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毕苑 《教育学报》2005,1(1):90-95
晚清时期修身教科书在民国以后向公民教科书的转换,是展现中国国民教育近代化历程的生动模本。修身教科书在内容上包含了以孝为首的纲常伦理观念、个人修养教育和国家社会观念的灌输,开启了近代国民教育的第一步。到20世纪20年代末“公民”教育代之而起。由于中国特殊历史时期政治化的影响,公民教育更多地表现出了政党色彩和历史局限性。即使如此,它对国民教育和政治教育的近代化仍然具有重要的启发意义。  相似文献   
Comparative Judgement (CJ) is an increasingly widely investigated method in assessment for creating a scale, for example of the quality of essays. One area that has attracted attention in CJ studies is the optimisation of the selection of pairs of objects for judgement. One approach is known as adaptive comparative judgement (ACJ). It has been claimed in the literature that ACJ produces very high reliability, often higher than can be obtained by conventional marking. Bramley showed by simulation that adaptivity can substantially inflate the apparent reliability in ACJ. The empirical study described here compared an adaptive with a non-adaptive CJ study using GCSE English essays. An all-play-all set of comparisons of a subset of the essays allowed the extent of scale inflation to be quantified: the reported adaptive reliability was 0.97 whereas the deflated value was 0.84. The value from the non-adaptive study was 0.72. However, the scale from the non-adaptive study correlated slightly higher with external variables, suggesting the non-adaptive study was no less valid than the adaptive one.  相似文献   
This article examines the moral dimensions of listening, paying special attention to the ways in which individuals’ particular situation bears on their perception. Listening, on the account offered here, is a moral endeavor, with consequences for the listener, as well as for those listened to.  相似文献   
邓小平教育思想是指导当前我国教育改革和发展的重要思想,其中德育观在他的教育思想中占据着极其重要的地位和发挥着不可取代的作用,是推进当前学校德育工作,增强思想政治教育的强大思想武器。  相似文献   
榜样示范法是德育实践中被广泛采用的方法 ,德育榜样的选取和运用直接关系到德育结果的好坏。选取德育榜样除了要考虑其典型性外还特别要考虑其真实性、针对性和时效性 ;运用德育榜样时教育者要注重对榜样进行全面的分析 ,进行德育性的引导 ,关心学习者的终身幸福 ,教育者还要积极践履  相似文献   
This study is a comparative analysis of the characteristics of moral exemplars presented in moral education textbooks in Korea and Japan. The purpose of the study is to examine and compare moral values presented through the lives and stories of moral exemplars in the two countries that have moral education as an independent and separate subject based on the national curriculum. To this end, the study uses analytical criteria such as gender, nationality, social roles, historical backgrounds, and specific moral values in order to investigate characteristics of 307 moral exemplars in Korea’s and Japan’s most used moral education textbooks. The results show significant similarities and differences in moral exemplars between the two nations. In the case of the similarities, both countries emphasize moral autonomy and respect for human life. In the case of the differences, while Korea presents more historic figures as moral exemplars, Japan presents more students and ordinary people as moral exemplars.  相似文献   
我国现行的审判监督程序,由于过于强调国家干预的功能、忽视当事人处分权、再审启动主体宽泛、具体程序的缺失等等原因而暴露出越来越多的问题与缺陷,改革我国审判监督程序已经成为当前司法改革的重要内容之一.然而,如何改革审判监督程序在学界存在诸多不同的见解,尚未形成统一意见.文章认为,以再审之诉作为制度基础的再审程序能够充分体现当事人主导程序之基本理念,将再审程序的启动权交给当事人,能实现审判监督的回归,切实保护当事人的合法权益,维护司法公正.在再审之诉的制度构建上,文章从再审之诉的要件和审理两方面提出了初步的设想.  相似文献   
哈佛道德推理课程对我国高校道德教育的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
哈佛道德推理课程是哈佛大学本科核心课程七大部分之一,道德推理课程帮助学生接受较高的道德标准,以经典阅读和探究性学习为主,注重对学生思辨能力的培养和西方伦理道德观念的建构,使学生具备作出合理的道德和政治选择能力.哈佛道德推理课程在教育理念、教学方式和课程建构方面的科学性,对我国高校道德教育的改革和创新有很好的启示.  相似文献   
和谐社会理论蕴涵着人与自然、人与社会、人的心理和谐的思维逻辑,在这种思维逻辑演绎下的高校和谐道德教育要求创新和谐道德教育方法论,以提高高校道德教育的效能。和谐道德教育的方法论包括:道德本身与文化多元相统一的方法论,以解决多元文化视野下对道德本身的认知问题;公德与私德相统一的方法论,以解决教育对象道德施用范围问题;目的善良与方式合理相统一的方法论,以解决高校道德教育方式对目的善良的皈依问题;他律性与自律性相统一的方法论,以解决教育对象的道德认识与道德行为统一问题。  相似文献   
大卫.休谟作为极端的经验论者,认为因果联系和归纳推理既不是唯理论所谓的不证自明,也不是从经验中获得,而是习惯性联想的产物,这就是历史上著名的"休谟问题"。休谟对因果推理的合理怀疑动摇了西方科学知识的理论基础,为了维护科学知识的权威和建立自己的批判哲学体系,康德以先天综合判断如何可能来回应"休谟问题"。尽管康德对"休谟问题"的解决必定会存在不足,但其对"休谟问题"独特的解决方式及在推动西方认识论发展,特别是关于主体能动性思想发展方面还是起着十分重要的作用的。  相似文献   
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