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摘要:以体育竞技中的使用兴奋剂行为的刑法规制为研究对象,主要通过文献资料法对域外尤其是德国对兴奋剂的规制演变进行分析,并结合我国的现状,提出具有针对性的对策。研究认为:1)随着兴奋剂使用的泛滥化,国际社会开始出现对体育竞技中使用兴奋剂的行为予以刑事处罚的倾向。2)各国的处罚模式主要有两种,即以欺诈罪来规制使用兴奋剂非法获得经济性利益的行为,以故意伤害罪来保护运动员的身体法益。然而这些传统的规制模式存在零散性、滞后性,且缺乏理论自洽性。3)2015年11月德国制定的《体育反兴奋剂使用法》明确了兴奋剂刑事规制所要保护的法益和目的,体系性地划定了需要刑罚化的兴奋剂使用行为。4)为促使我国未来兴奋剂刑事管控的规范化和体系化,应当明确刑事立法所保护的法益、反兴奋剂刑事立法的目标以及处罚的具体范围。  相似文献   
摘要:目的:构建国家赛艇队MH2-划桨技术指标体系。方法:采用Dr.Valery Kleshnev团队研发的赛艇运动生物力学信息采集系统,对国家赛艇队16名MH2-队员进行了划桨技术测试,借助路径分析、因子分析等统计方法构建指标体系。结论:①国家赛艇队MH2-划桨技术指标体系包括艇速、划桨效率、躯干手臂驱动、时间、桨力等五大类指标,对划桨技术的贡献率基本一致;②一个划桨周期中,最大艇速与最小艇速差值、艇速标准差都可以有效反映转桨蹬腿过程中艇速的衰减程度;最大艇速和最小艇速都是越大越好,艇速变化越小越好。国家赛艇队MH2-运动员可以通过减小艇最大加速度、艇倾斜幅度来减小艇速变化;③打滑幅度是影响有效划幅%的重要指标(β=-0.97)。出水打滑、拉桨相对深度、回桨平均高度、回桨最大高度是影响打滑幅度的有效指标。国家赛艇队MH2-运动员可以通过减小出水打滑幅度和回桨最大高度、加大拉桨相对深度和回桨的平均高度来减少打滑幅度;④国家赛艇队MH2-队员躯干手臂驱动幅度和角度的相关系数为-0.92。队员可根据个人用力特点,调整躯干手臂驱动幅度和角度,提高桨力-时间曲线的后弧饱满度;⑤回桨时间是制约拉桨节奏最主要的因素,国家赛艇队MH2-队员可通过减小收腿平均速度和收腿桨角系数缩短回桨时间;⑥国家赛艇队MH2-队员可以通过加快蹬腿速度、减慢拉桨速度,来增大拉桨平均力。  相似文献   
本文回顾了<情报理论与实践>的历史发展,从间接和直接两个角度分析了该刊在情报学领域的地位和影响力.研究表明,情报学的专家、学者对其评价都很高.作为情报学领域的一本核心期刊,其地位很高、影响力很强,并仍在继续发展和进步.  相似文献   
摘要:运用文献资料法,对以五大发展理念引领体育强国建设进行了系统研究发现:以习近平同志为核心的党中央站在中华民族伟大复兴和人类文明发展的历史高度,深刻阐明了以创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享五大发展理念引领我国体育强国建设的新思想和新战略。五大发展理念奠定体育强国建设的理论基础和历史方位、勾划体育强国建设的顶层设计与逻辑进程、彰显体育强国建设的中国担当和方法论启示、凝聚体育强国建设的中国力量、铸就体育强国建设的中国方案。以五大发展理念引领体育强国建设思想是对中国特色社会主义体育发展规律的新认识,丰富和发展了中国特色社会主义理论体系和马克思主义体育思想。研究以五大发展理念引领体育强国建设将深化对中国特色体育发展理念的认识,增强中国体育发展的道路自信。  相似文献   
This study analyzes gains in cognitive components of learning competence with respect to cohorts based on ability tracking in a Czech longitudinal study. Propensity score matching is used to form parallelized samples of academic and non-academic track students and to eliminate the effect of selective school intake. We applied regression models on the total scores to test for the overall track effect. Furthermore, we analyze scores and gains on the subscores and check for differential item functioning in Grade 6 and in change to Grade 9. While after 3 years, no significant difference between the two tracks was apparent in the total learning competence score, we did, however, find significant differences in some subscores and in the functioning of some items. We argue that item-level analysis is important for deeper understanding of the tracking implications and may provide the basis for more precise evidence-based decisions regarding the tracking policy.  相似文献   
摘 要:保护航海权与发展航业需要大量高级航业专门人才,这在很大程度上取决于高等学校航海教育的培养。作为我国近代第一所高等商船学校,吴淞商船专科学校是当时高等学校航海教育中的典范,特别是其颇具特色的系科与课程令人印象深刻。该校系科设置与时俱进,课程具有基础课与专业课并重、学习年限渐增、用书重视外文版、内容关注实用性等特点。尽管由于内忧外患的动荡时局、航海教育专项政策偏少、航海专业性研究水平较低以及商船学校自身的某些不足等原因,吴淞商船专科学校存在系科设置不稳定、课程划分过细与实施不顺利以及内容照搬国外等问题,但是总体上该校的举措对当时高等学校航海教育发展起到了较大的推动作用。  相似文献   
运用AM1和PM3两种SCF-MO方法,通过能量梯度全优化计算,给出5种1-甲氧基环己硅烷类液晶化合物(联苯基乙烷类系列)的稳定几何构型、电子结构和生成热、偶极矩、前沿轨道能级等性质,并结合有机电子理论进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   
