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在历史题材小说创作中要遵循历史主义原则,而历史真实性则是历史主义的核心和精髓。大量的史料证明,孙皓晖所著《大秦帝国》中所谓"大秦帝国"、"六国分秦"等说法,都不符合历史事实;所谓张仪与孟子辩论的情节是杜撰的;其他如屈原、公孙衍及商鞅等人物的历史也被歪曲;孙皓晖所谓"秦国的‘铁血文明’是中国文明史的根基"的说法以及热捧秦始皇,颂法反儒的做法,都背离了历史真实,是伪造的历史,经不起历史实践的检验。只有基于历史事实的创作,才是真正的有价值的作品。  相似文献   
帝国其实是一种权力的媒介。作为媒介,它对社会形态、社会心理都产生着深远的影响。伊尼斯在《帝国与传播》中所阐释的“媒介决定论”虽有不足之处,但在一定程度上反映出传播在国家发展壮大中的重要地位以及对于国家兴衰的重大影响。  相似文献   
关于西罗马帝国衰亡原因的研究,长期以来国内史学界受苏联学的影响,持社会革命说。实际上,西罗马帝国的灭亡是多种因素促成的,其中生态环境的恶化(地力衰竭、水土流失)是重要因素之一。对此,国内史学界在以往的研究中有所忽视。  相似文献   
《狄奥多西法典》是古罗马第一部官方法律汇编,共有16卷,体育法规范出现在其第15卷第5题、第9题、第10题、第11题、第12题、第13题,涉及表演活动、赛会花费、战车竞赛用的马匹、斗兽活动、角斗士和座位使用方面的行政管理规定,呈现出体育管理法与娱乐管理法不分、基督教色彩浓厚、反腐禁奢规定鲜明、提倡社会力量办赛与国家垄断特定项目并存等特点,既有进步的文明基因,也有糟粕残留。整理、翻译与评注《狄奥多西法典》中的体育法规范,有助于加深我国学界外国体育史研究的深度与广度,并为研究罗马帝国后期体育史留下第一手原始文献。  相似文献   
The medieval Mediterranean has predominantly been considered to be a place of continuous conflict in matters of political and territorial ambitions, and, of course, religious dominance. The constant incursions on the islands of the Mediterranean have been considered by historians, legitimately in many instances, to be destructive of local communities, and to have caused turbulence in the economy, society, and culture. However, there is documentation which proves that such invasions were frequently followed by improvement in administration, and subsequently by production of art and a new type of culture that was an amalgam of Western and Eastern elements.

This article aims to illustrate certain positive side effects of this interaction in the Mediterranean through a specific example: the medieval city of Aegina in the Aegean Sea. During its history, the island passed through the hands of the Franks, the Venetians, the Catalans, and eventually the Ottomans. The architectural forms and artistic patterns that will be discussed support the argument that the medieval Mediterranean became a place for the exchange of ideas, and a canvas for multicultural activities.  相似文献   

早期拜占庭帝国的丝织业很发达,无论是丝织品的产量还是流通都达到相当的规模。政府为了保护丝织业带来的高额利润,建立起了一套严格的管理体系,保证了丝织业在拜占庭社会独特地位。拜占庭的丝织业不仅表现出显著的经济效益,还被上流社会赋予了独特的政治内涵。养蚕技术传入对拜占庭的丝织业和拜占庭社会产生了深刻影响。  相似文献   
粟特商团事件后,西突厥汗国遂与拜占庭帝国结盟,并联合拜占庭帝国对萨珊朝波斯进行了多次军事进攻.学者皆认为西突厥汗国与拜占庭的结盟是贸易联盟关系,笔者通过东西方史料论证其盟约的性质是政治联盟,并对两国结盟后的影响作一评论.  相似文献   
自君士坦丁一世始基督教在东罗马帝国获得了国教地位,随着帝国的政治经济发展,基督教的实力不断地增强,力图摆脱皇权的控制,帝国皇帝们的“至尊权”受到了教会的侵害,君权与教权之间产生了矛盾,自五世纪始,君权与教权之争愈演愈烈,到八至九世纪终于引发了一场大规模的政治运动,即破坏圣像运动.结果是在政治上强化了中央集权,明确了皇权对教会的控制;经济上增加了国家的收入;教会的土地大多落入军事贵族之手,促进了新兴封建主阶级的发展.  相似文献   
波斯帝国对希腊城邦政策的演变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
公元前 5— 4世纪 ,波斯帝国对希腊城邦世界的政策经历了从武力征服到保持城邦均势的演变。波斯从希波战争中的惨败吸取经验教训 ,及时调整了对希腊城邦的政策 ,这一政策的演变不仅使波斯摆脱了战败的阴影 ,改善并提高了帝国的政治地位 ,而且还利用希腊城邦间的混战来削弱希腊城邦的力量。事实证明 ,均势政策不仅使波斯帝国从中受益 ,而且也充分显示了波斯帝国外交政策的成熟  相似文献   
Following its late nineteenth-century emergence as an important element within federalist thinking across the British Empire, the idea of Greater Britain lost much of its political force in the years following the Boer War. The concept however continued to retain considerable residual currency in other fields of Imperial debate, including those concerning policies and practices of education across the Empire. This paper explores aspects of such debate by examining the intellectual contexts, theoretical assertions and conceptual formulations deployed in relation to questions about education, leadership, Imperial unity and racial identity in the early twentieth century. These issues are illuminated by an analysis of proposals by the Imperial theorist E.B. Sargant for the educational “colonisation” of the Empire of white settlement by “daughter” schools transposed from the traditional public schools of the metropole and staffed by teachers conceived as “the regulars of the State”.  相似文献   
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