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拜占庭帝国灭亡的原因纷繁复杂,既是外部各列强的军事威胁所致,也是其自身逐渐衰败而造成的自然结果,包括政治、经济、军事、外交政策及宗教信仰等诸社会因素。其自身衰败的历史自马其顿王朝末期便已出现,而这一帝国政治上的特点在拜占庭帝国晚期的历史上更是显著而持久,最终导致了拜占庭帝国灭亡的命运。末代王朝帕列奥列格王朝统治时期的一系列内战更是使帝国衰败的历史无法得到逆转,反而加速了拜占庭帝国灭亡的速度。  相似文献   
匈奴帝国发生在公元前60年之大内乱与分裂是有史以来持续时间最长,规模最大的内讧,在匈奴民族史上产生了深远的影响。相关论著对匈奴国家之解体这一重要事件均有所表述,却失之简略。笔者在现有史料基础上,将匈奴大内乱与分裂过程确定在从公元前60年至公元前51年之间,将这一过程分为握衍朐鞮擅立、五单于争立、呼韩邪单于与郅支单于对立等相互紧密联系的三个重要阶段进行分析,并不只限于传统的“五单于争立”之简单甚至是错误的认识。  相似文献   
基督教在早期罗马帝国和晚清中国教是新传入的外来宗教,处境颇多相似。然而,教会在两会的传教方式却大相径庭,以至于结局也大异。比较这些方式和结局,给人以不少教训,说明了教会对在晚清时困难重重的经历难辞其咎,说明了尊重民族国家的主权和特性、建设即有世界性又有民族性的教会才是在督教会的正常发展道路。  相似文献   
Focusing on British graduates from Gipsy Hill Training College (GHTC) in London, this article illustrates transnational history’s concerns with the reciprocal flows of people and ideas within and beyond the British Empire. GHTC’s progressive curriculum and culture positioned women teachers as agents of change, and the article highlights the lives and work of married and single graduates overseas after the Second World War. Some migrated to the dominions of Australia, Canada and New Zealand, while South Africa and Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) were popular destinations for short-term teaching contracts. A few graduates went to the colonies as missionaries and colonial servants, and a handful taught in extra-imperial sites. Wherever they were located, these British women promulgated the college’s progressive ideals and shared their experiences with people at home in Britain, thereby shaping understandings of the Empire and constructing a world that was differentiated by class, gender, race and nation.  相似文献   
魏文斌  吴荭 《家教指南》2001,(1):128-133
炳灵寺石窟位于古代丝绸之路南线的交通要隘上,唐时随着唐蕃古道的繁荣和唐蕃关系的日益密切、交往的频繁,炳灵寺留存了唐蕃关系的史料。仪凤三年(678年)李敬玄率大军代蕃,开元十九年(731年)以崔琳为首的和蕃使团途经炳灵寺礼佛、出使及使团成员、唐代召募防御吐蕃抢麦的防秋健儿等,皆见于题记。  相似文献   
试论英国中近东政策的形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从18世纪后半叶至19世纪30年代,英国关于“维持奥斯曼帝国完整”的中近东政策经历了不明确、初见端倪到形成确立的变化过程。本文分析了这一变化及变化的原因,并阐述了英国外交大臣帕麦斯顿根据英国中近东政策的需要,促成1841年《海峡公约》的签订。  相似文献   
公元6—7世纪,拜占廷帝国和萨珊波斯帝国之间为争夺东西方的贸易霸权进行了近百年的战争,最后以拜占廷帝国的胜利而告终。这场战争不仅对双方的发展产生了极为重要的影响,而且对当时欧亚局势的变动起了一定的推动作用。  相似文献   
罗马帝国的军事题材艺术是战争的产物。一方面,战争是其孕育产生的温床和摇篮,是军事题材艺术的创作源泉和动力;另一方面,军事题材艺术又以其特有的审美方式为军事服务,为帝王、将士歌功颂德,助长了罗马人的尚武精神,颂扬了战争,美化了野蛮的军事征服。军事题材艺术既起到了无形的军事教育作用,又具有极高的艺术审美价值。  相似文献   

The article explores the ideas of the Eurasianist movement on the unity and diversity of Eurasia, gives an overview of the role of non-Russian peoples in Russian history and culture as seen by the Eurasianists and describes the main characteristics of Eurasianist doctrine. It also discusses the semantic knot of the Eurasianist discourse, namely, the 1917 Revolution, which was accepted as the opening of a new era for Russia. In conclusion, Eurasianist views on art are introduced.  相似文献   
In 2016, Britain voted to leave the European Union: over-65s were more than twice as likely to vote for Brexit as under-25s, amidst campaign rhetoric steeped in colonial nostalgia. This article explores how this generation was taught in many English state schools to imagine Britain’s place in the world during a period of rapid decolonisation from the late 1950s to the early 1970s. Drawing on history and geography textbooks, surviving school-work, BBC broadcasts to schools and school wall-maps, it is argued that English schools embellished the idea of a powerful Commonwealth to depict the continuation of Britain’s global might during dramatic imperial decline. Attempts to reconcile decolonisation with the famous red-bespattered ‘imperial’ map are particularly revealing. By presenting decolonisation as the continuation of empire by other means, many educationists attempted to minimise the external changes to Britain’s global status, allowing imperial ideas to survive in schools into the 1970s.  相似文献   
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