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探讨正负信息呈现方式对高校高水平学生运动员的运动决策行为及人格特征的影响作用.研究方法:采用自编运动员决策问题问卷和大五人格量表(中国修订版),以分层抽样的方法,抽取高水平运动员260人为研究对象,随机分为两组,正面框架组(n=126),负面框架组(n=123),对两组间被试的方案选择进行X2检验,方案选择与人格特征的关系进行t检验.结果:接受正面框架实验情景的被试,保守和冒险方案选择人数比例相当,分别为42.86%和57.14%;负面框架组的被试,只有17.07%选择保守方案,差异有统计学意义.正面框架下,外向性维度得分高的被试个体倾向于冒险,愉悦性维度得分高的被试个体倾向于保守;但在负面框架中,差异无统计学意义.负面框架下被试个体更倾向于冒险;外向性和愉悦人格特征与运动决策行为有关.  相似文献   
后现代语境下的休闲体育解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
休闲体育的本真是强调自愿、追求自由,而且不能受其他外在世界的干涉和制约,进而从参与的运动项目中体会到愉悦.后现代是通俗文化或大众文化大行其道的时代,崇尚消费至上.产生于后现代语境中的休闲体育为人类建构了文明、健康的生活方式,促进了人性复归,同时加速了社会分化和时尚传播,建构了休闲体育消费的符号化、"空洞化"过程.因此,人类实现自我超越的休闲体育,正成为我们对抗文化失序与风格杂芜的现实生活的本体依托.  相似文献   
学校体育生态化指标体系的构建   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
学校体育的生态化指标体系的建立是为了更加有效地促进学校体育生态化的建设与发展。根据生态学、社会学原理,采用特尔菲法,构建了包括4个一级指标、12个二级指标和68个三级指标的学校体育生态化指标体系,为推进学校体育的生态化进程提供思路和评价标准。  相似文献   
摘要:慢性疾病成为新世纪重要的致死风险因素,而身体活动不足成为引发慢性疾病的重要原因。2007年,由ACSM(American College of Sports Medicine)、AMA(American Medical Association)发起“运动是良医”的全球行动至今已有39个国家加入。主要采用文献资料法,梳理古典医学文化时期中“运动是良医”思想的源起。研究发现,早在公元前的古希腊、古代罗马、古代印度以及古代中国古典医学文化时期的医学典籍中就出现了“运动是良医”的思想和实践,Herodicus、Hippocrates、Galen、Susruta、华佗等对这一思想的发展做出了重要的贡献。虽然东西方医学与锻炼的结合具有同源异流、动静相宜等差异,但对于锻炼对疾病的预防和治疗的价值认识是一致的。甚至于早在古典医学文化时期就开始了身体锻炼与肥胖、糖尿病等疾病治疗的实践,并从自然、人体、锻炼、饮食等因素对疾病和健康有了整体的认识。文艺复兴后,由于医学技术的高速发展,“体”“医”开始分道扬镳,今天,体医结合重新受到医学和体育领域的重视,通过文献分析使我们对“运动是良医”这一古老的思想有更加深刻的认识。  相似文献   
宋代丰城黄得礼家族,与著名文人黄庭坚所属分宁黄氏同为一源。此家族是典型的科举世家,自黄得礼进士起家,子孙登科者众多。家族人物普遍具有较高的文学才华,然其著述多零落散佚,唯有黄彦平《三余集》因被《四库全书》收录而传世。家族历代仕宦,连绵不断,黄畴若在宋宁宗朝出任台谏,参与嘉定更化等重要政治事件,提议并主持创建安边所,后出外治蜀,政绩显著,列传《宋史》。  相似文献   
This paper studies the online forum posts at the websites of Amazon and Goodreads of two books on Zheng He’s voyages. The findings are threefold: First, most of the online forum participants play their due roles and satisfy the six conditions of Dahlberg’s model of an ideal online public sphere. Second, the emerged themes match the six conditions of Dahlberg’s model. The readers’ reviews at the two Western social media websites are mostly positive and rational. Implications of the study are also discussed.  相似文献   
In this paper we question the rationality of ‘no-touch policies’ and offer an alternative approach to the matter of physical contact between teachers and students in the context of physical education (PE) in schools. Earlier research has drawn attention to how a discourse of child protection is starting to affect how physical contact is viewed in PE practice. The avoidance of intergenerational touch is increasingly justified by referring to the children's rights agenda. Here, arguments for ‘no-touching’ are linked to children's right to be protected from harm. In the paper we explore a children's rights-based viewpoint that supports the use of and need for physical contact in PE teaching by developing theoretical and practice-based arguments. An alternative children's rights perspective, based on rights theorising, is used to formulate the theoretical argument. Interviews with 16 PE teachers about their experiences of physical contact in their pedagogical work form the practice-based arguments. The two arguments provide a way of looking at intergenerational touch in education from the vantage point of children's human right to develop to their full potential, which can support a need for physical touch in pedagogical situations.  相似文献   
近体快扣球技术是当今优秀女排队伍使用效率较高的快攻技术之一,对比中国与巴西女排运动员在该项技术的使用特征上,具有一定的差异性.研究结果表明:在助跑环节中国选手杨珺菁步幅较小、并步距离短、速度较快;在起跳环节杨珺菁倾向对速度的保持,起跳时间较短,巴西选手塔伊莎倾向对高度的追求,起跳时间较长;在空中击球环节,杨珺菁击球点较低、力量较小、速度慢,巴西选手塔伊莎击球点高、力量大、速度快.杨珺菁的击球力量约为55牛顿,塔伊莎的击球力量约为104牛顿.高点、大力、快速击球成为现代近体快球技术发展的主要趋势.  相似文献   
This article attempts to investigate the emerging people's media in relation to the development of communication rights in Indonesia and the Philippines. The thrust is to focus on how the Indonesian and Philippine press acquiesced to political and economic control by the governments of the dictatorial regime of President Soeharta and President Marcos. On the other contrary, we look at how people felt that communication rights are their basic rights and that freedom of thought and freedom of speech are essential for democratic rule. Their resistant to violence, imprisonment and murder carried out by state functionaries have brought new forms of media. These are people's media or radical and citizen media which empower as well as transform ‘passive citizens’ into ‘political actors’.  相似文献   

This article traces the profound social repercussions that resulted from the mass enlistment of British office workers into the armed forces during the First World War. Drawing heavily upon fictionalized autobiographies of the period, my study examines the various stages of the clerk's experience of the conflict and argues that the confidence gained during warfare by surviving office workers fundamentally shaped a more democratic postwar society. This change is evidenced, I argue, in the profile of the fictional clerk that emerges in British literature after 1918.  相似文献   
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