This article presents a multi-lagged-input based data-driven adaptive iterative learning control (M-DDAILC) method for nonlinear multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) systems by virtue of multi-lagged-input iterative dynamic linearization (IDL). The original nonlinear and non-affine MIMO system is equivalently transformed into a linear input-output incremental counterpart without loss of dynamics. The proposed learning law utilizes the desired trajectory to cancel the influence from iteration-by-iteration variations, as well as additional multi-lagged inputs to improve control performance. The developed iterative estimation law is more effective and also makes estimation of the unknown parameters easier because the dynamics for each parameter to represent are decreased by dividing the system into multiple components in the multi-lagged-input IDL formulation. Moreover, the proposed M-DDAILC does not need an explicit and accurate model. It is proved to be iteratively convergent with rigorous analysis. Both a numerical example and a practical application to a permanent magnet linear motor are provided to verify the validity and applicability of the proposed method.  相似文献   
In this paper, the synchronization problem of fractional-order neural networks (FNNs) with chaotic dynamics is investigated via the intermittent control strategy. Two types of intermittent control methods, the aperiodic one and the periodic one, are applied to achieve the synchronization of the considered systems. Based on the dynamic characteristics of the intermittent control systems, the piecewise Lyapunov function method is employed to derive the synchronization criteria with less conservatism. The results under the aperiodically intermittent control show more generality than the ones via the periodically intermittent control. For each of the aperiodic and periodic cases, a simple controller design process is presented to show how to design the corresponding intermittent controller. Finally, two numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the obtained theoretical results.  相似文献   
Gas flow has fractional order dynamics; therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the pneumatic systems with a proportional valve to regulate gas flow have fractional order dynamics as well. There is a hypothesis that the fractional order control has better control performance for this inherent fractional order system, although the model used for fractional controller design is integer order. To test this hypothesis, a fractional order sliding mode controller is proposed to control the pneumatic position servo system, which is based on the exponential reaching law. In this method, the fractional order derivative is introduced into the sliding mode surface. The stability of the controller is proven using Lyapunov theorem. Since the pressure sensor is not required, the control system configuration is simple and inexpensive. The experimental results presented indicate the proposed method has better control performance than the fractional order proportional integral derivative (FPID) controller and some conventional integral order control methods. Points to be noticed here are that the fractional order sliding mode control is superior to the integral order sliding mode counterpart, and the FPID is superior to the corresponding integral order PID, both with optimal parameters. Among all the methods compared, the proposed method achieves the highest tracking accuracy. Moreover, the proposed controller has less chattering in the manipulated variable, the energy consumption of the controller is therefore substantially reduced.  相似文献   
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