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徐昱东 《科研管理》2016,37(8):76-84
基于向量误差修正模型(VECM),利用山东省1995-2012年时间序列数据,实证分析了外商直接投资(FDI)和对外贸易开放水平对碳排放强度的影响,研究发现:FDI对碳排放强度具有抑制效应,对外贸易开放度对碳排放强度具有助长效应,且后者的弹性系数为前者的1.5倍。论文给出的政策建议:升级外商投资的能耗准入标准;创造良好外部条件利用外商直接投资技术溢出效应以加快山东省低碳技术发展步伐;及时淘汰内资企业中的落后产能,避免内资企业成为"污染天堂"的替罪羊;发挥山东省的示范和借鉴价值、挖掘区域经济的发展潜力,须建立和落实生态补偿制度等。  相似文献   
本文探讨了设计网上银行支付系统所需要的安全技术,对支付系统的安全性进行了研究,设计了支付系统应具备的功能,设计了系统模型和流程,给出了一种网上银行B2C电子支付系统的安全、可靠,便捷的解决方案.  相似文献   
The standard empirical framework for analysing the R&D-patents relationship is widened both by examining the different role of in-house and contracted R&D in the innovative performance of firms, and by considering patents and utility models counts as measures of innovation output. Patents and utility models are considered to approximate for significant and incremental innovations, respectively. Applying count data econometrics to a panel data set of Spanish manufacturing firms surveyed in the period 1990-1996, a transcendental production function is estimated, which allows for non-constant elasticities of the R&D inputs. The results indicate that significant innovations are mainly gestated in-house, whereas contracted R&D seems more orientated towards innovations of incremental nature.  相似文献   
杨宝森  刘鲁  来玲 《情报杂志》2006,25(7):12-15
通过将B2E电子商务理念与XML软件技术结合构建了外贸企业个性化协同工作的电子商务和知识共享系统。它超越了传统的Web门户网站的概念,建立了一个跨组织、跨部门,以外贸供应链结点为对象的交互工作平台。通过商业语义转换,以XML方式将业务系统形成的单证信息以及数据流提交给其他系统,构造了外贸企业与相关企业间的电子商务网关。  相似文献   
当前许多企业都在异地建立分支机构,它们负责其所在地的各种业务活动,这就不可避免地产生了总部和分支机构之间的信息共享和交互问题。那么如何实现分布于广阔地理范围的分支机构与总部的信息集成就成为企业信息化道路上迫切需要解决的问题之一。本文以我们自行设计和开发的准噶尔能源公司运销管理系统为例来介绍基于J2EE架构的分布式信息系统的分析与设计。  相似文献   
以Fe(NO3)3·9H2O,Co(NO3)2·6H2O和La2O3为原料,首先制备出晶粒细小的盐渍化碱式碳酸盐前驱体,在400℃、500℃、600℃、700℃、800℃分别烧结1h,制备出CoFe2O4和LaCo0.4Fe0.6O3纳米磁性材料,并用XRD、SEM和IR对样品进行表征,研究了不同的烧结温度和La掺杂对物相的形成及颗粒大小的影响.  相似文献   
Using a unique database on Swedish patents owned by small firms and individuals, survival models estimate how different factors influence the decision to commercialize the patents. Such an analysis has seemingly never previously been undertaken. Since the owners know more about the patents than potential external financiers, problems related to asymmetrical information are present. To overcome these problems when inventors and small technology-based firms need financing, Sweden has for a long time relied on government support rather than private venture capital firms. The empirical results show that the larger is the share of patent-owners’ costs covered by government financial support during the R&D phase, the lower is the probability of patents being commercialized. This lower degree of commercialization is likely to depend on (1) the soft terms of the government loans, where the patent owner can avoid paying back the loan if the patent is never commercialized and/or (2) that the government is not able to select promising projects. The first explanation is related to moral hazard and the second one to adverse selection. The policy suggestion is for government to change the design of the loans, to base them on firms rather than projects.  相似文献   
支持手机检索的技术方案   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄风华 《情报科学》2003,21(12):1311-1313
随着手机的日益普及,人们越来越希望能利用手机从Internet获取各种信息,本文介绍了满足这一需要的两种技术方案。  相似文献   
本文从Fe(OH)2的制备实验角度入手,论述了如何培养学生的创新思维.  相似文献   
东亚地区对流层O3和CO模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文利用全球三维大气化学模式MOZART-2,采用两组不同的污染源数据对东亚地区对流层臭氧(O3)及一氧化碳(CO)浓度的季节变化进行了模拟。通过与观测资料进行对比发现,模拟结果能较好的再现日本南鸟岛站与绫里崎站观测到的季节变化特征。由于这两观测站所处的环流场形势不同,受亚洲大陆污染物出流的影响程度有所差别,两组排放源下CO与O3浓度的模拟差异在两地的表现有所不同,在绫里崎站可以看到CO与O3浓度的模拟差异呈现出比较显著的季节性特征。  相似文献   
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