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时殷弘教授《文明帝国主义的中国版本》质疑早期中华帝国扩张的“儒家"特征。指出它与罗马帝国的扩张有着相似处。这种观点是有失偏颇的。汉朝对西南地区的扩张恰恰体现了早期中华帝国扩张的儒家特质。这表现在中国对外部世界的认知是在天下体系和华夷之别的框架下展开的,因此在对西南地区的政策上,汉朝采取了“非战略”式的扩张和“羁縻式”的统治。这种带有强烈儒家特征的扩张方式有别于罗马帝国.它更多的是文化意义上的,而非实际统治。  相似文献   
谢尔盖·尤里耶维奇·维特是19世纪末至20世纪初俄罗斯帝国重要的国务活动家。他任财政大臣后实行了新的远东外交战略。其主要内容是:通过西伯利亚大铁路积极参与远东国际竞争;与中国结盟确立俄国在中国的优势地位;与英日在中国和朝鲜既展开争夺又寻求妥协。  相似文献   
伊恩·麦克尤恩的《在切瑟尔海滩上》以1962年的英国为背景,讲述了爱德华和弗洛伦斯之间令人窒息的爱情故事。他们的爱情跨越了阶级的鸿沟,但挣脱不了时代的枷锁。两人柏拉图式的爱情在新婚之夜幻灭。  相似文献   
德意志的统一虽说与普鲁士强大的军事实力有很大的关系。但是在欧洲这样一个强国林立的国际背景下要想完成国家的统一仅凭武力还是远远不够的。在欧洲,特别是在当时西欧错综复杂的国际背景下。只有在以武力为后盾、充分利用国际环境前提下运用正确的民族主义政策来调动国民的民族主义情绪,才有可能取得成功。普鲁士执政者正确的民族主义政策制导下德国最终完成统一。  相似文献   
This article will examine the involvement of the Empire Press Union, including prominent early members like Lord Northcliffe and its founder Sir Harry Brittain, in the development of imperial air services as part of a larger ongoing study involving India, Australia and New Zealand. The main focus will be on the first three decades of the organization (1909–39) and on its regular conference activity which correspond with the pioneering period of aviation in Britain and in the antipodes. The press, as will be shown, had a commercial stake in the pioneer aviation story, while the Empire Press Union, for reasons to be outlined below, had a strong interest in Imperial Airways’ plans to develop the ‘longest air route in the world’ to that time. The focus of this analysis is inevitably limited: it does not, for example, deal with the ambitious British airship experiment which competed for funds and publicity with aviation, albeit with tragic outcomes. In contrast with the triumphalism of traditional communication and press narratives, it uncovers a complex faltering set of developments in which the Empire Press Union, both for altruistic and self-interested motives, played its part. In general terms, this involvement also serves to confirm that the Empire Press Union and its elaborate conferences paid increasing attention to new and emerging technologies like aviation and broadcasting in the interwar years. Moreover, this interest was not solely a response to the commercial challenges which such inventions posed to newspapers and print journalism; rather it reflected the willingness of the Press Union leadership, both in Britain and elsewhere, to harness such developments in the interests of speedier and cheaper imperial communications.  相似文献   
在公元4至6世纪,随着拜占廷帝国基督教化的发展,如何处理与古典文化之间的关系成为基督教不可规避的一个问题。面对"根深蒂固"的古希腊、罗马文化,基督教采取了一种"接纳"和"为我所用"的态度。  相似文献   
早期罗马帝国推行城市化运动的结果使得罗马帝国的城市数量迅速膨胀,各地城市也呈现出本身的不同特征。主要分为两大类别:一类是罗马城市,另一类是各行省城市。特别是各行省城市的类型不尽相同,在罗马帝国的政治、经济、文化生活中发挥着重要的作用。  相似文献   
作为具有批判精神的启蒙史学家,吉本在书中有许多新观念、新思想。吉本把孟德斯鸠等先辈开创的启蒙史学发扬光大,理论之光烛照了史学的黑暗。能寻找历史事件的因果关系,找出内在的关联性。吉本的垂训史观脱离了低俗,显示卓尔不凡。揭穿了宗友的神秘面纱,敢于闯荡教堂奥秘。揭示宗教的本质是人不是神。人类创造了宗教,塑造了神,神又愚弄了人类。把宗教神秘、神圣化是人类的一大错误。吉本初露民权民治思想具有前瞻性意义。《罗马帝国衰亡史》不仅是罗马帝国历史的最权威著作,而且在史识与史学思想上都为世界史坛做出重大贡献。  相似文献   
The goal of this article is to demonstrate and analyse how two public broadcasters with cultural and technical mandates to foster identity formation, the BBC in Britain and the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission (CRBC) in Canada, came to terms with the fact that the British and Canadian identities were different, and growing more so, in the 1930s. The focus is on how two BBC officials, Malcolm Frost and Felix Greene, assessed the public broadcasting experiment in Canada and gradually came to understand that the CRBC, while a Dominion broadcaster and potential distributor of the Empire Service, was also a North American broadcaster striving to gain legitimacy and credibility with Canadian listeners accustomed to the popular commercial programming of the large American networks. It concludes with a discussion of Greene's role in the creation of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and the appointment of Canadian-born BBC official Gladstone Murray as its first general manager.  相似文献   
R.E. Collins 《Media History》2013,19(2):191-205
The end of the Second World War saw global telecommunications governance renegotiated. The dominant British Imperial (later Commonwealth) network experienced multiple changes: the tightly integrated and collaborative imperial governance system fell away as the governing partners increasingly pursued their own, rather than a collective agendas and as the ‘imperial’ company, Cable and Wireless', dominance gave way to a competition and interconnection based regime as American firms and their networks entered markets hitherto closed to them. Though key elements of the Bermuda Telecommunications Agreement 1945 were soon to be renegotiated, the Bermuda Conference, at which the imperial partners and the new hegemonic power, the USA, bargained, was the fulcrum transitional event. Drawing on archival sources (notably in Canada and the UK) the author tells of the tensions within the fragmenting Imperial partnership, of an American mix of interest and idealism and of this episode in telecommunications liberalisation foreshadowing later changes.  相似文献   
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