的一些文体特征。文章摘选出客观对应物、意象、象征、契合这样的诗学文体范畴,就它们的内涵、演变、审美效果进行分析,以此凸显诗歌的文体特征。  相似文献   
Self-regulation emerges throughout early childhood, and predicts later success in socially and cognitively challenging situations. Vygotsky proposed that symbols, particularly words, serve as mental tools to be used in service of self-regulation. Cross-sectional research indicates a positive but inconsistent association between language and self-regulation skills throughout toddlerhood, but research has not accounted for general cognitive development, nor gender differences in these domains. We used growth modeling of longitudinal data for 120 toddlers collected when children were 14, 24, and 36 months to test the impact of two expressive language skills - spoken vocabulary and talkativeness - on the growth of toddlers' self-regulation, and to determine whether associations between these domains exist when controlling for cognitive development. Results reveal gender differences in self-regulation trajectories, and in the impact of language on self-regulation. Vocabulary is a better predictor of self-regulation than talkativeness, and both concurrent and prior vocabulary positively predicted children's levels of self-regulation. When cognitive development was controlled, 24-month vocabulary still predicted the trajectory of self-regulation. Results reveal that, even in early development, words are tools that can be applied to the task of self-regulation, and may be a more necessary tool for boys than for girls at this age.  相似文献   
Due to continuous gun violence,Americans’ crazy love for guns has always been attacked home and abroad.Americans’ passion for guns derives from individualism through the development of American history.They consider guns as a means to guarantee independence and freedom,and therefore as a symbol of American individualism.  相似文献   
一直以来,心理学界和教育学界暗含着一条基本假设:学习主要发生在对知识和经验进行编码的阶段;提取只能测量先前学习经验的产出,但本身并不能产生学习。然而,美国普渡大学Karpicke博士自2008年以来,在世界顶级杂志《科学》上相继发表的有关记忆提取的数篇文章揭示,提取并非是学习过程中的一个中性事件,而是会对学习产生重要影响的相关事件,每一次提取动作都会改变记忆和重构知识。提取式学习的基本观点是:提取是理解学习和促进学习的关键过程,提取练习能产生有意义的学习,知识提取是由线索驱动的目标搜索过程。Karpicke等人关于提取练习和基于概念图的精制化学习对有意义学习影响的对比实验显示,与基于概念图的精加工相比,提取式学习能够产生更持久的记忆保持和更好的学习迁移。这一研究结果引发了与Novak团队Mintzes教授的学术争论,撼动了数年来概念图式的精加工策略在当代教育中的中心地位,引发了学界对提取式学习的极大兴趣。在线教育由于具有时空分离、师生互动较少、反馈和干预滞后等先天不足,尤其需要注重引导学习者练习和运用提取策略;设计多元化的提取式学习活动;通过境脉更新,促进知识重构和知识迁移;实现精制学习与提取式学习的有机统一。  相似文献   
日本能乐是集舞蹈、音乐、词章等为一体的综合艺术。它与狂言、文乐、歌舞伎并称为日本四大古典戏剧。作为日本古老的剧种之一,能乐以其鲜明的美学特征和艺术魅力被视为日本古典的象征,同时也被列入世界非物质文化遗产。通过对能乐这种经久不息的文化现象以及观阿弥、世阿弥父子所确立的美学理念的探究,能够更深层了解能乐的艺术精华所在,体味日本独特的幽玄美意识。  相似文献   
日本当代作家大江健三郎,因其作品“通过诗意的想象力,创造出一个把现实和神话紧密凝缩在一起的想象世界,描绘出现代的芸芸众生相,给人们带来了冲击”而获得了诺贝尔文学奖.透析大江文学独具魅力的诗化文本语言,解构贯穿其文本语言符号系统中具有普遍意义的“结构”——纵、横轴,以引发本国读者及相关研究者对外国文学创作文本及理论的思考.  相似文献   
唐德亮作为从瑶山走出的诗人,具有与众不同的诗学感悟。诗集《深处》在其一贯的朴素生动又原汁原味的生活体验之上精益求精,对美的丰厚意蕴的深度思考、对瑶族文化形态的关注以及对于现代社会的批判与反思、对于人性裂变与超越的突破性展现,构成了唐德亮文学世界求新求变的新角度、新发现、新创造,同时,也更加深切地体现出作为一个乡土诗人对于土地、对于民族的深厚情谊,特别是诗人一路走来所保有的知识者的批判精神与反思能力尤为值得称赞。  相似文献   
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